Fiery-Eyed Chevalier

In a desolate corner of the world, the night sky decorated by numerous lights that shone over the endless ice. Within all that cold, a group leaded by a person wearing a set of armor with a flat top helm with a mask shaped in the face of an angel. Attached to the forehead area is a broken yellow horn.

"Open the gate." Standing in the middle of nowhere, a male voice ressounded in the void as huge doors open wide leading to the interior of an old cathedral where numerous people in black robes walked from one side to the other. And with the arrival of this group, all of them stopped before paying their respects for the man in the middle.

"The 8th Blade, Fiery-eyed Chevalier. The grand elder is awaiting your arrival, you can leave your knight novices with us." The beast church may answer only to the beast gods, but their own strength hasn't decreased a little since the heretic flame king's betrayal. Other than the beasts, the church was protected by the twelve chevaliers, elemental kings that inherited one of the highly rare elemental spirits from the three beast gods.

With three cathedrals spread in three corners of the world, they searched for the threat capable of destroying everything they built. Walking through the corridors, the man stopped his movements when approaching a huge metal door that open when it felt his presence.

"Leon, it's a huge surprise that you arrived so quickly. We haven't met since the east cathedral destruction seventeen years ago. I suppose you heard some of the rumors about a lightning-clad youth, it's been a few weeks since our people started reporting about his appearance in the fire-god territory. Even our new allies, the flame union alchemist faction suffered heavy loses against him." An mild old man with a gentle face that could deceive anyone that looked at him put tea for the angel-masked man as both sat and faced each other as a hint of rivalry appeared in the air.

"Yes I know, the first lightning master appearing like this can't be a coincidence. The more this may be a pain for me, we may have to work together if this is related to "her" plan."

The church was divided into two big factions, the knight faction and elder faction. Both had twelve chevaliers and twelve grand elders. Having great power and position in the church, both sides usually be at each other throats unless it was something of great importance. The "her" in his words referred to the true enemy of both the beast gods and the church.

Removing his mask, a face covered by scars and burns was revealed before he had sip of the tea. Then the air turned dense as his eyes burned in flames "Any news of the child?"

Both of them knew how dangerous it would be to leave the child alive, the great elder nodded with his head as he showed a pained expression. "We trace him until finding a boy by the name of Roderick Graham and I sent a group of third-stage priests to take care of him. However the boy has been dead for more than a year and I can't believe the child between the church's most talented chevalier and an entity as powerful as the three beast gods would die so easily. but I'm sure the child is in Eden even now."

"Then we don't need to worry too much. The child has the power of darkness that shall awaken sooner or later and we just need to stop it before it can grow. As for Eden and the impures, the fire god said to leave it be for now, we have a more powerful enemy to face. Reports said she is creating a new being with enough power to wipe out every living thing in this world."


In a snowy mountain range on the north of the continent, sounds of gunshots and screams were heard from the distance, but no one seemed to care.

Bang! Clad in lightning, a single fist smashed the head of a second stage master before dropping his unconscious body he aimed his other hand at a the corridor full of first and second stage elemental masters that shot countless arts at him.

"Shoot!" From the black gauntlet on his right "hand", everyone else saw something being shot in their direction while their instincts told them to run. Purple gas covered the south corridors while ten people wearing mask walked in while holding weapons. Seeing most of them were unconscious it was simple to handcuff these people. Lisa and Cassius entered while wearing their gas masks and grabbed a third stage master each before taking them to the car.

"I will leave those people to you,

With all the experts out of combat, the blue-haired man left to the others and headed to the central laboratory where most alchemists were hiding. At his current speed, it took a single second to run through the whole base and he quickly reached the center, but not without facing countless traps and defences.

Trrrrrrr! Countless bullets and colored laser were shot towards him, as he just had to step sideways and dodge it. Given his current state, his speed of thought was the greatest change, Even elemental beams seemed as slow as a snail when started by his shining blue eyes.

Bang! With his feet smashing against the thick door, everything burst our as Rick moved lightning fast hitting all the alchemists on the head before stopping in front of a old woman. Wiping the blood on his face, Rick grabbed the woman by the neck before putting light-blue hand shackles on her.

"By the crimes of betrayal against your own race and the power bestowed upon me by the high council and the guardians of Eden, Aelwen Dew, 6th-star alchemist and high-ranking member of the alchemist guild, you are under arrest. Anything you say will be used against you on the tribunal."