Hero System

16:36 noon, District 01, Southern City.

Unconsciously Rio had just woken up from sleep. Although for a moment he did not know why he could be lying on a bed that felt familiar.

"Where am I?"

Rio got up and touched the bed with all the white fabric. Fresh aroma from medicine filled his nose.Hospital. No doubt he was in the hospital at the time.

The only reason Rio can find one, it really is real.Display of notification bar that attacks his head. It really is real.Rio was just about to think deeply about what happened to him. Until a nurse came into his room and called a doctor.

The doctor who came was the same doctor who examined Rio yesterday.

"You know what miracles are, young man?"


"Usually, miracles only happen once each person. But for you - "

The doctor deliberately stopped his words. It seems like something serious has happened to Rio.

"What happened to me?"

The doctor asked for a document from the nurse standing next to him. Paper documents were given directly to Rio to see the results.

"When you were rushed here you were already dying. Something unknown attacks your brain and damages many cells. But before we can get treat you, your body tries to treat itself."

The conclusion that Rio can find is only one. That happened because something like a virus continued to attack Rio's brain.

"Young man? Did something strange happen to you?"

The doctor began to question him.

If asked like that, of course, Rio is also confused. He himself did not know what was happening to him.

But maybe the doctor can help him.

[Caution: Action is not allowed]

However, just as Rio opened his mouth, the notification bar that had just killed him reappeared.

"What's wrong, young man?"

Cold sweat began to wet Rio.The time that passed in a moment made Rio decide on one thing.

"Ah, that, don't worry. Actually, I used to be dying too. But the Golden Knight saved me with its power. Maybe the remaining strength is still stored in me. Aha, ha ha ha ha ha!"

Rio tried hard to dilute the very cold atmosphere.Although the doctor had no effect with the forced laughter.

"Alright, since I was diagnosed healed, I asked permission to go home."

Rio rose from his chair. The doctor did not hold Rio and let Rio try to get out of the room. The nurse who accompanied them tried to stop Rio.

"Young man, one thing I need to remind you of."

The doctor stopped Rio's footsteps just before Rio came out of the room.The silence created by the doctor made Rio swallow hard once because of tension.

"Don't go back to work for a week. Until you know what is happening to you."

That is a suggestion that sounds like a warning.

"A - Alright. Thank you very much, doctor."

Finally, Rio can get out of that tension.

The disappearance of Rio from the room made the nurse question the Doctor's decision.

"Doctor, shouldn't he have to rest at least one night?""That's not necessary."

The doctor rose from his chair. Leaving a trail of questions to the nurse.

The doctor stopped at the door before leaving the nurse who still had to clean up the room.

"I have handled many knights for several decades. But I have never gotten a case as special as that young man. The young man who bears the surname of that man."

The doctor gave the nurse instructions regarding her beliefs. But the young nurse who had just started her work at the hospital did not understand.

"You don't need to force yourself to know, young woman. All I want to say is, that young man might have the power to change our current situation."

Those were the last words the doctor gave before leaving.The doctor's words were like a prediction that contained hope. It also contains messages from the past. From the time the doctor was in his prime.

Back to our main character.After taking his previously secured Dignity Weapon, Rio set foot to walk home.At that time his head was full of questions about the appearance of the notification bar that kept appearing on several occasions.

'What exactly is that?'

[Do you want to use special service?][Y / N]


Another notification bar appears.This time it was a question. The question that had made Rio confused on how to respond.

Do you want to use a special service?

Sounds like a service to be provided if Rio answers, "Yes?"

[Searching for: Answer][Status: On Progress]

<*> <*> <*> <*> <*> <*> <*>

[Result: Found a Person who Knows the "Answer"]

[Time Skipped to Night]

22:12 PM, District 07, Southern City.


Rio feels that he was standing in the hot sun just now. But somehow he was standing in a field near the river not far from his house.

Looking back, after he came home from the hospital, he went straight to the house. Before the afternoon he spent time alone watching TV, while Riana was going to school.

During the afternoon he had spent the time exercising. While Riana was at home to cook dinner.

The two of them passed the night in peace. Until Rio woke up at 10 pm, went outside carrying Dignity Weapon to where he is standing now.

