33_There He was

When Mu Lihai decided to go back a day earlier than planned and settle all the things here, Zhu Kang had told him about a small company gathering organized by their subsidiary company. It was to celebrate Mu Lihai's appearance and hard work during his stay in country X. He looked after the problems and worked on it faster than anyone. He was a good leader, as expected from a president of Mu Enterprise.

Mu Lihai didn't want to go through the trouble, but he had no choice but to show some respect to the senior directors from their subsidiary company. They were all good friends of his father.

The flight took off during afternoon, so Mu Lihai decided to take just around an hour for brunch and then go to the airport.

When he and Zhu Kang arrived at the hotel where the celebration took place, Mu Lihai was escorted to a private room. All of the directors and core managers were there waiting for him. They took some time chatting over some food.

"I thought you will stay longer. Why are you so eager to go back?" one of the directors asked. He had a small smile over his face.

"Yeah, never thought that you're so busy in the HQ. You should relax, president Mu. You're young after all!" another director said with glee. He took a sip over his drink.

"Well.. only when you're young should you work hard for your position. Keep it up, young man." a manager who was around his fifties said with an assuring laugh. He was an old acquaintance of Mu Lihai's father, Mu Zhi.

Mu Lihai didn't feel that awkward as he first thought he would be. Most of these men were older than him but they were friendly. Mu Lihai felt good interacting with them. So he decided to stay a little bit longer.

When Mu Lihai excused himself to catch his flight, he was already standing in front of the hotel entrance where he was waiting for his car. He checked his phone one last time and found that Li Yao still didn't answer his calls. He sighed, feeling aggravated.

To let himself feel better, he opened one of their photos together on a date. Li Yao was standing right behind a glass wall in the high-end restaurant they went to last time. Her look was quiet yet her eyes bore a thousand stars within them. She looked innocent and tranquil in the picture. Beside her was Mu Lihai, with one of his hands stretching in front to take a picture. Their heads touching together and it seemed like Li Yao was leaning against Mu Lihai's shoulder at that time. They looked so perfect together.

Mu Lihai smiled without realizing. He looked so content just from looking at the photo. He missed her so much. He missed hearing her voice, seeing her smile. Knowing that he was far away from her, he felt sad. She didn't have any idea he was out of the country since they weren't in contact for the past few days.

Ah.. now he came to know that he was so much more in love with Li Yao. Since when did this feelings swell and develop to this extent?

Mu Lihai didn't know.

"Young master, the car's here." Zhu Kang told Mu Lihai as he showed the way to the car that was seen approaching the entrance slowly. Mu Lihai nodded.

Just as he was leaving, he bumped into someone and dropped his phone on the ground.


The other person quickly pulled out from his daze as he picked up the phone and handed it to Mu Lihai. But before he could give it away, his eyes unconsciously darted to the screen. He continued staring as if surprised at what he just saw.

"Thanks." Mu Lihai took his phone back. He didn't notice the man's reaction as it was hidden very well.

"Oh don't mention it. I'm sorry for bumping into you." he immediately apologized.

"I'm sorry too. I didn't look ahead." Mu Lihai also apologized then he went away as he was running out of time. He needed to get to the airport real quick. He didn't care to ask for compensating the phone. It looked fine to him.

The flight was about less than five hours so Zhu Kang told him to get some sleep before they arrived.

But how could he sleep when Li Yao was all he could think of in his mind? He was truly worried. It was as if she had cut off all connections with him.

When Mu Lihai finally arrived and got off the plane, Zhu Kang had scolded him for not getting even a little bit of nap. But he didn't care. He instructed Zhu Kang to go to the company for a bit of arrangements so that he could start working again tomorrow.

Before he went to the company, Zhu Kang called a driver for his boss and Mu Lihai instructed him to drive to HL firm. It was already late in the afternoon, Li Yao should be getting off from work soon, he thought of this as he glanced over his Rolex. His eyes misty due to lack of sleep as he surpassed a yawn.

Meanwhile in HL firm's second division office, Head Attorney Wang was being very considerate of Li Yao's situation. He thought that she was still having a hard time accepting the fact that her mother's accident was deliberate. It must be tough to have to tell someone about it.

And the one involved was none other than her own boyfriend, even.

