59_A Clean Slate

They had lunch together and everything was going great. Li Yao was polite and Mu Ruan liked her immediately. Mu Zhi acted like himself- calm and not talking much to stranger, but he was actually satisfied with Li Yao.

They both thought that their son had chosen a right woman to love. Despite Li Yao not being in a prominent or known family like themselves. Mu Ruan and Mu Zhi didn't care about her background as long as their only son was happy.

In the dining table after lunch was over, Mu Lihai's parents and Li Yao were talking about her job as a lawyer. They asked her many things and they got to know that she worked in the largest law firm in the country, HL firm.

"So you're one of their representatives who are going to work with us for a while.." Mu Zhi hummed in response. He was surprised when he got to know that Li Yao was HL firm's representative who was chosen to work alongside the legal department of Mu Enterprise.

Because not everyone was lucky enough to secure a place in the legal department of their company- Mu Zhi knew this. This representative thing was just a trial to look for outside talented corporate lawyers. But it was also true that Mu Lihai needed an outside legal team to handle the reshuffling.

"Yes, master Mu. Although I'm just new in the field, I'll make sure to get every experience count." Li Yao said as she smiled. One could see that she was very passionate about her job. She liked being a lawyer.

Mu Zhi nodded but he didn't say anything. His first thought of Mu Lihai bringing a girl back was priceless. He actually didn't believe it at first but when Mu Lihai indeed acknowledged Xu Cheng's words that he had a girlfriend, he knew his son was serious. He admitted that Mu Lihai had been good these days. He could see his son living his life to the fullest. Not like before.

"Mom, dad. Li Yao actually has something to say to you guys. And it's important." Mu Lihai suddenly told them. The lunch was over and aunty Zhu was in the kitchen, washing the dishes while they moved to the living room.

A maid came out from the kitchen under aunty Zhu's order, to deliver a tray of refreshments and tea. Li Yao took a glass from the maid and uttered her thanks.

"That sounds really important. What is it?" Mu Zhi then retracted from his line of thoughts as he faced his son.

"Why? Don't tell me.. Li Yao's pregnant?" Mu Ruan blurted out without blinking an eye.

She even got Li Yao's treasured reaction. A cough while choking on water. The glass in Li Yao's hand shook and her eyes became misty due to the sudden reaction in her throat.

"What? No!" Mu Lihai took a tissue paper on the coffee table and he handed it to Li Yao. He swiftly went to her side and rubbed her back up and down in a gentle manner.

"Are you alright?" he asked Li Yao softly, as to not terrify her. His sweet voice turned mellower because of this.

This sight threw the parents speechless. Their son knew how to take care of a woman? Their son was acting very carefully around a woman?

Wow.. that was a first.

They could literally see love emoticons in the air. Mu Lihai really treasured this woman. She might be their soon-to-be daughter in law.

"Excuse me." Li Yao apologized for her over-the-top reaction. But who could blame her? That was unexpected and unpredictable.

"Oh no.. it's okay. I'm sorry for saying that. I mean.. what other important thing would you tell us besides that?" Mu Ruan said as she covered her big smile which was barely covered at all.

"She'll tell you in the study." he said as Mu Lihai gestured for the maid to escort his parents and Li Yao to the common study.

Mu Ruan and her husband raised their brows in question. What was so important that they needed to be in the study to talk about it?

When they were already in the study, getting comfortable in their seats, Mu Lihai asked his parents to not overreact. He also asked not to put pressure on Li Yao. His parents started to feel weird and curious but they nodded to his request before he took his leave and left Li Yao alone with his parents.

He wanted to accompany her but Li Yao refused. She just smiled and told him to wait outside.

When things got quiet, Li Yao turned her head to face Mu Lihai's parents. Her heart was beating vigorously and she took a deep breath to calm herself down. She was glad that his parents didn't dislike her on their first introduction. But she couldn't say the same regarding what she was about to say to them.

"First of all, I'm sorry if I ever make you feel uncomfortable for bringing this topic up. But I just want a clean slate. I want to make things clear." she started.

Seeing no response from both madam and master Mu. She took something from her handbag. They were waiting for her to finish.

Li Yao then put a file on the table across her where Mu Ruan and Mu Zhi were sitting right before her. Mu Ruan was the first to move. She took the file and opened it. Her eyes trailing down the words written on it. She flapped the paper slowly and her hands began to tremble.

A clean slate? This was what she meant?

"What's the meaning of this?" she asked with her cheerful countenance now turned to something completely opposite.

Sitting beside his wife, Mu Zhi had taken a peek while she read through everything. So he also knew what was going on.

"I'm the daughter of the woman who died six years ago, Li Yao." she said as her hands started to turn cold. Mu Lihai's parents's expression wasn't good at all.

"So you're now his girlfriend. Are you.. perhaps.." Mu Ruan couldn't finish her own words. She wanted to ask whether Li Yao came here to demand compensation or apology. Or even revenge.

But it didn't make sense to her. Because it looked like Mu Lihai also knew about it. He was aware of what Li Yao was talking about.

When that thought crossed her mind, Mu Ruan instinctively circled her eyes in surprise. She knew about her son condition. He was deeply traumatized when the accident happened. He broke down very terribly. He couldn't even support himself as he cried out his apology. He was in pain. And until now it had remained as a scar.

"What.. what is this supposed to mean? What's your purpose for telling us?" Mu Ruan closed her eyes as the memory of her son's breakdown was replayed in her mind.

Her voice came out cold and the initial warmth she let out earlier was now nowhere in sight. Li Yao shivered inwardly as the penetrating gaze of the man beside the trembling madam Mu came to her eyes. Mu Zhi was looking at her with hawk eyes. A look that demanded every explanation. It was truly befitting to call him the former president of Mu Enterprise, he was a legend in his own time.