45_Shower Together

Li Yao stared at Mu Lihai for a good one minute. Inspecting his body as if she was about to buy some fresh meat. She didn't even realize that her palm was already on his chest. She was rendered speechless by her own action and so did Mu Lihai.

The man dropped the cabbage he was holding and faced her, he had that look where he was unsure of what she was thinking about.

".. Why are you touching me?" Mu Lihai raised one of his eyebrows. He had that inquiring gaze.

But somehow, Li Yao thought of something else when she saw his gaze. Her cheeks reddened and she quickly retracted her hand.

"What are you thinking about..?" Mu Lihai couldn't help but curved a smirk over his mouth. So his girlfriend was thinking of something else..

Something good.. perhaps?

Seeing his reaction when she didn't answer, Li Yao slapped his shoulder lightly and told him to close the lid or else the water might spill. She told him to pay attention and never to tease her again.

Mu Lihai didn't want it to stop there but seeing her easily blushed like that, he was afraid she would burst. And Li Yao indeed was feeling conflicted, how could she think of something weird when her hand was on his chest! She really would burst into bubbles if this went on. She was embarrassed.

When Li Yao began to walk out of the kitchen, Mu Lihai was still washing the veggies, he tilted his head and asked where she was going.

"I'm taking a shower before we start the cooking." she told him.

Mu Lihai's shoulder dropped and he pouted.

"?!" Li Yao couldn't believe it!

The great president of Mu Enterprise was pouting in front of her! He was pouting because she was stepping out of the kitchen and leaving him alone.

"Wh- what?" she stuttered her question. Still taken aback by what she saw. He was so cute!

"I want a shower too." he said. Then he put down all the veggies and walked straight to Li Yao.

"I'm cold. Need a warm shower." Mu Lihai swiftly went to lock Li Yao in his arms and sure enough, his hands were cold. Maybe due to the water running on his hands while washing the vegetables in the sink.

"How easily can you become cold like this?" Li Yao uttered her question that she actually held for a long time.

She initially didn't have the intention to ask him but after she touched his hands, she now became worried.

"It's very easy for me to feel cold. But don't worry, it usually happens only during winter so.." Mu Lihai tried to pacify the woman whose face now laced with bad thoughts and worries.

He didn't like her worrying about him unnecessarily. He should be the one to protect her and provide her with security and safety. He wanted her to be worry-free.

While Mu Lihai was in his mind thinking- he was suddenly jolted back to reality when he found himself being dragged to the bedroom and then the bathroom inside it.

"Li Yao-" he couldn't finish his question when she asked him to strip. He became frozen.

His sweet little lover was so bold!

"Now." Li Yao urged Mu Lihai again. And he obliged like a kid did to his strict mother.

He was now topless and he thought she wouldn't want him to continue so he faced her again for confirmation. Li Yao was still looking at him as if waiting for him to get to it already. Again, he froze.

Was she for real? Where was the usual timid and shy girlfriend of his? Not like he was complaining. He quite loved it when she became bold like this. He loved every side of Li Yao.

Then, Mu Lihai undid his pants and they slide down his slender and slim legs. Leaving him with only his underwear on.

Li Yao turned away almost immediately and her face was red again. She took a small stool near her and she told him to sit while undoing his briefs. Now he was in his birthday suit, glory and mighty in the bathroom.

Li Yao ran a shower head on his hair and Mu Lihai groaned lightly. He felt comfortable with the warmth that came surging in his body when the water ran down from his head to his neck and shoulder.

A few minutes later, Li Yao was already scrubbing bubbles on Mu Lihai's body. His jet black hair was silky and she loved touching it.

"Hmm.." he hummed softly when Li Yao was scrubbing him. He liked the circular motion that she did on his back. It felt wonderful.

When she was done showering him, Li Yao told Mu Lihai to wait outside. She wanted to take her own shower now. But Mu Lihai didn't want to. He wanted to return the favor. Li Yao refused so many times but she was helpless against him. She finally agreed on his twentieth try.

With a face so red, she undid her top in front of him. She finally realized what she did to him earlier. She actually asked him to strip before her. What had gotten to her?! So brazen. This was not like her at all.

Mu Lihai changed her day by day. And these changes were making her feel embarrassed to death.

"Um.. sorry." Li Yao said meekly.

"Why?" Mu Lihai looked at her.

".. Because.. I asked you to strip.." Li Yao's face was facing her toes. She was going to find a hole to fit in after this.

Mu Lihai stiffled a laugh but it still broke by the end. His laughter brought warmth to her heart and she felt full with just his laugh. Although she couldn't say it due to her embarrassment.

Later, Mu Lihai showered Li Yao the same she did to him. It took him numerous painful efforts to stay sane while washing her naked body. The entire shower, he was silent while trying to suppress his desire. His gaze over her beautiful glistening flesh was great. Even Li Yao could feel it although her back was facing him.

It made her feel suffocated because of his lustful gaze boring onto her but his magical hands which were doing some massages helped to keep her relaxed. Mu Lihai did the same circular motion on Li Yao's back and he massaged her with his own technique. Li Yao found him good at massage and he told her he knew it because his father often massaged his mother back then when he was still young. He picked up the skills from his father.

"When we're married, I'll massage you a lot, okay? So you can relax whenever you come home from work." Mu Lihai whispered sweetly in her ear.

Hearing the word 'married', Li Yao didn't say anything except for a gentle smile appearing on her face. As if driven by her sudden surging emotions, Li Yao turned her head behind and locked her lips hastily on Mu Lihai's.

She said nothing but a nod gave away her real feelings for him: she wanted to marry him one day. And they would be together forever.