
Roderick knew that this was the chance to ask about his or Artemis parents. And if he thought about his recent discoveries then it was more probable to be related to Artemis, not him. Though this won't impede him from asking.

This was the only chance he may have to know about what happened that day.

He adjusted his mind and took in a deep breath, then he said in a calm voice as he repeated what his dad told him."Twenty years ago, one elemental king followed by several priests of the church tracked down a priest and a baby. The priest ignited himself and took down the others with him, but the baby survived and was taken by a couple in Eden. Is this story familiar to you?"

Seeing Roderick was changing the subject, the chevalier raised his guard and the moment the former mentioned the event twenty years ago, the latter's eyes widened as its orange vertical pupils appeared in his eyes as a proof of his surprise and shock. Roderick's lips raised in a big smile, this was everything he needed to see, it meant this elemental king surely knew about what happened.

"Twenty years ago... I see, it makes sense now." The man absent-mindly spoke as his thoughts cleared.

He pointed with his finger as he said. "You are Roderick Graham, the person we mistook for being the child of darkness."


*Bip Bip*

Roderick was in the middle of his conversation when Sharon contacted him. She reported Lisa, Cassius and Mystic has safely arrived in Eden and that they are less than five minutes from the meeting point.

"It's too bad we can't continue our conversation, the ship is landing at Eden in five minutes." Roderick left the room and returned with a set of clean clothes and threw it on the bed.

"You are looking awful right now, take these clothes and meet me at the exit. Oh, and don't try anything funny, I left a little gift inside you while you were unconscious, just in case."

The man snorted, but he could only accept as he was in no condition to argue with him. Both sides were not on friendly terms.

The beast Curch's ship quickly approached Eden's borders as Roderick could already see its tall buildings from afar. In his hand, he held a letter he just wrote before he put it in his pocket.

Soon, they could see the central sector's airport, which was smaller than the other ones as only VIPs would use it. Sharon drove the ship and landed on the platform 6, Roderick could see the several people waiting down bellow.

His Dad, Mom, Artemis, Ares, Lisa, Mystic and Cassius. Even a dozen men and women in black suits whom he worked with back in the day were there, waiting.

Before leaving, he went to a mirror and observed himself. Inside himself in that dark, void world he saw all the lightning threads slowly melding together, forming a faint perfect sphere.

The old voice told him this place was the interior of his soul which was mostly empty because it was broken millenniums ago. Even if he didn't assimilate his other part, this sphere would grow and the moment it suppresses the amount his body could handle, his body would collapse.

Giving deep breaths, Roderick slapped himself as he stared at his reflection in the mirror. "I must be strong."

The moment the a door opened, and that familiar blue-haired figure walked out. Roderick's mom, the former Hecate couldn't hold back her tears as her vision blurred. Wearing a simple, short sleeved, velvet jacket loosely tied with string on the right side and black shirt. His feet just touched the ground when he felt something hit him.

"Brother!" With a sweet and gentle scent entering his nose and the soft body pressing tightly on him, It didn't take him long for Roderick to know who it was. Looking down to a head full of light-blue hair, he raised his hand and patted the head gently which only made her pout angrily and hit his chest several times.

"Brother liar! You said you won't go anywhere, it has been three years!" Facing Artemis and her storm of punches, Roderick did nothing to stop her. He knew she must be really angry, and well, she was not wrong, It was really bad for him to leave without saying anything.

At this moment, he had looked closer at her and was surprised to see how much she grew. That sly brat he met when he first arrived in the guardians had now become a truly beautiful woman. However, he couldn't say he was attracted to her, well, maybe a little, but he has already acknowledged her as his sister.

"Artemis, stop it already. Don't you see your brother just arrived, let's find a better place to talk. I'm sure little Rick has many things to say."