Lucifer “The Arrival of my Betrothed”

"This is bullshit, father," Lucifer the second snapped, pointing a finger at his father while the rest of his hand held onto a rock's glass, "He doesn't make the rules down here."

"What a foolish thing to say, Louie. He's made most of the rules, and I make the rest. If you ever want to make them, then you do as we say." Calmly replied his father.

The fallen angel sat behind a large desk scattered with papers. Though he was older than time itself, he still resembled a reasonably young man. Fit body, short blonde hair, and a pair of striking blue eyes that were presently scanning a piece of paper he held his hand while his furious son paced on the other side of his desk.

"An angel? Seriously, a fucking angel? Why?" He demanded as his father tossed the paper he was reading off to the side before picking up another.

"He insists that if you are to take the throne of Hell, you have an angel as your queen to keep you in line. What's it matter anyway, Louie? I'm not telling you to love her. Besides, she's an angel. I doubt she'll be smitten by your lifestyles and habits. Consider it a contract more than a marriage." His father sighed, looking up from his papers and grabbing his glass.

Lucifer ran his free hand through his thick, shiny black hair before falling back into his chair. Despite his hair, Lucifer strongly resembled his father, younger, of course, but with the same features and the same blue eyes.

"Fine! But I'm the boss, not her. She's not coming down here with her oversized twitchy wings and telling me what to do just because she's one of Grandpapa's special little children." He informed, throwing back the rest of the drink before slamming the glass onto his father's desk. "And she's not sleeping in my room." He added, getting up and walking for the door.

"Oh yes, she is." His father replied as the smell of his amusement filled the air.

"You seriously find this funny?" He snapped, turning around to face his father.

"What can I say?" He laughed. "It's not often I see you so flustered, so yes, consider me amusing."

"And they call me soulless." Lucifer huffed.

"Souls have nothing to do with character. I should know. Besides, you are anything but soulless." His father reminded.

"I'm half-demon."

"And half-angel."

"Half-devil, father." Lucifer corrected.

"The Devil is an angel, son, fallen or not." He replied, standing and grabbing the glass Lucifer had slammed down and the whiskey bottle next to it. He filled the glass and put it back, "Now, if you're done throwing your little temper tantrum, we have business to discuss. One of your favorites just arrived about an hour ago."

Lucifer's frustrations faded almost instantly, "Pedophile? I do enjoy punishing pedophiles." He smirked as a wicked smile crossed his lips.

"I figured that would cheer you up," His father smiled, shuffling through a stack of papers before picking one up and scanning it quickly. "Let's see, he died in prison, in which he was serving life for the rape and murder of three little boys all under the age of seven, but that's just what they knew, ick really messed up individual, seems there were thirteen other children they never found."

"And they accuse us of being evil, well then, where is he? I'll get started right away. It'll help me keep my mind off of my angelic fiancee." He smirked, picking up the glass.

"Level eight. Aamon is preparing for you."

~ ~ ~

Lucifer walked out of the bar into the warm evening air, but the breeze was cool, teasing a change in the seasons. His arm was wrapped around a tall, fit, bronze-skinned woman. She was beautiful with bright red hair tied up into a tight bun, sharp features including golden cat-like eyes, and a double set of canines that peaked through full, perfectly bowed lips, but the sexiest thing about her was her confidence. Lucifer loved power and strength. He was attracted to it, and the woman on his arm was one of the strongest women he knew. He pushed her against the wall and kissed her. He could smell the lust. She pressed her body against his. He wanted to take her right there, but that would be 'inappropriate behavior for the future king of Hell' his father's voice echoed in his head, so they'd have to wait till they got back to the castle, but that didn't stop him from sliding his hand up her shirt,

"Slow down, Louie. Wouldn't want your daddy fussing." Azazel laughed.

He smirked and let out a low growl, "Tsk, tsk, Azazel, that's no way to address your Lord." Lucifer hummed, nipping her neck.

"Lord, daddy?" She responded.

Lucifer was about to reply, but thunder erupted as a bright red and yellow streak crossed the sky, heading directly for the castle. Excitement raced through him as he pushed himself off of Azazel, "Well, well, seems one of Grandpapa's pets has done something very naughty."

