Parting From Eden

"I already left a message for them, now there is nothing to stop me."

"Is this what you wish? Others may find your choice to be the most painful."(Old Voice)

"It does not matter, you saw the same thing as me. How can I stay here like everyone else when I know the truth is much worse... Ah, I'm leaving in order to search for answers, I know it is going to hurt and I may even die. So what? Even if those people all become my enemies, I don't wanna leave any regrets on my path."

"Well said brat. We are the same, regardless of the choice you make, we are both on this path."(Old Voice)

Many memories appeared before his eyes, and a calm smile appeared on his face. On the way to the docks, he and the old voice already prepared everything. Staring at the huge 3D image in the sky, showing the reporters talking about his achievements on today's incident.

Arriving at the northern sector's docks, Roderick thought of the that fateful day where he awoke his powers. At that time, he felt on the skin how people only see your present state, now your past or possible future. People saw him as a trash only because he was incompatible with elemental power, and no one ever thought of what this person could achieve in the future.

Right at the furthest point of the docks, Roderick stopped by a huge metal ship. It wasn't an airship or starship, it was nothing other than one of the oldest ships you could find roaming the sea.The engineers did the last check on the ship while a dozen workers brought countless supplies, Roderick's flying bike and large wooden crates.

Watching the workers do their job, Roderick turned around when feeling the presence approaching. Four people stood in line while waiting for him to speak, three women and one man.

"Lisa, Sharon, Cassius and... Mystic?"For the first time Rick felt surprised by those who came. "Lisa and Cassius I was already expecting to be here, but Sharon and Mystic, won't there be a problem if the two of you left?"

"No. I already asked for my leave, since I've been working without any vacation or time for myself, those old geezers had no other choice. After all, I'm just a pilot." Sharon sweetly smiles as she replied. Surely Roderick knew it wasn't like she said, everyone is busy with the lots of work in order to restore the city back to normal, so she's clearly just sneaking away from all the work.

Mystic laughed and gave a tap on Roderick's head. Her face was calm when she said in a bored tone, "I was pretty tired of working as a headmaster of a college nearby. When I heard my old friend talking about your plan to leave the guardians. So I came to see it for myself, it's hard to believe you would leave that little brat behind without giving any reason."

'Ouch.' Roderick felt headache when thinking about how pissed Artemis would be if Mystic tell her what he's up to.

"So what, will you be coming or not? If you will, then throw all your communication devices away. We must not keep any sort of contact with Eden or the Guardians from now on." Roderick held an empty box in front of them.

After a couple moments, both Lisa and Cassius picked their devices and threw their weapons, communication devices and anything that could be used to contact Eden. Soon after, Sharon and Mystic sighed and did the same.

"We are good to go, however, there is anyone with unfinished business? You should speak it now, or there will be no other chances."

"I..." Lisa felt uncomfortable, clearly she had something on her mind she didn't want to tell. " My connection with the Fountain family was over since I went to the fortress, but there is one person I wanted to see a last time."

Roderick felt nervous when she spoke to this point before nodding.

"Understood. I will find a way."


At the same time, a group of female students walked on the way to the airport following behind their teacher.

"Wow! Did you say it, Jupiter is even more handsome the in the holograms?."

"Yeah, the records does no justice to the noble and mysterious aura around him. Seeing him I decided I would accept no man worse than him." A female with ponytails giggled, and another one poked her head.

"Do this and you will be alone for the rest of your life. As if a talented man like that could be seen everywhere."

The group of girls chatted when one of them noticed something wrong. She searched around before asking. "Hey, where are Nerys? Wasn't she with us just now?"

"Nerys?" All the girls suddenly noticed and turned around before a pink-haired girl who was walking silently began to speak. "She said something like her bell is missing. I guess she lost it in the main hall and rushed to search for it."

Nerys was running towards the huge building of the Guardians, her body was drenched in sweat and she breathed heavily.

"God, I can't believe I lost my only memento of him. I must find it!" She could remove the thought out of her head when she heard sounds of steps. A blue-haired man walked forward, a thin golden bell in his hand.

"Did you lose something?" This time he changes his voice and when speaking Nerys widened her eyes. This familiar voice struck her like lightning, and she lost her ability to think for a moment before she returned to normal. For some reason, the image a man with short dark hair appeared in her mind when she stared at this masked youth in front of her. Unbelieving, she stuttered as she asked: "Lord Jupiter?!"

Without speaking anything, he gave a few steps forward, stopping right before her. His one-armed figure combined with the black mask covering his face gave him an ominous image.

For a moment she felt nervous. She's just a disciple of an elemental college and was invited to the party because of her master. She was stupid enough to lose her most precious thing in the party, and now big shot, the reason for the entire banquet had to leave the party to return her precious bell to her. She felt shamed for her own stupidity, but how could she refuse it.

Even Roderick felt surprised by the speed which she grabbed the bell in her hands, she didn't notice the emotions hidden within the mask of the blue-haired man. When she raised her head to thank him, Nerys realized he was already gone.

"I heard the news about him, from when he seemed so familiar right now?" Nerys thought to herself as she returned to meet with her friends. In the darkness, Lisa and Roderick were watching her from the distance before they both vanished.

This was the last time Jupiter was seen in public. From that day onwards, he would search for the answers himself, even if it means to become Eden's enemy in the future.