Lucifer "A Bartender, an Escort and a Baby."

*Quick reminder. In the first chapter, I stated this story contains explicit content that some people may not be comfortable with. This chapter contains sexual content and is not appropriate for minors.*

Lucifer took a puff off his cigarette as he pulled out a small notebook from the inner pocket of his black jacket. He wore fitted slacks, a white v-neck, and a black blazer. His wavy black hair was tucked behind his ears as he flipped through the pages before finding what he was looking for. Lucifer's lazy blue eyes moved from the messily scribbled address up to the chic sign that was brightly illuminated, "The Royale Parlor, hum?" As his gaze moved down to the marque, he read, "'Great food, beautiful women and two for one happy hour, drinks not included.' Why am I not surprised to find you here." He mumbled, shaking his head as he slid the notebook back into his pocket. Lucifer put out his cigarette before crossing the street and approaching the entrance. He ran his fingers through his black mane, causing a few strands to fall into his face before he pushed open the red quilted leather door leading him into a surprisingly elegant lobby dimly lit with copper brushed fixtures, black tile floors, and red leather couches. A few men sat around the lobby looking at magazines with blacked-out covers. A couple of them looked at him as he entered, but most were glued to the naughty pictures hidden behind the discreet binding. A strip of red carpet led to a podium in which a beautiful young lady stood, a young lady who was looking at him strangely, not that he wasn't used to it. Kelilians had a blueish hue to their skin, some darker than others, but Lucifer's olive complexion usually got him curious looks.

"It's quite rude to stare. I have a condition that I'm quite self-conscious about." He said in the native language as he approached the girl.

"My apologies, sir, It's unique and nothing to be self-conscious about." She replied professionally.

"Who said I was?" He quickly countered, winking at the girl.

"How may I be of service today?"

"I'm looking for someone a little taller than you but shorter than me, with pale skin, dark brown hair, and curly. She has a skeletal butterfly marked on her left upper arm." He described.

"Ashera, hum," The girl looked down at the book on the podium, "She's with a client at the moment. Might I suggest,"

"Nope, I'm here for her, and I will wait." He smiled politely as he pulled his wallet from his back pocket.

"You will be waiting a while, sir. She has another already lined up." The girl smiled, and he pulled out a couple of paper bills.

"She'll see me next." He smirked, handing her two bills, making the girls smile brighter, "Yes, sir Mr.?"


"Mr. Abaddon, please follow me right this way." The young girl instructed as all her suspicion faded away. Amazing what the right amount of money in the right hands will do.

Lucifer ran his eyes over the girl's backside as she led him past multiple curtain-blocked doorways until stopping at one where she pulled back the crimson curtain for him to enter, "Would you like something to drink while you wait, Mr. Abaddon?" She offered.

"Yes, your finest whiskey." He replied as she bowed and vanished behind the curtain door.

Just like the lobby, the room had black tile floors and a red leather couch. However, this room had a stripper pole, a single bed, and a mirror on the ceiling above it.

"Ashera, what a lovely name." He mumbled to himself as he sat down on the couch, crossed his legs, and spread his arms across the back.

Only a minute later, the curtain opened, and a beautiful dark-skinned girl appeared carrying a tray with a decanter, a glass, and a miniature ice bucket. She was petite but curvy, and her dark hair was buzzed close to the scalp. She wasn't dressed as promiscuously as the hostess who led him here, but her clothes didn't hide much. Lucifer's eyes raked over her body. He always had a thing for Kelilian women. Sadly there weren't very many Kelil halflings back home,

"Good afternoon Mr. Abaddon. You requested our finest whiskey?" She asked, bending over to put down the tray and leaving him with a perfect view that he was sure wasn't a coincidence,

"I did." He smiled, tilting his head as he took in all the details the lady offered while sniffing the air. He caught something causing a smirk to settle on his lips.