"And just like that, you're done with me?" She huffed.

"Oh, don't be like that," he replied, "You know how rare fallen angels are. I can't let my father have all the fun. Besides, you know I always come back."

"Umhum, guess I'll have to take care of myself tonight." She complained.

"Don't pout. I'm sure there's a line of boys you can choose from." He replied.

"Oh please, go back to a halfling after I've had the Devil. I'm not that desperate."

"I am a halfling, Azazel." Lucifer reminded, watching the ball of fire fall.

"Why don't you give a demon chance?"

"Ha!" She rolled her eyes, "And risk ending up with a kid like you."

"Not a chance. I'm one of a kind." He winked, taking a couple of steps backward. "I'll make it up to you, promise. I'll even do that thing you like so much, but, for now, I have an angel to torture." He grinned excitedly, turned, and jogged off.

Lucifer appeared on the castle steps moments later. He opened the door expecting to see an angelic figure being chained and ushered to his father's personal torture cell. However, instead of chains rattling and a flurry of feathers, all Lucifer found in the entrance hall was a blood-soaked bundle huddled in the middle of the floor.

His father paced with his hands together like he was praying and wore a furious expression. Anger was the most potent smell, almost strong enough to mask the pain and something else. What was that? Oh, fear, of course. How didn't he pick that one out first? After all, it was one of his favorites, but he was too confused to enjoy it right now. He was about to ask his father what was going on, but before he could say anything, his father's voice rang through the entry hall,

"This was not the deal we made, father! You promised him an angel." He growled, which was followed by silence.

Lucifer's father was talking to his grandfather, and Lucifer knew better than to interrupt. Instead, he approached the thing in the middle of the floor. It was shaking slightly and unquestionably the source of the fear. He crouched down by whoever it was. Lace, bloody lace, he reached out and jabbed the soaked material. It gasped in pain, and two bright green eyes turned to meet his,

"No! You've sent me a half-dead human. What are you trying to pull here, father? This is some kind of trick, isn't it?" His father's voice rang out again, hands still folded.

This was his betrothed! A bleeding sack of flesh. Lucifer let out an annoyed huff. He thought an angel was the worst possibility. She was covered in blood, shaking, and her eyes filled with pain. She was pathetic, but as his eyes met hers, he couldn't help but feel curious. So many questions, mainly, how she was alive. No living mortal could have survived that fall. Lucifer looked at his blood-soaked finger before sniffing it. He lifted a brow. The smell caught his attention, causing him to lick his lips.

"Don't!" His father fussed, turning his attention to Lucifer with a death glare before returning his focus to the argument. Lucifer scowled at his father's scorn but wiped his finger on his pants.

"Why are you alive?" He snapped at the girl on the floor.

She swallowed, "I...I..."

"You, you, yes?" He mocked with annoyance.

Her eyes rolled to the back of her head, and her body went limp, "Oh shit." He said, jumping back as she fell over sideways and almost landed on him, "Father?"

"I'll honor your deal for now, old man, but I swear to you that if this is some kind of trick,"

"Father!" He said again but louder.

"What is it, Lucifer!" He snapped back.

"I think my future bride is dying." He said, pointing at the weak little creature.

"This isn't over, father!" He hissed as he ran over to the girl, "Go get Belial now."

"Why, just let her die. If she dies,"

"Then you don't get another chance. He will not send another, and if you don't marry an angel, you don't get my throne. Now go get Belial."

He got up and lightly jogged across the entrance hall, up the stairs, and down the hall.

"Hey, my dad needs you. My angel is dying." He said, leaning on the door frame of Belial's room,

"What?" A deep and gravelly voice questioned.

Lucifer shrugged, "I don't know what the fuck is going on. All I know is she's dying, and he's freaking out, so you may wanna hurry."

"Take me to them." He said with no more objections as he got up and stretched.

Belial was a massive being standing around six feet seven and probably around two hundred and fifty pounds though he wasn't fat, just big. He had dark olive skin, deep blue eyes, and short dirty blonde hair. Unlike Lucifer's father, Belial still had his wings, but he was forced to have them chained down because of his damnation.

