The Priest

With the moonlight shining over them, dozens of figures could be running in a forest of silver trees. The man at the front wore dark priest robes and carried what looked like a baby as he fled from the dozen men behind him.

"High Priest Callan, stop right now. You won't gain anything from running away." One of the men spoke with hostility and a hint of greed before he took a bottle of water out of his belt. Opening the lid, drops of water dropped out of its lid and flowed down to the man's hand. These waterdrops turned into thin little water spears. They chased after priest like hungry sharks. Yet, moments before they caught up to him, the latter took a step back at the last second and the spikes hit a nearby tree.

"Priest Lucius is right! No matter whose child it is, the church of the beast gods and our will never let it go." Another man stomped on the ground a wall of earth erected right in front of the priest. With a light tap on the ground with his feet that radiated a faint black light, his body rose to amazing heights before leaping over it. At the same time, they heard the voice of the priest.

"I know everybody says this child is the incarnation of darkness, but so what? The world is already under the reign of the beasts and the incarnation of darkness being the lord is not much worse than the creatures you call gods. The country we serve not even treat us as living beings and I can't stand that anymore!"

"Do you believe in this thing? The era of humans has long since ended. As we are the citizens of the great country of Kogh Toruhm." Another voice is heard, a female in green clothes appeared in the air. She moved at amazing speeds like she mounted in the air. Waving her hand, the air around her gathered into shiny green blades. And it that slashed against him and this time the priest was no so lucky as blood dyed his shoulder.

"Of course, my sister's child will be no worse than her, she was one of the few saints. Different from you guys that surrendered yourselves to those beasts, I'll be sure to take this young child of Eden. There, no one will be able to stop him there as he will one day return to end this once and for all." stopping, the priest looked at female in green and felt pain in his heart. He thought she was different from the others, but it was him that was mistaken. Gathering conviction in his mind, his heart was serene as a single dark device, it was his igniter. Pressing a trigger at the bottom of the device, the flames lit at the top of it.

Not the commonly known red or orange flames, but a bunch of purple-black flames that made the entire forest even darker with their arrival. Manipulating the flames, a dozen fireballs were shot in every direction and exploded into a huge tempest of fire, burning all near trees. With the air and the wind so hot, the female in green could not control it anymore and fell on the ground.

"You traitor! So your flames did turn into the dark unholy flames!" The faces of the three of them and the others following them gained a hint of hostility. Seeing the most talented priest of their order fall to the point of having his flames tainted by darkness made them all angry. A small black flame in his heart sent a powerful pressure. Groaning with pain, the priest spat a mouthful of black blood on the ground. Taking advantage of his current state, the people of the church of the beast gods surrounded him as all their bodies lit up. Some green, some blue, a few yellow, but no one red.

"So you are finally facing the elemental rebound, right? I suppose it's right, as the only second stage fire elemental master of our order and given the amount of people you killed along the way. But it is over now, hand over the child and we will send your soul to heaven without any pain." A man walked to the front, it was the same who erected that stone wall. He also looked like the leader of those people.

"Haha! Child, what child? Can you see any child here?" Laughing insanely, the priest rose his arms and let the baby in his in his bosom fall. Yet, as the baby touched the ground, it turned out to be a bunch of rags made in a way to look like the baby.

"I met an old friend from Eden on the way three days ago, an explorer and his wife. They should be far right by now. Did you hear? You people have lost!"

Dark Flame Demon Heart! Insanity took hold of his mind. The child he tried to hard to save was safe and he had nothing to lose. Turning off his body's defenses, he let loose the small black flame in his heart and let it expand .

"Oh no, he's going to let himself be consumed by his flame heart. Run!" Telling everyone to run away, the female in green burst with light as she vanished from there while leaving only a green trail behind. As for the others, they could not even step back as black flames. It could cover heaven and devoured everything in its surrounding, not even a trace was left but it was not over.

Green light covered her entire body as the female flew with the wind while black flames followed soon after. Knowing she would die either way, the female priest pushed herself to the extreme. She burst in a speed never seen before only to vanish. She was consumed by her own element just like her lover and she left this world with a pained face.

"It is over." Seeing everything unfold, the man in dark robes showed one last smile as the flames spread from his heart. Consuming his body, leaving only the amount of ashes scattered by the wind. With this, the entire forest before known as the paradise of elemental beasts turned into the valley of ashes. Soon, a group of winged-figures flew from the sky as all the elements vibrated as they approached the area.

And with a wave of their hands, wind, water, fire and water appeared in the sky before a enter stronger energy covered the entire valley in seconds.

"The child has been taken." One of the figures spoke in a weird language and the others also inspected the situation.

"Yes, we have to report it back to the office. It is that that we made the non-aggression pact years ago with the demons or we could have resolved this long ago." A humanoid figure let out a soft sigh before it took flight once again together with its companions. Soon, they vanished as if nothing happened.