
The next morning.

"What are you going to do with the report?" Mu Lihai inquired. He had read the whole report and Li Yao's mother's diary.

And he was utterly confused. He couldn't think of anything other than punishing Li Yao's relatives who took her inheritance away.

"I will turn it into official evidence for the court. I asked Head Attorney Wang for help and he's willing to help me." Li Yao said. They were both in the car heading to HL firm.

"Mu Lihai..?" Li Yao turned to the man who was focused on driving.


"How did you get away from the accident? I mean.. the charges and all.." she asked slowly. It was a sensitive topic.

"I honestly don't know." his answer made her widened her eyes slightly.

"You don't know?"

"I was really agitated because of the incident. My mind failed me and plus with my body condition- it was raining at that time you see.. and yeah, I heard from my parents that I actually passed out due to high fever. I was unconscious for two days. I don't know what happened during those two days." Mu Lihai said honestly. He really had no idea what transpired during the time he was unconscious.

All he remembered was how cold the surrounding was. And how he felt like he had gotten frost bite from the chill. Perhaps it was psychological. He didn't know.

"But I can ask my parents if you want. They were the ones who settled the issue." Mu Lihai side-glanced Li Yao who was silent beside him.

"Li Yao..?" he called her.


"Did you hear me just now?" his face showed concern.

"Ah yes. Your parents.." Li Yao stiffened slightly in her seat and he noticed it.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"I haven't meet your parents yet. I don't know what they will think me after knowing who I am." her voice sullen and it pricked Mu Lihai's heart a little.

"Don't worry too much. All that matters is that we're together." Mu Lihai ran his fingers on Li Yao's hand. Gripping it tightly to give her strength. While his other hand was on the steering wheel.

"Let's meet them this weekend, how about it?" he suggested and Li Yao nodded. She felt that it was good to see them soon as she really needed to know how they settled the matter six years ago.

There was no pain in her eyes but determination.

Li Yao returned the grip and she squeezed his hand tightly with a small smile on her face.


In Second Division Office of HL firm, Li Yao came in as she was greeted with her co-workers. Her brows tilted upward because of the sudden development.

She just took a day off yesterday and now things went weird?

She saw Assistant Attorney Ye approaching her and she greeted the woman who was clad in a professional suit and a pencil skirt.

"Li Yao, follow me to my office." the woman smiled.

After Li Yao took a seat in the office, Assistant Attorney Ye went straight to the point.

"You've been nominated as a best rookie lawyer of HL firm."

"What?" Li Yao froze.

"You heard me. It's for the firm's annual celebration." Assistant Attorney Ye said.

Li Yao had heard it before. Like any other big companies, HL firm was the biggest law firm in the country. So it was natural for HL firm to have an annual party celebration and their own lawyer's award to honor their best accomplished lawyers in the firm.

"But.. I'm a newcomer..?" Li Yao said, bewildered by the sudden news.

"That's why it's a nomination for best rookie award." Assistant Attorney Ye said and Li Yao could feel her tone getting proud.

"Lawyers from our second division has never been nominated for best rookie award after Head Attorney Wang's time. That was several years ago." the assistant said proudly. She was really happy.

There was rarely a great candidate for newcomers because newcomers often made mistakes and they weren't as competent as senior lawyers. But to think that Li Yao was nominated for this year's event, Assistant Attorney Ye was elated. She was proud because she was the one who mentored Li Yao during her internship other than Head Attorney Wang.

"Are you surprised?" she asked Li Yao.

"Yes.. of course I am. It just seems surreal." Li Yao answered. She was aware of how great the honor of getting the award was. Because it was HL firm they were talking about!

The biggest law firm in the country! This was where talented lawyers and attorneys gathered and worked. Li Yao was content with just a chance of working here but to get nominated for an award? That was like a dream came true!

She felt happy that her job was acknowledged. As her thoughts wandered, she thought of one person to share the news with.

After some talk with Assistant Attorney Ye, Li Yao excused herself to the pantry for a cup of coffee before she started her work.

