A Fallen Genius

Stepping on the altar just like everyone else. Roderick felt the eyes of the headmaster, the teachers and everyone else locked on him with expectation. As the son of one of the few third stage elemental masters and one that worked in the most dangerous profession, explorer. Everyone wanted to know what was the element of the number one genius in the school.

Pressing his hand on the gem, a warm feeling permeated his body. The entire auditorium watched this closely, but even after one full minute nothing happened. Roderick's face changed into one of horror.

"It seems student Roderick is not able to become an Elemental Master." Even the headmaster tone grew cold when he said those words.

"No! I can't accept this!" Before anyone could do anything, he pressed his hands again and forced the connection as he absorbed the warmth. It was when he was a blue flash in his eyes and a strange force clashed with the warm energy flowing in his right hand. With a simple bang, his arm burst into pieces as Roderick collapsed from the loss of blood. Waking up, Roderick saw himself in a hospital bed with his mother, aunt and a few others from his family by his side when he heard the doctor's voice.

"As it was said before, this patient is incompatible with elemental powers. Not only it's impossible for him, fight again, even healing his arm with the help of a high ranked elemental master of water is just a dream that could take his life once and for all. If we still had the old medicine of a millennium ago, we could do something, but who had those relics in the present."

"What did you say doctor?" Hearing the surprised and panicked voice of Roderick, his mother run to him side and pat him on the head as she cried.

"I'm sorry son, I'm really sorry."


One year later. Roderick was returning from the market with a bag full of food and alchemy ingredients on his left arm as he heard a few people whispering to each other as they pointed at him.

"Look, that is the boy incompatible with elemental power."

"I heard not only he failed in being an elemental master as just being touched by the elemental force even killed him."

"Yes. It must suck to be him. The worst is that he was the renowned genius of the northern sector and a great sword fighter. It's good to see somebody as arrogant as him have a fall like this."

He was already used to being looked at with contempt in the past year and a month. It has been close to a thousand years since the rise of the elemental beasts and the day the world was taken by the three elemental beast gods. At that time, humanity had many advanced weapons and devices to help them. Things that could make even cripple like him fight like a war god, but all of that vanished with the passage of time and now people only care about that damn elemental power. Since that day, he hasn't received a word from his girlfriend or her family. He was even kicked out when he tried to visit her.

Arriving at the apartment his parents gave him, located near the hospital. Roderick took everything he bought as well as five books. Since that day, he has studied medicine and alchemy like crazy trying to find a way to recover his arm. If he could have his arm back, he could easily enter the army just with his talent with the sword, turn into one of the island's fighters and even work as an explored like his dad.

Wasting the entire night reading the alchemy books. Roderick saw something that took his attention. Elixir of life, it can cure anything and regrow any body part. Regeneration Flask, increase 200% of the body regenerative power. Body refining potion, makes the body stronger. He knew it was impossible for him to find the ingredients in any of those potions. Just one of the ingredients to make the elixir is a mermaid's tear while both the body refining and the regeneration flask needed something called 'Fragment of life'. What the hell is the 'fragment of life' and how could he get it. When he thought there was no other way he saw thin words at the end of the last page. The only problem was that some of the words were erased.

Blood.... Potion, using three types of blood to refine the supreme refinement potion to reveal your potential, it can turn the person in their best state. Ingredients: One bottle of mortal blood (15 drops) and two bottles of beast blood of two different elements (15 drops each).

"Ha-ha! I will go with this!" Satisfied with what he found, Roderick got to sleep only three hours before he headed to the beast market with all his money to look for the body. Behind him, a dozen black-robed figures followed soon after.