CLash Between 4* and Sentinel

In front of them stood a strong opponent whose level of strength was still unknown. However, Bae's sharp eyes looked at the Sentinel-class in interest. He seemed to find a new toy that caught his attention after all this time.

The Sentinel-class got interested too because Bae's sharply gaze at him, "Hey, I love that look of yours!"

The target has been locked. Whatever it is, they had to finish the fight that night.

Bae stood tall. Holds Emerald Halberd - Halberd with a pitch-black stem, and a one-edged emerald green blade. Prism Stone implemented at the end of the stem.

Emerald Greenish Prism Stone that shines brightly. Respond to the master's obsession for battle.

Bae turned the Emerald Halberd several times then stomped to the ground. "Hey, Shield Head, don't disturb this one fight."

"- Don't call me Shield Head!"

"After all this time I fought in an arena called "ridiculous competition", I finally found an opponent that I could make a guinea pig, to test whether I can be stronger than this?"

Bae is Aditya who belongs to the 9th Gen just like Rio. But in a short time, he can become 4* just like Jerry. Jerry even had to spend less than 8 years to get to that level.

Bae even earned the nickname "Fairy Berserker" because he always fought like a maniac. Fairy was given before the Berserker because there was already an owner of the Berserker name that was ten times stronger than Bae.

"Then let's enjoy this battle!" shouted Sentinel-class. "Prove that this world is worth defending! Unlike other worlds -! "

"You better shut the f*ck up!"

The Sentinel-class just said something important, but Bae somehow stopped him.

"Why did you tell him to shut up! Just now he wanted to say valuable information -! "

"You better shut the f*ck up, too. All I want is a satisfying battle, not nonsense that means nothing to me. "

"But that means a lot to maintain humanity!"

Jerry couldn't stand a chance at Bae's arrogance. Bae won't listen if it's not important to him. And no one can persuade him to listen.

Unlike Jerry, Tom, who can always be calm under any circumstances, stops his friend's anger, "Leave him, Jerry. I don't think that Sentinel-class would be so easy to reveal valuable information to us."

Tom has a point. Thinking back, previously Sentinel-class just wanted to inflame the atmosphere.

"In that case," Bae looked down, doing a stance to dash, "I'm coming!"

Bae jumped forward in a flash.

In such close proximity, within a second, Bae was already 5 meters above the Sentinel-class with Emerald Halberd ready to attack.

"[Wind Majesty - Offense Move: Emerald Windblow]!"

A streak of very strong wind was launched. Creating an explosion of wind that divides the earth in the Sentinel-class position.

Bae jumped back 10 meters after carrying out the attack.

In the Sentinel-class position, ash covers the surroundings. Bae just launched his other ultimate move, but he still doesn't know if that works for enemies who have high defenses.

"Not bad! Not bad!"

Sentinel-class can still speak arrogantly after being hit by a big attack. That meant he was once again resisting Bae's attack.

Bae chuckled, "Tch!", He didn't expect that his two ultimate attacks were being held like nothing.

Ahead, the Sentinel-class was once again protected by a dome made of earth. The dome of the ground was thicker than before. That means the dome is like a solid defense that Bae must pass before it can hit the Sentinel-class.

"For middle-class fighters, you have potential, kid."

Middle class, Bae is on that level now. Even though the boundary separating 4 * with 5 * is only one number, the 4 * still cannot be compared to the 5 *. Because the Knights 5 * have the power to cause disaster.

"You too, even though from the start of the fight, you only locked yourself inside that stupid dome without giving a counter!"

Bae who didn't accept being said weakling, reply the same words to Sentinel. But he didn't know that it was actually a bad thing to do.

"So you want to feel my strength? Alright, I'll make you feel a little of the strength of the Dwarf Mountain miners."

Dwarven Mountain, a portal that is open now indeed is heading towards Mountain Dwarven. Does that mean there is another enemy as strong as him in that world?

Bae put the question aside for later and focused once more on the battle.

Inside the central dome, Bae could see Sentinel-class doing some movements. Bae can also see Sentinel-class as if he was holding a weapon.

Bae still didn't know what weapon the Sentinel-class was holding, until Sentinel-class made a circular slashing motion that launched an attack of dark incision like the letter o which continued to widen into Bae's position.

Bae raised Emerald Halberd to intend to fend off that attacks. But in an instant, he realized, that looking dark-attack was very dangerous.

Bae decided to jump far back. Back to the position of Tom and Jerry, who were still watching the fight.

After the attack of darkness disappears after reaching a diameter of 10m, the destruction starts from the Sentinel-class position to the finish line.

The destruction is like an atomic bomb that explodes in a small dome.

Tom and Jerry just gape at the sight of it happening. Meanwhile, Bae watching the scene in full focus. Make sure his head remember that attack just now.

The damage that occurred from the attack just now was even stronger than the previous volcano eruption. Even though the distance is shorter, Jerry doesn't know if he can withstand that darkness attack.

"As expected, a great element of darkness can only be obtained from the supreme being of darkness!"

The Sentinel-class shouted in exasperation because he felt unsatisfied with his attack.

The Knights indeed got valuable information about their new opponents. But the strength their enemy possessed was truly beyond expectations.

After the ashes that had been created from the attack just now disappeared, the Sentinel-class figure was seen standing on one pillar of land whose ground around had been washed-up.

Like being inside an empty ball of space, the Sentinel-class managed to give fear to the three knights who saw it.

Wielding a weapon in the form of a pickaxe enveloped in darkness. Although shaped like a pickaxe, the weapon was not like a pickaxe used for mining.

"This pickaxe was once one of the best for mining all minerals. But now that it has changed its function to killing, therefore its name has changed to [Demonic Darken Pickaxe]."

No one wonders what intention of Sentinel-class is to tell the name of his weapon. It's not important to know anyway.

Bae walked forward ignoring what had just happened.

"Oi, Bae! Are you still going to fight him after seeing that attack just now?!"

Jerry could not believe that his partner was still willing to fight the Sentinel-class.

From his face, Bae wasn't even afraid at all.

Walking closer to the edge of the hole made by Sentinel-class, Bae stopped and asked something, "Can you do that attack one more time?!"

Tom and Jerry did not mishear. That young man had just asked the condition of his opponent's strength.

"Woi! He won't just tell you even if you asked!"

" - No!"

Jerry was about to straighten out his colleague's mind, but the enemy answered that stupid question instead.

Even so Bae still wasn't convinced, "Really? Are you that weak?"

He had just about been hit by an attack that might have hurt him badly. But Bae instead showed arrogance and incited his opponents.

Of course the only sane person there was upset to see Bae's attitude.

"You moron! Why do you have to - "

"No, no! That attack was indeed strong, but it required a large amount of dark mana. Even so, that doesn't mean I didn't have another attack as strong just now. It's just that, top-class warriors like me aren't easy to gather dark mana like those crazy supreme being!"

The Sentinel-class has just revealed unbelievable information once again.

Jerry closed his mouth. He was confused about how to respond to Bae's arrogance which gave them an advantage.