The chains rattled as his uncle walked across the room and grabbed his bag.

They hastened back to the entrance hall, where his father had the girl on her back and his head to her chest,

"Is she still alive?" Belial asked.

"Yes, I can still sense her soul. Why is it so pure?" Lucifer asked before his father could answer.

"Because she's a fallen angel. Angels have pure souls." His father explained as Belial got to work, checking her vitals and pulling out things from his bag.

"Angel's also don't bleed and die when being cast down." He replied.

"Show the boy her back." His father demanded, "This is the reason she's bleeding."

Belial gently rolled the girl's body to him and pealed the blood-soaked lace off,

"My god, he cut them off himself." Belial hissed.

"Yes, and because he removed her wings, she became a fallen angel before she fell. There is a reason we take off their wings after they arrive. When a soul leaves or is cast out of heaven, it passes through the living realm, and without angelic protection, wings, for example, the soul will reattach itself to its mortal body and,"

"She's a living human." Lucifer sighed, "You're seriously going to make me marry a human?"

"He didn't do anything wrong technically, he promised us an angel, and well, she is that, just a fallen one that's reattached to her mortal form."

"But she'll grow old, and…oh well, this isn't that bad after all." He smirked, bending over to look at the girl, "Sixty, maybe seventy years,"

"Wrong." His father replied, rolling his eyes, "Once you marry her, she becomes the crowned Princess of Hell, and her age and beauty will be preserved for all eternity."

"Fuck." Lucifer grumbled, crossing her arms, "Why did he do this to her then? Why torture her like this?"

"He claims he did it as punishment for a betrayal, she needed to pay, and the best way was for her to suffer as a human in Hell for all eternity. As I said, once you're married, she will become immortal, and by the contract, you can't kill her, nor can I. However, this girl's soul is spotless. Fallen angels always have a small mark on their soul, so I'm a bit suspicious." His father admitted.

"You think he's up to something?" Lucifer asked curiously.

"I think he's got ulterior motives."

"Like what?" He asked.

"No clue, but I'm sure it's for the greater good." His father stated, rolling his eyes, "His favorite excuse. Mortals are creative creatures, you know, always spinning tales to explain things they don't understand. The common belief among most worlds is that I am the deceiver. That I go to the mortal worlds and lure people away from God with vices so I can steal their souls, and they burn in Hell for all eternity. The truth is running Hell is my punishment, stuck here till the end of time as a warden over the very souls I despised. Though he never had anything to do with the accusations, he said no when I asked them to be rectified because it was for the greater good. If they feared going to Hell, they would be loving and decent beings. So what if it made me out to be the worst villain of all time and the literal epitome of evil? I guess I deserved it," His father sighed, and Lucifer yawned. He could have easily repeated that monologue in his sleep, "Belial, how's the girl?"

"Alive, and she should stay that way, but she will need time to recover. What did this girl do to cause father to be so cruel, Lucifer?" Belial asked as he leaned her body against him and began wrapping her torso.

"I don't know. I didn't get a chance to ask, not that I would trust him anyway." His father replied.

"I need to stitch up her back, or she'll bleed out, but I don't want her moved once done. What room is she staying in?"

Lucifer's father looked at him and smiled, "Oh, come on!" He hissed.


Lucifer was sitting in the game room with Milril and Orad playing a video game. The two half-demons were identical twins: Red-brown skin, dark brown hair, and brown eyes. Milril was about Lucifer's height, skinny as a sapling with shoulder-length hair, currently tied up into a ponytail. He had a very laid-back temperament and a bright smile. His brother, Orad, was a couple of inches shorter and a bit beefier with a buzzed head and a bit of a temper. However, he was always energetic and spontaneous,

"So is she dead yet, little lord?" Orad asked.

"Nope, looks like the girl's going to survive, so whoo." Lucifer replied, rolling his eyes as he killed Orad for the hundredth time, "How are you so bad at this?"

