63_The Talk

Mu Lihai was sitting in the living room watching the television with a bored expression. While Li Yao was taking her shower inside the master bedroom, he had washed himself in another bathroom near the kitchen. It was a quick shower. He had brought a number of clothes a few days ago and stored them in her closet. This apartment was now his temporary second home.

When he was staring blankly at the screen, watching the ads playing, he didn't notice the presence of his girlfriend sitting beside him until the sofa dipped slightly.

Mu Lihai turned to face Li Yao who was now smiling with her usual face, unlike earlier. Good. She had regained herself.

"You took a shower." she said.

"Yeah.." he just nodded absentmindedly. He could smell the body wash product used on her body. The fragrance was inciting. But he was still in the mood of getting angry. So he wouldn't give in easily.

Li Yao saw him facing the television again. She had an urge to sigh but instead she chuckled. Her little gesture brought his attention back. Then Li Yao raised her hand to do his fringe on Mu Lihai's forehead. It was messily wet due to the shower he took.

The outside was cold since it was January. The snow was terrible but it wasn't mass. In fact, this was the original amount of snow pouring down in this city. But Li Yao could sense that Mu Lihai was freezing. He tried to cover it up like he usually did.

"Come closer." she said while still working on his hair. Her temperament was that of a gentle mother coaxing her child. This type of Li Yao was rare and it only appeared when she was greatly concerned about him.

Mu Lihai didn't say anything but he leaned closer to her body. Li Yao's warmth gradually radiated towards him and he felt a blissful sensation. Still, he wouldn't give in.

"What are you, a kid?" Li Yao giggled softly when she saw him protesting silently.

"I won't talk to you." he said.

"But you just did." her laugh intensified.

"It doesn't work that way." he countered childishly.

"Oh it does.. and you did it twice." Li Yao rubbed Mu Lihai's head over like a little kid he was. She suddenly had a thought about their children in the future.

Was this how their child would act when they were in protest? Her face became gentle as soon as the thought crossed over. Mu Lihai looked at her and he sighed. Fine, he could never win against her anyway. And this was the first time he had been angry at her in the span of their relationship. So he didn't know how to do it right. Meaning- he didn't know how to get angry.

"Have you gathered your thoughts? Is it okay now?" Mu Lihai asked Li Yao with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes. I just needed time and you gave me time. Thank you, darling." Li Yao pecked his cheek and Mu Lihai. froze. He really liked her calling him that way. And everytime she did, it was always at the unexpected moment.

"Well.. it's not that long to gather your thoughts. Just don't make it more than an hour next time." he told her with a cheeky smile on his face. Li Yao laughed as she pulled him to lean his head on her lap.

Now he was laying down on the sofa with his head on her lap. The series playing on the television was ignored and it was no longer relevant to the two of them. The outside was cold due to winter but their closeness was enough to repel the ice. The tranquility was apparently there, slowly surrounding the two of them. This talk was succeeding. Mu Lihai then had a thought.

"Where is your friend?" he asked. He remembered Li Yao telling him that her friend was currently staying over. He never met this friend yet.

"Oh that- she went back yesterday. She said she didn't want to impose." Meng Rou told her that she recovered fast and she needed to do something as well.

Mu Lihai just nodded. Like Li Yao, he also wanted to learn about her family and friends. He currently knew about her family- which was now gone, with her evil relatives trying to dry out her parents' wealth. But he never met her friends yet. Li Yao told him it was complicated and that she had long cut the contacts with her trusted friends. She now just had this one friend whose name he didn't bother asking. Mu Lihai thought that he would just ask once he saw her face to face.

He didn't know that Li Yao's friend was actually someone he knew, Wang Meng Rou. A low-key talented hacker with an alias name of Mantis. She was famous but in a low-key manner. Many influential people loved her talent in the world of hacking and would like to be her client. He luckily got to know about Wang Meng Rou when he had asked for Head Attorney Wang's profile. Despite his gentlemanly manner towards his girlfriend- Mu Lihai was actually a possessive man. So the first thing he did when he saw Head Attorney Wang in front of HL building was to collect his information. He couldn't sit still when he knew that the man had a thing for his girlfriend.

And upon seeing his profile- he saw that Head Attorney Wang actually had a sister. Wang Meng Rou, who now currently lived far away from her family home. She had a complicated quarrel with her family members and due to that, she often omitted her family name when introducing herself. Leaving it to only Meng Rou.

Zhu Kang had expressed great interest when stumbling upon this accidental information. He even told Mu Lihai that Li Yao was actually a secret agent disguising as a private lawyer. Of course, it was nonsensical.

Nobody had a clue about Mantis real identity so when Mu Lihai got to know about it accidentally, he chose to be ignorant. This was that man's sister after all. He hated Head Attorney Wang even if he didn't admit it openly.

"Hey.. I have a question." Li Yao spoke when she saw him daydreaming.

"Hm?" Mu Lihai faced her. He could see a halo around her face due to his head resting below her body where she mostly covered the light coming from the ceiling.

"Why aren't you asking anything?" she asked. She didn't get why he wasn't asking her the reason of her acting strange.

"Should I? Will you tell me?" he asked her back to which she shook her head.

"There you got your answer. I didn't ask because I know you won't answer." he said.

"I know it's because of your conversation with my parents so I don't think I can interfere with that. Anyway, when they sent us off, they weren't hostile with you. I saw that they were actually quite satisfied. I guess there's nothing to worry about." he continued. Then he pulled Li Yao down for a kiss.

Li Yao was surprised but she didn't mind it.

"Then.. another question." she looked him in the eye.

"What is it?"

"Is your mother's name Mu Ruan? Why is it Mu?" Li Yao was curious about this ever since before.

"Oh that.. yes, she's a Mu. She's actually my dad's distant cousin. So she shares the same family name. They met each other during Mu family's annual gathering party. That was when they were young." Mu Lihai recalled the story his mother once told him and he chuckled.

Li Yao brushed his hair again and Mu Lihai instinctively closed his eyes. He loved this. Doing nothing at all while taking their time just being together. It was like the time had stopped. And only the two of them remained in the world. It was a pleasure he could never get anywhere else without Li Yao.