65_An Enemy

Monday came and Li Yao got through the day as usual whereas Mu Lihai started to get busier. They agreed that Mu Lihai should focus on his work and stop fetching Li Yao from and to work for a while. Although she had said so many times that he doesn't need to do it anymore.

But what could she do about it.. HL firm building was just about 30 minutes ride to his Mu Enterprise. So he made a successful excuse that he did it because it was near his workplace, otherwise Mu Lihai could never fetch her everyday.

As she was focusing on her computer, Li Yao suddenly got a call from her client. They talked for a while until she cut off the phone call. She sighed as her eyes randomly went over the surrounding office. Her co-workers were chatting over coffee in the nearby pantry. They were having a lunch break. It was louder than usual today and she knew the reason why.

This Friday was the long-awaited annual celebration party of HL firm. It was also an important day for Li Yao who got nominated as a best rookie laywer of the firm. She was thrilled just thinking about it. She was confident that she did great in her job so Li Yao wasn't worrying whether she was going to win or not.

Some of her co-workers saw her eyes looking their way and they waved. Li Yao waved back with a smile as she turned her head back to the screen of her computer. She didn't need break. She figured she would just get an early dinner later on. The advice Li Yao used to say to her boyfriend on how not to skip meals wasn't heeded by herself.

When it was finally time to go back home, Li Yao packed her things and went outside of the building. White snow was visible in the vicinity but it wasn't that much. Though the temperature was still cold.

Li Yao walked throughout the pedestrian walk as her mind wandered. Next week was the new year celebration. Thinking about it, she didn't tell Mu Lihai yet about her arrangements for that day. She really wanted to celebrate with him and spend time together.

As her eyes saw the bus stop in front of her, Li Yao immediately quickened her pace. Not many people were outside during this hour in the winter. And the sky was darkening rather quickly. She suddenly got a weird feeling. Perhaps it was because it had been a while since she last took this route to go home. She should blame Mu Lihai on this, he spoiled her too much. Now she wasn't interested in going home with public transport.

Li Yao was just about to take a seat at the stop where she planned to wait for the bus but someone blocked her line of sight. Li Yao faced in front where a suspicious man was seen standing right before her. Her heartbeat accelerated as warning sign went up her head. But as soon as her mind was about to react, she didn't remember what she was doing anymore.


Mu Lihai heaved up a long frustrated sigh as he sat inside his office. With a frown in his face, he didn't look happy. He couldn't drive Li Yao home and it was not an awesome day for him. Even tomorrow, and the next day after, and for the whole week! He was banned to ever drive her to and from her workplace.

And it was all because of this damn project he was about to launch. It was his first main project after he took over. Everything was going well but he had to oversee the final phase himself. He needed to make sure nothing went wrong. He was too busy and Li Yao couldn't ignore it. So she told him to not appear neither in front of HL firm building nor her apartment for the time being.

'Why is she being so considerate.. I'm not that busy.' Mu Lihai mumbled in his head.

At the same time, Zhu Kang knocked on the door and stepped inside. In his hand was a cup of coffee. He put it on the desk as he scanned his boss from head to toe. So Mu Lihai was being grumpy today, he thought.

'Is it because of the meeting just now? Or the next meeting right 10 minutes after..?' he wondered.

"Can I cancel the next meeting, please?" as if Mu Lihai heard him, he asked Zhu Kang in a pitiful manner.

"No can do, this meeting is important." Zhu Kang held back a sigh. This young master needed to buckle up.

"But this is the third one today. Why do I need to handle those boring meetings?" Mu Lihai grumpily complained about his own responsibility.

"As a president of Mu Enterprise, this is natural. Drink your coffee now and let's proceed to the meeting room." Zhu Kang told his boss in a curt manner which earned him a scowl from Mu Lihai.

Then 10 minutes later, Mu Lihai and his assistant Zhu Kang were already in the meeting. Mu Lihai didn't have time to check his phone or even text Li Yao. He felt bad about it but it also couldn't be help. He made a mental note to give her a call later tonight.


Li Yao wasn't in pain or something, but she felt uncomfortable. Her eyes blinked several times after she was awake and she tried to get familiar with the light coming from her surrounding.

As her vision came about, Li Yao could see no one in the area. Her mind was in chaos and her heart was beating faster due to anxiety. A sense of helplessness gushed over her as she found herself tied up on a chair.

".. What's happening? Where am I?" she muttered to herself as there was no one to answer her questions.

Li Yao's eyes roamed around the surrounding, it was a room without anything except for the chair she was sitting on. This room wasn't big but it wasn't that small either. She saw nothing but a wall in front of her. And the same could be said from her left and her right. If this was really a room as she thought so, then behind her would be the door. But her back was now facing the door so she couldn't really see anything behind her.

Li Yao was really afraid of what was about to happen from now on. Did she accidentally make an enemy somewhere? Who did this to her? What was their intention?

As numerous questions appeared in her head, the door behind her was heard opened. Then a woman she knew so well was seen standing right in front of her. Before she knew it- a slap landed on her delicate cheek.

"You awake.." the woman said with a wicked smile.

".. You.." Li Yao's left cheek reddened because of the slap. It stung and hurt but her endurance was high. So this bad old bitch was now a kidnapper? She scoffed inwardly.

In seemed she didn't make enemy. This one had always been an enemy from a long time ago.