48_He Just didn't Know

Mu Lihai's BMW X3 stopped near HL firm building, just a few blocks away.

"That looks good." Mu Lihai eyed the container in Li Yao's hands. She was holding two in her hands. One for him and another for her. He found it lovely how the containers seemed to be matching in color.

Li Yao smiled happily. She woke up early to prepare the food and she was satisfied by her hard work.

"Eat this when you get to the office okay?" she told Mu Lihai. Li Yao recently watched a television show on how to cook Japanese cuisine so she wanted to try.

This was her first time making a bento. She hoped it would suit his taste.

"Okay." Mu Lihai nodded then urged Li Yao to come closer so she immediately unbuckled the seatbelt in her passenger seat. She sauntered towards him who was in the driver seat beside her and Mu Lihai caught Li Yao's lips in a deep kiss that took her breath away.

"But I prefer to eat this early in the morning though." With that black suit and red tie on, Mu Lihai playfully licked his lower lip smugly. He looked kind of devilish yet charming up to the sky. Li Yao couldn't help but gulp inwardly.

How was that possible?

He made her stomach churn out of the blue. But Li Yao didn't have the intention to complain since she had started to love every side of him.

While she was still in a daze, Mu Lihai took the blue container from her hands with a soft grin.

"Now, go. You're going to be late." Mu Lihai patted the woman's head with a look of adoration in his eyes.

Then they parted. Li Yao went inside HL building with a great spirit to start the day.


"Miss Li, good morning." as soon as she went inside the second division office, Li Yao was greeted by Head Attorney Wang.

"Good morning, Head Attorney Wang." Li Yao returned the greeting with a slight smile.

"About your personal case. I've handled the procedure for you. What would you like me to do now?" Head Attorney Wang asked as he looked around to see if there was someone nearby. He knew she wanted to keep it a secret.

"Oh, about that. Sorry I forgot. How do you think is possible for me to solve the issue?" Li Yao put down her handbag on her desk. She really forgot about her mother's case and those cunning relatives of hers. She couldn't be busy these days so how could she forget?

Only one thing came to mind.

Mu Lihai.

As soon as the name appeared in her head, Li Yao sighed inwardly. All she could think of lately was him. Mu Lihai had her wrapped around his little fingers.

He just didn't know.

"You forgot..?" Head Attorney Wang raised his brow, seemingly puzzled. Li Yao wouldn't forget important things such as the case, would she?

"Yes.. I'm sorry." Li Yao wasn't intending to lie to the man.

"But still, I want to thank you for helping me, Head Attorney Wang. I feel that I can trust you to handle the case. I'll pay for however much you charge for this case, don't worry." Li Yao said enthusiastically. She really believed in the man's ability to handle the case for her.

Head Attorney Wang became awestruck when he saw her genuine smile. Li Yao was always a reserved person. It was hard to see her smile like just now. She seemed worry-free and happy.

But somehow, he thought it had something to do with her boyfriend- the president of Mu Enterprise. Li Yao might be thinking of that man at this moment. And why did that thought come crashing in his head- he didn't know.

"Let's discuss this another time when we're both free. How about a meeting outside?" Head Attorney Wang suggested. He wanted to take this chance to ask her out, perhaps for lunch or dinner.

Li Yao contemplated for a while then she agreed. As a client, she needed to discuss things in-depth with her lawyer whom she hired herself. She thought it might be a good opportunity for her to ask and suggest anything reliable to Head Attorney Wang.

After talking for a while, Head Attorney Wang returned to his office and Li Yao began to do her job. She opened a file about the case that Head Attorney Wang previously handed to her which Assistant Attorney Ye couldn't handle since she was busy with her own task.

It didn't take long for her to get serious and so focused on her task at hand. The same two women who had belittled Li Yao about how she was getting an unjust favor in the company clicked their tongue in contempt. They were still holding a grudge against Li Yao. And since they both saw how close Li Yao and Head Attorney Wang were conversing together, they got jealous and bitter.

"Slut. She's not that great." the first woman sneered. She disliked the attention that Li Yao was getting from the company. Even the nomination for best rookie lawyer came into Li Yao's hand.

"I bet she slept her way up to the directors for that award." the second woman chimed in. Showing disgust for Li Yao in her tone.

They weren't aware of how Assistant Attorney Ye was looking at their way with an indescribable face. She stood not quite far from where they were and she heard everything they said.

"Some bitches just won't learn, yes?" the assistant murmured alone with arms crossed. Then she disappeared into her own office looking pretty disappointed.


Mu Lihai arrived in his office with a tablet in his hands that was handed to him by his assistant, Zhu Kang. He was looking at the stock market price early in the morning. Analyzing the chart and graph just by using his head. Mu Lihai stared deeply into the screen without making a sound.

Zhu Kang arrived an hour earlier than Mu Lihai so he had already prepared a lot of things to do by today.

When he heard nothing from his boss after several minutes had passed, Zhu Kang tilted his head up from his own tablet he was holding. Then he heard Mu Lihai said something that almost made his brain rack up due to shock.