Hell Training Started


[Seven Night in Hell][Status: In Progress]

[Progress: First Night][Goal: Survive the Night in One Hour]


Rio had just been thrown into the darkest place he has ever seen. The light source only comes from a bright sky filled with stars and satellites like the moon.

'Wait a minute, [Entering Dark World], that means?"

At that time Rio was in a world where the Arcdemon were.

The buildings around him are also not buildings that originated from the place he came from.

Building as high as four to five floors. Made of the earth but looks sturdy. And all the buildings are as far as Rio's eyes can see.

"What place is this?"

[Searching for: Place]

[Status: On Progress]

<*> <*> <*> <*> <*> <*> <*>

[Result: City of Lost Grace, Alphanage]

It sounds like the name of a city from fantasy stories.

If Rio really is in a world where Arcdemon is, "But, that's impossible, right."

Rio was just about to deny. But strange noises began to be heard from behind.

The strange sounds were like the sounds of monsters that Rio was very familiar with.

"Of course, what else do monsters make such sounds besides -"



From behind, Arcdemon in various sizes began to appear. They see Rio like seeing an oasis in the middle of the desert.

The gathering of Arcdemon that gathered made Rio unconsciously hold his Dignity Weapon.

"This handicapped sword?"

Rio did remember that he kept holding his Dignity Weapon on earth. His soul seemed to say that something like that would happen, so his right hand continued to hold the sword he was calling the handicapped.

Dignity Weapon one-eyed sword model. The Prism Stone located at the end of the handle is gray as usual.

The Dignity Weapon that gives Rio the nickname the null-elements.

"With this flawed sword, what can I do?"

Rio was not allowed to answer his own question.

A group of Arcdemon began to come to attack him.


There was no choice but to run. The millipede strategy is the best strategy that Rio can do for now.

But the pursuit of Arcdemon didn't let Rio run that easily.

Some Arcdemon began crawling on the walls of buildings. Like a quadruped that is running after its prey.

"Oi-oi, are you kidding me?!"

Some of the crawling Arcdemon began to chase Rio.

When their distance is close enough, they all make a jump pose, like a bullet shot toward its target.

Rio can see all directions where the bullet is. His legs are still running trying to avoid them all.

"What the hell did they just do!?"

During the two years Rio worked as Aditya and fought against Arcdemon, it was his first experience meeting Arcdemon who could move very nimbly and aggressively.

"They actually look like Arcdemon Low-Class, but their strength is completely different from what we used to fight!"

Rio could not deny what he was facing. Plus, after crashing into the surface of the ground as strong as that, they could immediately rise up as if nothing had happened.

Run. Run. Keep running. That's all that Rio can do.

Though he was a knight, an Aditya, the sword of mankind to fight Arcdemon, but at that moment, he was running from his enemies, which at that time numbered nearly 100.

'Impossible. Impossible. Impossible. Impossible. Impossible. Impossible. Impossible. Impossible. Impossible. Impossible. Impossible. Impossible. Impossible. Impossible.'

Impossible. Only that one sentence can be imagined in Rio's head.

"What did I do to deserve this?!"


[Seven Night in Hell]

[Status: In Progress]

[Progress: One Night]

[Goal: Survive the Night in One Hour]

"That's not what I'm asking, Fool! Just why did this happen to me!?"

[Entering Recent Memoir]

[Looking for Answer]

<*> <*> <*> <*> <*> <*>

[Result Found]

["You have to do intensive training that can get your real abilities out."]

"You're just repeating that person's words, right?!"

In the middle of running Rio was made upset by the system that should have helped him.

But unfortunately, the system that was told was Rio's assistant to save the world could only do something limited to artificial intelligence.

That means [Hero System] doesn't have the personality that Rio can talk to.

'You told me to practice by eliminating them all. But that's impossible!'

Impossible. That's because Rio doesn't have the strength to do it. Dignity Weapon which has no elements is just an ordinary sharp weapon that cannot be used by an Aditya.

So all Rio could do was run with a very scared facial expression.

Rio doesn't know how many bullets he dodged. How many miles has he traveled? And how many turns he goes through -


Rio had just turned a certain corner, but something really hard stopped him. Even though he turned right in the middle of the road -


What stood before Rio's eyes was that Acdemon was slightly different from those who were chasing him.

Arcdemon uses battle equipment such as chest protectors and helmets. He also held a two-meter long sword which was quite large in his right hand.

Another strange thing, all the Arcdemon who chased after Rio only saw the two of them from a distance.



"Ah, hello."

A sword is raised up at the same time as Rio tries to be friendly with the interlocutor.

"This is bad!"

Rio quickly avoided the swing of the sword that was strong enough.

From the swing Rio saw just now, Arcdemon in front of him had quite a lot of fighting experience. His attack just now even left a pretty neat trace on the ground.

"Damn it. When I had found a way to survive in this hell for an hour. This happened instead."