"Would you like any cubes?" She asked, looking up at him with big brown doe eyes, and he shook his head with a hungry smile, "Ashera will be a while. May I interest you in one of our other women to keep you company till she arrives?" The girl asked, pouring his drink for him and walking over as he shrugged, "I'll have a list brought in,"

"No, you will do just fine, darling." He interrupted, taking the glass from her and sipping it without breaking eye contact.

"Me? I'm just a bartender." She blushed.

"And what is this simple bartender's name?" He requested, giving her a devilish smile, making her blush more, "Don't be shy. You must be sure of yourself to succeed in this career path." He explained.

"Tinesa." She answered, forcing herself to meet his eyes.

"Lovely, come here, Tinesa," He instructed, patting the spot next to him. She timidly walked over, sitting down and putting her hands on her lap before looking down, "You can drop the act, it is adorable, and you had me for a moment, cute is my weakness, if I'm honest, but you're overplaying it." He criticized.

"Damn." She sighed, dropping the timid act and leaning back on the couch before crossing her own legs, "It's part of the act. We, bartenders, are supposed to act the opposite of the main ladies to work up their clients when they have to wait after all we don't want our paying customers to get bored. However, cute's been a tough one for me. I'm better as bossy but Ashera,"

"Oh, I know. Ashera and I go way back."

"Really?" She asked, "I've worked here for two years and barely gotten a sentence out of her."

"A bit surprising since you two have so much in common. Can I smoke in here?" He hummed, and she gave him a nod,

"What do you mean? What do we have in common?" She questioned, confused as Lucifer pulled out a cigarette and lit it.

"Well, you are both beautiful," He winked as she feigned embarrassment, "And I always prefer a girl with demon blood. Daddy gets mad if I fool around with mortals."

She held her composure, but Lucifer sensed her sudden fear and anxiety,

"Demon? I don't know what you're talking about." She laughed.

"Oh, and now your role-play skills are just falling to shit, tsk tsk." He teased, sipping his whiskey.

"Are you crazy? What are you getting at?" She demanded, getting up and backing towards the curtained door as he pulled a drag off the cigarette,

"I'm going to assume you're Trazgrin's daughter? You look a lot like her."

"My mom hasn't hurt anyone. She's a good woman."

"Calm down, darling. I'm not a demon hunter." He quickly reassured, seeing that was the path she had followed, "Quite the opposite, to be honest." He stood up, walked over to the girl, and held out his hand, "Lucifer," He smirked, "The second."

"You're Lucifer! My mom warned me about you. She said I had to be careful, or you would take me to Hell." She said her shyness was legitimate this time, but she shook his hand as he puffed the cigarette, "You don't look like I expected you to."

"I get that a lot; most don't expect me to be so attractive." He winked, pulling her into him, "But don't worry, I'm not here for either you or your mother, that is at least not to punish, but you, my dear are quite beautiful." He hummed as he wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her close to his body.

"What, what do you want from me?" She asked as her heartbeat quickened like a scared little child.

"Many things, but delivering a message will do for now." He whispered into her ear before moving down and brushing his lips on her neck, causing her entire body to shiver. He opened his mouth wide and bit into her neck, causing her to yelp. He didn't bite deep and quickly lapped up the blood. The wound would heal by tomorrow, but he had scared her, "Leave now, go to your mother, tell her to meet me at the coffee shop on the corner in an hour. If she refuses, remind her how easy it was for me to find you."

"You're here to take her back, aren't you?" She asked, almost in tears.

"No, nothing like that. I'm looking for something, and your mother may be able to help me find it, that's all. If she shows up, I promise no harm will come to you or her. Go on then." He said, shooing her, but she went to grab the tray, "Leave that. Get going, sweetheart, and hide those bite marks. You wouldn't want your Young Prince to be arrested, would you?" She half bowed and ran from the room as he chuckled. Poor girl; he knew exactly who her mother was and was sure his name haunted her nightmares as a child.

Lucifer extinguished the cigarette and sat back down. He sipped on his drink until the curtain finally opened to reveal the woman he was waiting for.