While making her own coffee, she dialed Mu Lihai's number and waited until he picked up.

Mu Lihai was on his way to a meeting. He halted his steps just before he walked inside the conference room. Frowning, he took out his phone from his suit jacket and saw Li Yao's number. His demeanor changed instantly. There was a gentle smile on his face as he picked up the call and Zhu Kang- his assistant immediately knew who he was talking to.

"Tsk.. shoving dog food early in the morning.." he couldn't help but sigh.

"Hey.." Mu Lihai's voice was sweet and charming.

"Mu Lihai, sorry for calling you. Are you busy?" Li Yao's tone was merry and he knew that she was in a good mood.

"I'm not. Did something good happen?" Mu Lihai unconsciously peered open the door to the conference room and he went inside to take his seat at the center of the long glass table. Zhu Kang followed behind him and put all the files necessary for today's meeting in front of him.

All of the company managers and employees looked at Mu Lihai as if he was an alien. They were surprised to see him smiling tenderly. Although Mu Lihai wasn't a cold person and he treated his employees well, he was famous for keeping his distance from anyone. He didn't like it when his personal space was breached. As if there were several walls hovering around him.

But somehow today, it seemed as if his walls were broken and there was finally a clear view of himself.

'Was that his girlfriend?'

'Perhaps his mother, the madam?'

'Nah.. that must be his lover!'

Everyone in the room was talking in telepathy. As if they could read each other's mind, they all agreed that Mu Lihai must be talking to his lover.

"I was nominated as the best rookie lawyer award! The party is in two weeks and the nomination was announced just this morning." Li Yao was giggling all the time. She was feeling happy and giddy inside when she heard his congratulations on the phone.

"Shall we celebrate with dinner?" he asked in his ever so sweet voice that she liked.

"But I bought too many groceries yesterday.. hmm. Oh, how about.. we cook together tonight?" Li Yao asked with quite a bit of worry. She was afraid that he would decline her suggestion and it made him all the more amazing. He liked it when she asked him like this.

As if she was his wife asking for her husband's permission.

"Sure, I'll see you soon." he said.

"Okay! Have a good day at work, Mu Lihai." Li Yao tried to suppress her happiness but it failed in the end.

And as if confirming his employees' thoughts and idea, Mu Lihai called for Li Yao's attention again before she hung up.

"Yes?" she asked back.

"I love you." he said. As soon as the word came out, everyone in the room- especially women burst out in a silent wail. Mu Lihai was hot- a good product material, who in the world wouldn't want to get a chance with him?

Li Yao also burst. But her definition of bursting was obviously different with his employees. She had flowers and love emoticons around her and it was a blinding sight.

As soon as they called off, Mu Lihai turned to look in front of him and saw that his employees were in a daze. Ignoring them, he started the meeting straightaway.

Li Yao finished making coffee and she was just about to go to her desk when she bumped into someone.

"Sorry-" she saw that it was Head Attorney Wang.

"Congratulations, miss Li." he congratulated her. He actually heard everything back in the pantry. He saw how happy she was when talking to Mu Lihai. He couldn't help but feel irritated and purposely bumping into her.

"Oh, you heard.." Li Yao smiled and thanked Head Attorney Wang. She was referring to her nomination.

"You took a day off yesterday. I hope you're fine now." the man said with concern in his tone. He saw Li Yao getting in the car with Mu Lihai the day before yesterday when he suddenly showed up in front of the building.

Head Attorney Wang was just about to fetch his car but Mu Lihai beat him to it. He really wanted to bring Li Yao home but luck just wasn't on his side.

He had a hunch that Li Yao was with Mu Lihai all day yesterday when she suddenly told the office that she wouldn't be coming to work.

Head Attorney Wang was a rational man. He was patient and considerate. A kind superior. But lately, he found himself getting irritated by something he himself didn't know well. And it was all about Li Yao.

He felt good when she found him to discuss about the matter regarding her mother and her relatives. He felt a connection with Li Yao. But knowing that Mu Lihai also had something to do with the case, and her intention to not press charges against him- Head Attorney Wang was annoyed.