"Dono, Louie, but If you want to really fight, I bet I'll win." Orad growled, "Stupid game! It's the fucking controller." He accused after respawning and being killed immediately by Milril.

"You may breathe fire and have nails as tough as steel, but I'll take that bet any day," Lucifer challenged.

"So you're going to marry her?" Milril asked as Orad slammed the controller into the couch a few times before focusing back on the screen.

"Got to, made a deal with Grandpapa. If I wanna rule, I marry the angel or fallen angel, I suppose."

"Odd though, if he wants her to keep an eye on you, why send someone he's punishing?" Milril asked as he quickly killed Orad yet again.

"You son of a bitch!" He yelled.

"Dude! Why would you talk about your own mother that way?" Milril laughed as Orad scowled at him, gripping the controller dangerously tight.

"If she doesn't do as he says, he'll damn her soul, and she'll go to the chambers instead of this lovely alternative," Lucifer replied with a huff as Orad finally killed him and let out a victory cry.

"What's up, losers?" Azazel greeted, walking in and slamming the door behind her, "Excluding you, little Lord." She quickly replied, noticing him sitting on the couch.

"You know better than anyone, Azazel. There is nothing little about me." He winked.

"A reminder would be nice, my Prince, you abandoned me the other night, and I haven't heard a word since." She pretended to pout as she sat next to him and wrapped her arms around him.

"Oh, you know, angel fiancée, falling from the sky and almost dying, just trying to be a good future husband and all." He replied, barely phased by Azazel's advances, as he aimed for an oblivious Orad who was too focused on Milril's character, "What are you doing here, anyway?"

"I had a meeting with your father." She answered, nipping his neck and causing a quick break in the skin, rousing the beast deep inside, "Figured I cash in that promise you made me the other night since I had to come all the way out here anyway."

"Okay, just one second." He replied as Milril looked over with a smirk. Lucifer replied with a wink and took the kill shot on Orad.

"Fucking Shit!" He screamed, throwing the control as Lucifer stood up laughing and dropped his controller on the couch, "All yours, Azazel."

"Good!" she smiled, following him out the room, "Your room?" She asked.

"Sadly, your future Princess is recovering in there."

"Gross, is she actually a real human?" She asked with a snort pulling him past his door.

"Born again human. She was a human who died and turned angel, then pissed off God who ripped off her wings, making her human again, and sent her here to marry me as punishment." He shrugged, "Not sure who Grandpapa is really punishing here." He huffed.

"Boring. Where to then?" She questioned.

"Any of the hundreds of open beds in this castle." He laughed, pushing away his annoyance and pulling her into the closest open room, "Like this one."

He stripped her quickly and pushed her onto the bed. He kissed her neck, jaw, and lips as the room filled with desire and lust. He pulled off his shirt, unbuckled his pants, and was about to pull them off when the door flew open,

"Lucifer, she's awake." His father's voice called from the door.

"Big whoop, I'll send a card. Now, please excuse me, father." He growled with annoyance as he burrowed his face back into Azazels neck.

"You're room, now." He demanded.

"I'll be there when I'm done here," He hummed, licking Azazel's neck.

"Right," His father replied, but his tone made Lucifer freeze, "That was an order, Lucifer, but if you want to defy me, go ahead." He added before turning around and walking out the door.

"Fuck!" Lucifer snapped, pushing off the bed, leaving Azazel lying there, obviously vexed, "She's barely conscious, and she's already interfering with my life."

"Seriously?" Azazel hissed, propping herself up on her elbows.

"Would you defy him after that threat?" Lucifer replied, buckling his pants and picking up her clothes. Azazel sighed, sat up, and snatched the clothes from him. "Exactly. You should really find someone to fill in the gaps." He suggested in a grumble, "I'm to be a married man soon."

"Oh please," She laughed, pulling her shirt on, "You planning on being a good loyal husband?"

Lucifer smirked as he snatched his shirt off the ground, "No, but I'll have to perform my husbandly duties, and I would hate for you to feel neglected."

Azazel laughed and shook her head, "Go on, Young Prince, your fiancée awaits."

Lucifer growled but grudgingly left the room, slamming the door behind him.