The Only Answer?

"This place... I have seen it before!" For some reason the surrounding in that picture seemed really familiar. Roderick remembered of having been in the same place once before when he was fourteen on a date with Nerys, it was a popular dating spot in the northern sector of Eden.

Turning to the battle far away, he saw only a couple few of the church were left and that sea of blood seemed to overflow with aggressiveness as it forced that unknown expert into a corner.

"It is now possible. I'm a saint! It should be enough to face this thing." The grand elder shot a gaze on the bodies of his subordinates and felt angry. Both his eyes lit with green light before a green sea appeared on the opposite side.

Perfect-transformation: Water Style!

The two seas devoured all the land as they tried to consume the other. Orange flames dyed the sky as it fell like a shower.

"I can't stay here! That elder is really powerful, but I'm sure he wouldn't endure for long." With the unconscious man in his arms, Roderick evacuated the faster he could towards the shore. However, even from far away the reverberations of the battle had spread way too fast.

He was about to flee the continent when he noticed the sounds of fighting suddenly stopped. The sudden silence raised his guard as a sinister feeling invaded his heart and instantly he drew back, but a shockingly large cut appeared on his back.

A ten meter tall golem was standing in before him, with the body of the elder split in two. The two bottomless holes in its eyes stared at Elijah, who felt like death was knowing on the door.

[Boy!] With the old voice calling him, Roderick threw the man away as a bloody claw came slashing straight at his heart.

"No!" Roderick mobilized all the lightning threads in his body to accelerate him, but the claw was not slow. Even by amplifying his speed several times, he only managed to deviate the enemy attack by a little, avoiding hitting his heart.

At that time he had a vision. This vision was mostly blurred, but he could see familiar faces. The island of Eden covered in ashes just like the ruins of the old human cities. A strong man collapsed on the ground holding his trident, a huge silhouette emerged from the darkness and sent his huge palm toward the man when a young woman with blue hair standing with open arms in front of the man and all the other. She faced the immeasurable being without fear as the huge hand smashed her apart. Another young lady also stood up, a golden bell hanging at her waist. And Just like all others, she was smashed by the same creature.

Roderick saw what the bloody creature did against an even stronger being. He saw his father and Artemis coming to his rescue, but even with all the forces of Eden it was impossible to beat this thing. Especially when he noticed some of the aura of that grand elder was coming off this creature as well.

Waving his hand, a golden spear appeared. Its lustrous body and runic patterns gave it a mysterious air.

"Overflow! Lightning Enchant!" Murmuring in his heart. Lightning spread from his body to the spear forming a layer of thunder and lightning.

Pushing his spear forward, his body split into countless afterimages. From back, sides, and every possible direction Roderick attacked even if it didn't do any damage.

The blood golem also locked its eyes on him, a sinister voice sounded in his head. [Exterminate all life.]

I need to do something! Thinking to himself, he noticed the golem stoped moving like it didn't even need to defend against him. Its eyes only shone for a second before its body melted and grew once again in a gigantic figure. Scales, eyes, claws and wings. When he noticed a thousand meter tall winged-snake howled loudly, shaking both the heavens and earth as it flew the island leaving him behind.

Roderick didn't know why the blood golem left him alive, but he couldn't forged the how bad was this humiliation to him.

"Old voice..." With his voice changing, Roderick stared at the sky. "What would happen if this blood creature continues to exist, there is a way to defeat it?"

Despite feeling angry that the bloody creature considered him too weak to be a threat, he could also make a good use of this to find its weakness.

"I'm not sure. This is a kind of creature I've never met in all the countless years of experience. And from the direction it's headed, it will find Eden very soon."(Old Voice)

Roderick thought back to everyone he knew being killed and decided to make the question he mean to for a long time. "If we become one, how is the chance of me defeating it and how much about defeating the beast gods or Sky."

The voice kept silent for a moment before it replied. "100%, If you and I return to being one even if we've lost our sense and god position, I'm fully sure we can beat it. However, we'll have only one day before your body collapses."

"I see, then lets get back to meet the others. If it comes to worst, then I will take it down with me even if it is the last thing I do." Roderick went to pick the body of the unconscious chevalier and brought him to him as he used one of the less damaged airships to warn Sharon first, hide his starship in a safe place and bring her to Eden.