In the current condition, Arcdemon, which is likely a High-class, is standing in front of Rio. All of the Arcdemon who had chased after him, had also surrounded the two of them within 50 meters.

"How long is the target time remaining?"

[Goal: Survive the Night in One Hour]

[Time Limit: 05 Minutes]

'Five minutes!'

Rio will be back in his world in five minutes, maybe.

"Wow, what is that' maybe '? Wow!"

High-class Arcdemon did not give Rio a chance. After one attack comes, the next attack comes again. Like that until Rio was quite tired and had no more room to escape.

'Five minutes is ez!'

Rio raised his sword. Intend to do defense. If he gets the chance he might try to attack as well.

High-class Arcdemon continuously launches attacks. The attack will not stop maybe until Rio is able to kill him. But for now, it won't work. So he will only last until five minutes have passed.

By the way, Rio thought of something in the middle of his battle.

'A system for recognizing who is in front of you. Can it also be done with Arcdemon? I mean, creatures such as that random office guy can be known of their identity and status. '

It sounds like a stupid idea, but other people won't think that deep in their minds.

'You underestimate me!?'


"More importantly, let's just try it."

In the midst of focus in battle, Rio took his mind to focus on one thing.

'System, find out this Arcdemon's identity.'

[Name: Hunja Kyara]

[Identity: High-class Arcdemon]

[Status: Demon side]

"Hunja Kyara?"

That is the name of the Arcdemon in front of him. How is this possible, if a supreme creature like Cain can forget his name. But the High-class Arcdemon before him can still remember his name.

Before Rio could think of an answer to his question, somehow the sword in his hand slammed far enough back.

"Huh? What, what just happened?"

Rio was too preoccupied with his mind, so it was only natural that he was a little off guard in battle. And it is also natural that his enemy will carry out a very strong attack to finish him off because Rio is already off guard.


Whooosh! A powerful attack was carried out right in front of Rio's position.

But fortunately, Rio managed to avoid it.

'I WASN"T MANAGE TO AVOID THAT! If I'm one second late, maybe my body has already been cut in half by that attack.!'

At that time Rio was standing right next to the sword that wanted to cut it open. Cold sweat ran down his face as fear began to overpower him.

It never occurred to Rio that Ardemon's High-class could be that strong.

Not giving Rio a chance, High-class Arcdemon once again swung his sword horizontally towards Rio.


Rio quickly jumped a few steps back.

Arcdemon's previous High-class attacks were natural but deadly. In his fear Rio did not want to admit it, but his opponent this time was truly experienced in sword fighting.

'Wait, now is not the time to acknowledge the enemy's abilities! My sword, my sword ... why are you so far!?'

Rio's sword is at least 10 meters to the right from his position.

The high-class Arcdemon who is his opponent is once again preparing to launch an attack.

'Won't make in time!'

Because he won't have time to take his sword, Rio will only avoid it again. Moreover, the time soon will over.

That way High-class Arcdemon mounted a stance, then launched an attack that Rio could easily avoid. But unfortunately, one second after his attack was avoided, the High-class Arcdemon's long sword changed direction as the wind headed towards Rio.

"Wait, wait, wait!"

His opponent is too tough, that's all Rio can think of.


Fear of pain made Rio scream loudly. It couldn't be helped, he was constantly forced to do what he didn't want to do. Naturally, Rio rebelled.

"Hoi, young man! Hoi!"


Rio did not feel a swing of the sword trying to kill him. Instead, his eyesight was filled with a beam of light.

"Hoi, are you alright?!"

Next to him there is an old man who calling out on him.

"Where am I?"

"A strange question. I should be the one asking why are you suddenly in the middle of the road like this?!"


Rio belatedly realized that at that time he was in the middle of the road. In the front there is a truck that stops. Around him there were many people who looked at him with surprised expressions.

"Hoi, I ask are you alright?"

The old man in front of him kept asking how he was doing. Surely he was a truck driver who almost crashed into Rio.

"Ah, sorry for worrying."

Rio who was not injured stood up as if nothing had happened.

At that moment, a police car came to the scene.

"Hey, you guys, what's going on?!"

Two policemen got out of his car. Ask about what happened. Of course the truck driver said the truth.

"Then suddenly this young man walked right in front of my truck. Luckily my speed is below average. "

"You, what exactly are you thinking about?"

The police turn to question Rio.

"Ah, that, sorry, I have sleepwalking. And tonight I forgot to lock my door. "

Rio gave the most logical reason he could give.

Police and truck drivers can accept that reason.

"Alright, then, will you bring this problem to the police station or solve it here."

Rio and the truck driver see each other. think the same thing, which is to solve their problems there now.

Because of this, Rio and the truck driver shook hands with each other. Because Rio was careless so he was the one who apologized for the case.

By getting a warning not to be careless once again, Rio was allowed to go home.

What a pain in the ass day.

"Hopefully tomorrow will be a calmer day."