A Wish for Power

Devil, is the most appropriate word to describe the standing figure.


The Offense Class even went silent for a few moments, not knowing what to do in that tense atmosphere.

First, the Devil had previously attacked Arcdemon who was trying to escape. That means it is not certain that he is Aditya's enemy.

Second, he was already close to them, precisely in front of Rio who still seemed to be unconscious.

Third, before he asked them something,

"Do you wish for power?"

The question is like the fruit of Simalakama, which everyone doesn't know what the consequences will be if they eat it.

If only the question came from a great person they knew, surely they would immediately answer "Yes!" with high spirits. But...

"This is bad."

Trek looked at one of his subordinates, immediately, an idea emerged.

"Hey, Carl."

"Yes, boss?"

"Try to answer the question. You want to be strong, right. "

"Ha? Are you kidding, boss? "

"Take it easy, if there is something happened to you, we will immediately save you."

Carl looked across the faces of his tense friends, but sure and trusted him.

Carl has decided to go down to the ground and face quite far from the Devil.

"Do you wish for power?"

The question was repeated and Carl could not help but swallow his saliva.

"Yes, I want it -"

Shortly after Carl finished his answer, the swing of the sword enveloped in black aura swept through Carl's upper body.

'Swinging the sword instantly turns his body into ashes!'

There were no scars, only ashes remained from Carl's upper body. Even his remaining lower body began to be consumed by black flames and disappeared.

"What happened?"

"Though he only swung his sword, Carl ..."

The steel mentality of the Offense Class fused instantly. And there is only one person who is still trying to stay calm.

"Calm down everyone! Do not rush! It's possible if we run away from here he will- "

"WAAAAAA! He will kill us all! "

One person runs away in fear ignoring Trek's warning.

"Hey, wait!"

Sure enough, in an instant, Aditya who ran away immediately turned to ash. The Devil who was still in the position of the first victim also moved in the blink of an eye, swinging his black sword.

The mouth of all the Offense Class gaped. Do not want to believe what just happened.

"What happened?"

"Whereas before he was there."

'So this is the reason why there are only a few Aditya Five Star and Aditya stars under them cannot fight along with them. Because if we fight against an enemy like him, it seems easy to finish us off. '

Although Trek has understood one thing. Still, they are unlikely to get out of this situation.

"Hey, boss, how about this? Are we going to wait for him to finish us all? "

All the eyes of his men fixed on him. He also did not know what to do. His head can't think clearly.

"Do you wish for power?"

'And this bastard keeps repeating the same question. Who would want power from a Devil like you! '


'Huh? Did he just read my mind? '

"Do you, wish for power?"

Trek clenches his fist, decides a decision.


"Boss, where are you going?"

Trek falls and walks towards the figure of a man who is still unconscious.

Arriving in front of Rio, Trek turned and slapped his face.

"Hey, Defender Class, wake up."

Trek patted Rio's face until he woke up.

Rio who had awakened found the sight of the squad leader who had previously tried to kill him.

"You, bastard. Did you finally decide to save my life? "

"Yes, that is so, but before that, I need your help."

"Huh, what is it that Offense Class can't overcome?"

"About that ..."

Rio, who had consciously looked in the direction Trek was looking at, found a mysterious figure with an extremely terrifying aura.

"Two of my members have been killed by him. His movements are so fast, and his attacks are also deadly. Therefore, we need your shield. "

The aura of that Arcdemon is different from the Arcdemon that Rio has faced up to now. But that did not wear off Rio's fighting spirit.

With the shield in hand and the partner behind him, he will continue to stand until the last Arcdemon is finished.

Rio has risen and holds his weapon. All Offense Classes stand behind Rio.

"Psst, boss, do you think we can win just because we have a shield?"

'Fighting? That's not the plan. Shortly after the Devil takes out the Zero Star, I will use that opportunity to escape and make you guys as a bait. '

From the beginning, Trek had no intention to fight. Even so, Rio was not afraid to stand facing the devil in front of him. At that moment, the same question was repeated.

"Do you wish for power?"


Rather than being shocked out of fear, Rio is more shocked at the fact that a Devil who should be clarified into the realm of Arcdemon in front of him can talk, plus he offers what Rio needs.

"Do you, wish for power?"

"Don't listen to him, Rio. He is a devil whose strength is incomparable to ours. "

Rio was silent for a moment. Affected by the words of the two people in front and behind him.

"Do, you, wish for power?"

'Yes, I do need it, but ...'

"Do you wish to lose a soul to gain it?"

Rio did not answer the Devil's question directly, but instead, he gave another question that was heard if the Devil agreed with Rio's decision. And that also surprised the Offense Class.


Previously there was one person who answered the Devil's question, but in an instant, he was changed to ash.

'What makes Zero Star's answer different from Carl. Is it because he needs it? '

"Do you wish to lose a soul to gain it?"

The second question is repeated, but this time it is directed to Trek who is confused.

"What - ?"

Initially, he did not believe, but it seems the desire based on the desire of a person is not allowed to be used as an excuse.

'But what is the right reason to be an answer that is not based on desire?'

"If that power requires lives that must be sacrificed -"


"- Then I don't need it!"

Rio is one step ahead of Trek. He truly realizes that what he faces is a Devil, and Satan won't be so easy to give power to someone without sacrifice.

"Rio, what are you doing?! That's the only way we can survive this situation! "

"How do I care! I would rather fight and die here than deal with devils like him! "

Rio did not understand what situation he was facing. That they have no chance of winning against that Devil. Therefore, Trek made a decision.

"Hey! Devil! I need that power!"

"Do you expect to lose a life to gain it?"

The second question was enough to make Trek's hair stand on end. Because if he answers with the wrong reasons, his life will surely be lost. But a decision must be made. Now or never.

"Yes -"

As soon as that one word left Trek's mouth, half of his upper body was swept to ashes.

With Trek's death, the pillars that supported the Offense Class's sanity had collapsed.

"HAAA! We will all be- "

Shortly thereafter the entire Offense Class was finished.

Rio doesn't want to believe what he just saw. But the rest of the bodies of his comrades who fell to the ground made him aware if he was in a state of full awareness.

Impossible, is a very clear word to describe the current situation.

He did not want to, but his legs shook so badly that he could not hold the weight of his body.

The devil without feelings turned around, and once again directed a question to Rio.

"Do you wish for power?"

He was not in a situation that could answer that question. But unexpectedly, someone who seemed to be looking for him shouted,


It was Jerry in the distance. He looked at the two of them and instantly knew the situation. It did not take long, Jerry prepared his weapon and immediately shot.

"Stop! Don't come here!"

"Don't worry! I will come and save you! "

Jerry did not want to hear and still bolted. It only took a minute for him to get to the position of the two of them.

Not wanting to lose another partner, Rio got up and made a decision.

"Hey, I need that power."

"Are you willing to sacrifice a life to gain it?"

A means the life that must be sacrificed is not his. So,

"But, only my life that needs to be the sacrifice."

The Devil did not react to kill him. Then that is the right answer.

That's how Rio thought until the sword of the devil stab and pierced his stomach.

[Arcdemon Blood Injection][Status : Proceed]


[Arcdemon Blood Injection][Status : Finished]

[Darkness Injection][Status : Proceed]


[Darkness Injection][Status : Finished]

[Devilry Power Injection][Status : Proceed]


[Devilry Power Injection][Status : Finished]

[Major Arcdemon : The Devil][Status : Appeared

"You have to sacrifice something to get something. Both of you and others. "

That sentence became the last words for Rio who fell to the ground unconscious.

"Hoi, Rio! Hang on!"