Ceremonial Robe

On the next day, I woke up and had the amazing breakfast prepared by the servants before I headed to the address for the tailor. The streets weren't as crowded as before, and I soon found a small shop in the district.

"Is this the place?" As I walked in, I noticed numerous pieces of clothes on display inside the shop. I can't say that I've never seen clothes with similar design, but the craftsmanship of each piece was really precise.

Noticing my presence, I hear steps not far away as a silhouette comes closer, and I heard an enchanting female voice sounding in my ears. "Oh, you are the boy Kaikan told me about? Not bad, Divergent beasts like us are pretty, well, so it is always good to see somebody similar." Not much longer after I heard those words, a human-sized spider in a pink frilly dress appears standing in front of me.

'Kaikan? Well, it must be the Wolf King's name or something.' I wondered who this "Kaikan" is when I realized something from the previous words.

"Divergent beast? Are you one as well?" I was a bit surprised by the existence of Divergent Beasts, thought it was much less than my surprise that enchanting and elegant voice I just heard came from this huge spider?

"Yeah, and my name is Friday by the way. Now stand on that platform over there, I must now your exact measures before making the ceremonial robe." Friday raised one of her legs and pointed to the platform behind her.

Standing on the platform, I felt as if a gush of wind just blew past me before string after string of web appeared around me. In a few minutes, it had grown from random web strings running across his body into an elegant robe that fit perfectly with his wolf body and didn't give any uncomfortable sensation.

After the robe was done, Friday was still staring at me, or staring at the pure white robe in my body as if waiting for something to happen. And not much later, I felt a stinging sensation in my body as the ceremonial robe grew incessantly darker and turned into that familiar blood red color that was much deeper and colorful that the red of fire element.

"Your robe is made with my elemental web, when an elemental beast wears my clothes, its color would change depending on the element of the beast. The color of the element won't always be the same when the beast used its power, when Kaikan told me about your blood element I was a bit skeptical. I thought that maybe it is just the elemental spirit you absorbed or something, but my webs don't lie, even if you were a water-element beast with a special type of elemental spirit the color of the robe would remain blue."

After talking with Friday a little more, I returned to my Villa and I soon left once again, this time my plan was to have a look at the whole city. While I'm not that used to having this sort of power, the many battles I faced in my previous life as both human and god were more than enough to keep me confident enough to believe even all those king beasts here won't be a match for this body of mine.

The entire city had a total of twenty-three districts, each noble clan would manage one district, while the royal clans had two districts each. Because the Wolf King never cared about territory and these stuff, the royal clans who had much weaker kings were the ones to gain the most and have control of most of the city's riches.

I walked around the city for the entire day, experienced a few stores in the Upper East Market and eat dinner at a restaurant in the Eighel Plaza before heading to the Central District. The sun has set a few hours and the entire city was lit by small and shining balls floating around the city.

"If the map is right, this should be pretty close to the position of that girl." I just entered the district and saw a huge cathedral in the distance. The gates were so huge that would make one think if this place was really made for humans and beasts and not for giants.

The ornate glass windows were also too complicated for any beast does this, and with how old those walls seemed, it was most likely that this place was one of the ruins left behind by humanity when they still the owner of this world.

"What is this?!" I just stepped forward and I felt a massive pressure fall over me, my whole body stiffened and I felt a chill down my spine that I didn't even know if this body had one. From what the wolf king told me, every tribe only had beast kings, and he was the highest in terms of level, but it looks like the beast god this country servers would certainly not let those kings be in control of everything.

"There is a saint in that building, and he's much stronger than the Beast Church's Human Saint I saw before."