Orange Tower

In shock, Athena murmured. "Roderick? How could it be possible, haven't you?..."

"Died? Well, this one was lucky. " All the crows surrounding the dozen ships laughed. Despite not being Roderick's true body, Athena could feel none of them were weaker than an initial stage King. "Due to our past, I will make this quick."

His eyes lit up when he saw Athena slowly move her hand toward that strange device and the corner of his lips rose.

A familiar energy field crossed through the air and touched all the Blood Crows, but for some reason they all stood unaffected.

"What a nice toy did you bring me. It really has the ability to nullify others elemental powers to affect even those one-step away from becoming saints. These crows, you see may only be my blood avatars, but even they would vanish upon contact with this mysterious energy pulse if I haven't achieved my current level. Ha-ha, how could Sky believe he would be the first human to achieve godhood." One of the crows extended its claw and a piece of metal flew away from Athena's body and went straight into its claw.

"I will keep this for study, you can go on now." Bloody Light covered the eyes of the crows when numerous explosions were heard from far away, using their connection through blood, he traced each of these humans who swore loyalty to Sky and were facing him right now and with a motion of his finger Athena and all those traitors burst into a bloody mass.


Within the borders of the Island of Eden. Three human figures were standing next to each other, the first was a yellow-haired man with a golden jewel encrusted on his forehead.

This man has a ferocious looking face and a body that is somewhat too tall for his build. In fact, his 30 feet tall body is way beyond the size of any human.

The other two weren't that different from him from him having red-colored hair and two similar gems in different parts of their body.

"Oh, it has started." The yellow-haired man shot a stare at the orange tower that grew in the middle of the island and sighed.

"Yes, I don't know how they succeeded in doing that, but they plan to occupy this world by force. Nonetheless, it was this world the source of our power, so it makes sense they search for a even greater power than what they have."

Oh, I have just taken care of the humans who still kept loyal to the. Now we must find a way to enter that tower." The only one with a normal size, a crimson-haired man laughed out loud. Having experienced something similar, he already knew that it was those gems what made those two beasts become what they were today.

The three together, then gathered with all the forces sent here, an enormous army of sixty thousand composed of beasts, demons and the humans that Roderick just saved. In fact, some of the humans that managed to live peacefully in some beast countries all came to help.

"Huh? I'm sensing a familiar aura." In this instant, Roderick flew to the south where the group of Demons, hybrids of humans and beasts had arrived. Within them stood a beautiful middle-age woman with brown hair and a pair of dog ears.

"Lady Lilat." Roderick immediately recognized her as the headmistress of the Institute Aatryon for demons. He still remembered being rescued by her in one of his missions, in fact, thinking back on it, he realized that Sky and Athena already knew about the Lightning Spirit all along and still sent him on that mission that nearly killed him, or maybe it was exactly this what they hoped it would happen...

Not only that, but since the beginning, it was like this lady always knew they would fight together as allies one day.

Because there wasn't enough time, Roderick decided head deeper into the island first together with the allied forces in order to secure the city, but to their surprise everything was empty without any signs of Sky and the other Divergent Saints.

"Is there what she is?" His eyes turned to the Tower he saw before, and he felt as if something much greater than the gem on his heart slept there.

This presence didn't belong to Sky or any of the other ten, yet, it was a monstrous aura that just its pressure seemed to press down on his soul like a mountain.

"There is a scary monster inside that tower, the building itself has a strong life force." Roderick could feel the level of the threat was much worse than he first expected.

At the base of the tower there was a ancient golden gate waiting for him, and as if it felt its presence it opened, revealing an extensive yet ominous corridor illumined by masses of orange flames floating above his head.

"What is this?" The Beast God of Earth who lived a long life stepped forward and reached out to the gate, but before his hand, even got closer a strange pulse suddenly threw his body a hundred meters away nearly falling over a hundred with that huge body of his.

Seeing only he could enter inside the tower, they tried to put a few more people in there, but after many tries the beast gods wore depressed faces seeing this building dare ignore them. "This tower is protected by an unknown barrier that blocks anyone other than me from entering it. I can't wait much time, then I think I should be going by myself first?"

"I agree, the present you can face both of us gods without breaking a sweat so we can leave this place for you." Hearing Roderick's suggesting the others had no choice other than to agree, and when he saw they agreed he left a few instructions before heading deeper inside.

"Roderick!" It was when he heard a cold voice in the back of his mind as soon as he felt a familiar presence next to him.

Soon, that voice resound once again. "I succeed in entering as well."

A feminine figure in a tall silver armor appeared before him.

"Céline? I see you arrived in time... Good, its better to have somebody I can trust in here. Let's head deeper inside, the person we must be somewhere in this place."

What Roderick and Céline didn't know was that the moment they vanished into the corridor, the doors immediately closed and the whole tower shook violently before the entire building changed colors, turning from the previous orange into a majestic platinum color.