
Hello everyone. I know, I know, it has been quite a while since I updated this story but, as always, there are reasons for that. First of all, I just have to say how proud I am of this fanfiction. I know it isn't the best, has a lot of plotholes and grammatical issues but nonetheless it was the first fanfiction I've ever written and it could have gone a lot worse in my opinion.

Now, unfortunately, I have realised that my standards have risen a little bit, hence my hesitation in updating this story. Thus, I am announcing that One Piece - Martialised, One Piece - My name is Bonez, Daz Bonez, and Tales of Tomorrow will be going into a hiatsu, solely for the purpose of a rework.

Furthermore, as fun as it has been, I will be halting to upload my stories on webnovel from this day onwards. Alternatively my stories will be available for reading on fanfiction.net from now onwards. So, if you wish to continue reading them, once the hiatsu is over of course, you may do so. My author's name on fanfiction.net is: Pink Ape

Thank you for reading and I'll see you soon.