But somehow, he did all those things unconsciously. Although he still remembers everything well.

"Are you looking for me, Singularity?"

[Major Arcanian: The Moon][Status: Appeared]

Someone is with Rio nearby. Rio turned around and found a man sitting on a rock.

A neatly dressed man. Wear a suit and glasses. The appearance that closely matches the word 'office person'.

Rio knew that their meeting was not accidental. But it's just a bit strange to meet someone with a neat appearance suddenly like that.

"I'm sorry, but, who are you?"

The office man in front of him was confused when being asked.

"Didn't you ask me to come here? Also, didn't 'that thing' tell you who I am?"

Rio who asked that person to come, and 'that thing' already told him, means that it's like what Rio thought.

"Hey! Does that mean you know what is happening to me now? Help me! Stupid bar displays keep popping up in my head and it drives me crazy!"

Rio behaves like a person being chased by debt. His mind was stressed and he was acting a little crazy.

"Pfft, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Rio was having a hard time, but the office man in front of him laughed at him instead.

"Sorry Sorry! Because you are 'chosen' I think you are wiser and smarter! It turns out you are someone more interesting than that!"

Rio clasped his hands in anger. Really want to hit the office man in front of him. But that doesn't seem like a good idea.

Because of annoyance, Rio took the time to think.

'The Moon? Someone who can give me an answer? More importantly, Major Arcanian?'

Rio whispered those three sentences.The office man in front of him reacted with satisfaction.

"Now that you finally realized!"

Rio just got one answer. A few more answers to find out.

Even so, Rio still didn't understand why he and the office man were standing in a lonely field just the two of them in that place, "That's what you're thinking, right?

''Is he reading my mind?'

"No, no I'm not."

"You definitely read my mind right now!"

Rio just got a strange feeling. That feeling came as Rio lingered in communication with the office man. It feels like the magnetic poles meet with the namesake poles.

"But we both need each other, there's no mistaking it."

Rio put a strange face on the statement of the office man in front of him.

"You really are a young man who is honest with his feelings, huh."

Rio is a young man like that since he was little.

"Do you have a problem with that?"

"No, that's why I say you're more attractive than I imagined."

Rio doesn't know the way the office man thinks in front of him. The aura around it is truly mysterious. Rio can't read it at all.But that is not important now.

"Then, do you want to give me an answer or not?"

"Of course I will. But before that, let's introduce ourselves first. My name is, hmm, you can call me, Cain. What about you?"

Rio felt something strange about the introduction.

"That's not your real name, right?"

Rio wouldn't want to trust the person who lied to him.

"Why are you doubting me? Wait, to build trust you have to be honest with your partners, right. Hm-hm, but, you need to know, that I myself have forgotten my name after almost 7000 millennia passed."

Rio put on a stranger face, this time filled with mistrust.

"You really don't want to believe me, huh.

"The office man suddenly stood up then turned around. "Then I also don't want to help you. See you later."


Just like that, office men started walking away.Rio doesn't know what's wrong with him, but Rio doesn't want to lose that opportunity. So he ran after the office man.

"Wait, wait, wait!"

Rio had just found someone who might be a clue to what was happening to him. He did not want to lose it just because of a miscommunication.

"Alright, I was wrong because I'm too arrogant. So, please, answer all of my questions."

Office man sighed tiredly. His hopes faded as Rio became stubborn.

"If you don't want to believe me, why don't you try to find out for yourself about my identity?"

"Looking for your identity?"

[Name: Unknown][Identity: The Moon][Status: Neutral]

Rio just whispered the word 'find out identity' unconsciously. But shortly after the system bar display showed the identity of the man in front of him.

"Name, unknown?"

That's what it says on the display bar.

"You won't be able to find out someone's name if that person doesn't know their name either. That's why the system says it like that. By the way, you can also do it to yourself. "

"You mean, find out my identity?"

[Name: Rio Nugraha][Identity: The Devil Holder][Status: Human-side]

The system bar display shows the name, identity, and status that Rio has.

"What exactly is this?"

"That, let's just say it's a 'Hero System'."