Head Attorney Wang offered Li Yao to give her a ride home so that he could consult on her more while on the way. He was planning to fish out the truth from her own mouth regarding president Mu.

He was lying if he said that he wasn't the least bothered about Li Yao dating the president. He was the most important client of HL firm after all. But beyond that, he felt his ego was challenged. He was sure that Li Yao and president Mu didn't even know each other before the meeting from both sides. So how could they become a couple in such a short amount of time?

He was very sure that Li Yao liked him. The way she blushed whenever he was with her was something so obvious that even he was aware of it on the very first day.

But how could she change so suddenly? And her affection for him only amount to that much? He couldn't quite accept it.


The car stopped and Mu Lihai arrived in front of HL firm building. He and Li Yao had an agreement of not showing themselves at each other's workplace. It was a mutual agreement to make sure that no gossips would be made about them, at least until they were ready to go public.

Mu Lihai really wanted to go public and announced to the whole world that Li Yao was his but he put down the idea before he could bring her to see his parents. She agreed. Li Yao also wanted to lay low for them to get to know each other better.

But today, he would be breaching the agreement.

He wanted to see her safe and sound right before his eyes or else he wouldn't be satisfied.

Just as that thought crossed his mind, he saw Li Yao walking out from the building. A tinge of worry was swept away from his heart and was replaced with calm and peaceful emotions. How he was thankful that Li Yao was alright.

But she wasn't alone.

Li Yao walked alongside a man he hadn't seen before. From the way it looked, the man seemed like her superior at work. He was tall and handsome. There was an air of maturity surrounding him.

Li Yao seemed reserved around the man but she was smiling genuinely. Mu Lihai couldn't control the constriction in his chest as he saw what kind of eyes that man was making while he gazed over Li Yao.

A gaze that he believed he also had.

A gaze of a man in love.

Mu Lihai's hands clenched into fists. What was this feeling?

He felt hurt and suffocated.

This was the first time he ever felt this way. He had been worrying about her since last week but there she was- going to work like nothing ever happened. She didn't even reply to his messages.

Mu Lihai took a fine deep breath and he exhaled. His body was slightly trembling due to cold. The weather was at its lowest around this time but he didn't care.

He picked out his phone and called Li Yao's number.

Li Yao didn't see Mu Lihai from afar as she was being escorted to Head Attorney Wang's car. When she realized that her phone was buzzing, she fished it out from her handbag. When she saw the caller ID, she felt a little bit sullen.

She wanted to talk with Mu Lihai. She didn't want to continue being passive. She thought of how worried he might be when she didn't answer his calls or messages since last Friday.

Li Yao pushed the green button and answered the call.

".. Li Yao, where are you?" a familiar sweet voice she once remembered was replaced with a hoarse and restrained one.

"I'm done with work. Mu Lihai, I'm sorry for not answering your call. I want to see you." Li Yao after hearing his voice, wanted to really see him. She missed him so much.

Mu Lihai saw her talking to her phone from a few feet away. He saw her countenance slightly brightening upon talking to him.

At that moment, the weird and unpleasant feelings he got were thrown elsewhere and far away.

'How childish..' he chided himself. How could he be jealous of someone who wasn't even his rival? That man for all he knew- wasn't even allowed in the game, much less became his rival.

'I'm so stupid.' he remarked.

"Mu Lihai..?" a fairy-like voice assaulted his ears and he once again faced her way.

"Hm.. Li Yao, look in front of you." he told her.

"Huh?" Li Yao nevertheless followed his instruction. When she faced the front, her eyes scanned the area and they saw him.

Her face surprised and her eyes widened.

He didn't abide by their agreement!

What if someone saw and recognized him?!

Li Yao felt like facepalming herself but more than that, she felt an overwhelming sense of security. When she thought of how much she missed him and wanted to see him- there he was. Right before her eyes.

Li Yao immediately walked towards Mu Lihai and ber steps quickly became faster. Her face was smiling happily and that was enough to tell him that he was her man and nobody else's.

When she was near, he also took a few steps to close the distance. Then their body collided into a hug. Li Yao clung to the man's back and hooked her hands from behind to his shoulders. Mu Lihai snaked his arms around her tiny waist as he pulled her closer. There was nothing that could go in between the couple. Their body seemed like it was one.

Some passerbys noticed their public display of affection and they stared at the couple while murmuring something.