51_Overblown French Kiss

Li Yao was feeling giddy inside when she managed to get back at her boyfriend. Putting down her phone on the desk, she resumed her work with ease.

But it didn't stay long when Head Attorney Wang came over to her desk and asked her if she would like to have their meeting later for dinner. He wanted to discuss their course of actions so that he could make working with the police much easier since this involved blackmailing and threats.

Li Yao felt really grateful because Head Attorney Wang was willing to put out his other case just so he could help her with her personal one. He was so kind towards her. And he worked fast too. He already had solutions to her problems.

But nothing was more important than Mu Lihai. The love of her life. He sounded very sad when he asked her to call him darling again. And she wanted to see him and called him that again as she promised. How could she go to a meeting with Head Attorney Wang?

She still remembered how selfish she had behaved when she ignored his messages and calls before. She didn't want to be selfish again. And she definitely didn't want to be disappointing him today.

"I'm sorry, Head Attorney Wang. I think I can't make it today. How about tomorrow afternoon?" Li Yao suggested.

Her words cut deep into the man. Head Attorney Wang had bo choice but to mask his expression well. He actually heard her phone conversation with Mu Lihai. He didn't mean to eavesdrop but she just looked so happy he was curious. Li Yao was always minding her own appearance around others but she seemed very bright just now. Like anything else wasn't significant in her eyes.

'So she turns me down just to wait for him to to fetch her again..' his heart bled for unknown reason.

But it wasn't exactly unknown.

He already got the clue. He liked Li Yao. He liked his own junior at work. But that fact alone made his ego soar up high and he couldn't get himself to believe it. He liked his junior who didn't like him back.

He thought she liked him first. But now it wasn't the case.

'How fleeting..' he said inwardly.

"Alright, we'll discuss over lunch." he put up a smile for Li Yao. She noticed him forcing a smile but she ignored it, thinking that it was just her imagination.


As working hours ended, Li Yao walked over to the familiar X3. She counted her blessings and put up the most confident smile on her face.

Li Yao was now reaping what she sowed. She didn't really want to say the word 'darling' again. It was embarrassing. She felt it wasn't necessary as they weren't married yet. There was no need for such catchy endearments right? She just did that as a payback for him.

But as soon as she opened the door and saw that Mu Lihai was resting his head against the steering wheel, her heart thumped loudly.

He had his two arms on the upper part of the steering wheel while his head was on his arms. He looked so laid back and relaxed in that position. She could mistake the steering wheel for his pillow!

All of a sudden, her confidence broke and went flying out the window. Mu Lihai knew what she was up to and a smirk was plastered on his lips.

"So you won't call me DARLING again, my dear?" he enunciated the word 'darling' with a heavy cream of his sweet, melodic voice.

Li Yao stiffened upon hearing him using his voice to the advantage. She really liked his voice, damn it! It wasn't husky or deep- just sweet. He could sing the most high-pitch songs with ease using his voice. But she wouldn't tell him that. Never!

But his voice was only second to his eyes. Li Yao actually put his eyes on the number one of the list she loved about him. From the first time she saw him, Mu Lihai's gaze on her was the most penetrating. The way he looked at her like she was his whole life made her insides convulse with too many butterflies.

And now, he was looking at her, gazing over her with such tender eyes. Those black obsidian retina.. Li Yao couldn't stand it.

"D- darling.." Li Yao immediately covered her face with both her palms. Her voice shook with embarrassment.

How could he do this to her, she thought.

When Li Yao received no reply from the man sitting beside her, she slowly retracted her hands from her face. She was surprised to see that his face was now just an inch away from hers. His breath tickled her nose and it caused her to flinch.

"You're so cute, dear.." he said. his voice low and intoxicating.

"Not.. cute.." Li Yao answered in a daze.

"Hm?" he tilted his head, the smirk on his face didn't vanish. He looked so devilish it made her heart fly.

"I'm not cute.." she continued. Fighting with her consience to not demand a kiss from Mu Lihai although she was secretly wishing for it.

"And why are you not cute?" he asked. His face now moved even closer.

"B- because.. you're the one who's cute.." Li Yao muttered under her breath in which Mu Lihai still caught up with the words.

And why was he cute?

Li Yao remembered the time where she saved him from getting hit by the car. She saw his attire where he wore quite a bundle of sweaters. She also remembered his flushed face when drunk. He looked quite cute back then. And when he demanded her to call him darling again, she saw the cuteness in him to be overloaded.

"Why am I cute now.. my dear?" Mu Lihai inquired slowly. He really wanted to hear her thoughts about how he was cute in her eyes.

"I won't tell you. Definitely!" Li Yao turned her face away to the window but Mu Lihai wouldn't take that kind of answer.

He had his one hand holding Li Yao's chin and turned her head back at him. He was wearing his usual black gloves and he looked overly mature in this getup. Contrary with what Li Yao said about him being cute.

When Li Yao didn't answer. Mu Lihai gave up as he pushed his lips towards hers. Their lips crashed against each other and Li Yao quickly returned the kiss with fervor. Mu Lihai could sense that she was actually waiting for the kiss and his smile broke satisfactorily.

They played and danced together, playing dominance and dancing the tango. Li Yao learned from Mu Lihai and she was now the best kisser ever. No one was better at giving him what he wanted other than Li Yao. She was now his graduate apprentice.

"Mmnh.." Li Yao's moan slipped up when Mu Lihai shoved his tongue deeper inside her mouth.

He had one hand on her nape and another around her shoulder. Securing her to his body. While Li Yao's hands circled on his shoulders up to the back of his head. Ruffling his hair, sticking her fingers deeper into his locks.

They finished their overblown French kiss after about five minutes. That too- they parted with regrets that their lips couldn't stay glued together forever.