"Shame on you for making your Prince wait while you pleasured another man. I still remember when I was the only man in your bed." He smirked as he looked at her fit, beautiful, and almost naked body. Perfect curves that she knew how to flaunt and the softest skin; his fingers itched to touch her. His body ached just thinking about it. Admittedly she had taught him all the basics. He was barely a man when he met her and the things she showed him.

"Oh Louie," She laughed, walking to the table and grabbing the decanter, "you were never the only man in my bed, and you know it, half the time, there was more than one under my sheets and not just men." She winked, refilling his glass before pulling straight from the crystal jug, "Why are you here, Louie? I have thirty-something years before your next review." She questioned, walking around the table and sliding her arms around his neck as she straddled him and pressed her body against his, "Miss me that much?"

"I'm looking for someone. I didn't figure it was you, but I had to check." He replied as she pushed him back onto the couch before running her hands up his chest.

"Are you sure it's not me you're looking for?" She teased, nipping his chin.

"Depends. Did you involve yourself with another half-demon, fail to report it, become pregnant and give birth to a new half-demon soul? Also, which was not reported and brought to our attention by God, who is quite peeved over the situation?" He questioned.

"Hum, if you came a week ago, maybe but definitely not this week." She joked, kissing his neck.

"Do you know of any other local halflings?" He asked.

"Besides Tinesa's paranoid mother, no. I had a regular for a while, but about a year ago, he stopped coming in. Figured he either moved, got dragged back to Hell, or got himself a girl." She admitted nipping his skin with her teeth as she pressed her core against his.

"A name?" He insisted, running his hands along her curves as a need started to develop.

"He went by Elion, but his birth name was Bozgurn." She informed.

"Sound like you two made buddies. Weird, he just left without saying bye," Lucifer questioned, letting his hands rest on her butt.

"We fucked, a lot. It's my job, after all. Admittedly he was one of my favorites; it's hard to find satisfaction with mortal's Louie, but I don't know what happened to him." She answered, rolling her hips over him, causing him to grow.

"Ashera, is it now? As much as I would love to reconnect, there are a couple of issues, the first being I'm under a time constraint. I'm getting married by this Hell week's end, so I need to solve the mysterious baby situation quickly, and the second, you know my father's rules." He explained, standing up and almost toppling her onto the floor.

"Some rules are meant to be broken, my Lord." She replied, biting her bottom lip.

"Not this one." He grumbled as she persistently cornered him against the wall.

"I'm sure you have a little time." She pouted, dropping to her knees, "Promise I won't break any rules." She said, licking her lips, "I mean, you came all this way, after all."

"Doubt my fiancée will like it."

"Then don't tell her."

With that, she unbuckled his pants, and he let his head fall back against the wall while his fingers slipped into her hair as he felt her soft lips caress his manhood. Her tongue wrapped around the tip as her head began moving up and down. His grip on her hair tightened,

"Faster." He ordered, but the voice wasn't his, and he cursed himself for giving in. "Actually, get off."

She pulled back, confused, "What's wrong, Louie?" but when their eyes met, she saw his beautiful blues were now fiery red, and she smiled.

"Don't call me that, Zefa." He replied, "And fuck my father's rules." He pulled her up and turned her around before pressing her against the wall, where he lifted the sheer fabric that coved her butt. He grabbed her waist and pulled her towards him, causing her to bend over. Without wasting another moment, he shoved himself inside her and began thrusting in and out feverishly.

"Oh! Yes, my Prince, I'm glad to see I can still bring out the demon in you." She moaned as he pulled out and turned her around to face him before lifting one of her legs and entering her again.

"Be quiet, Zefa." He ordered, and the next sound from her was a sharp cry as he sank his teeth into her neck,

"You and those damned teeth." She gasped but didn't dare try to stop him.


Lucifer sat at a small table outside, sipping on a coffee mixed with whiskey poured from a small flask he always carried and reading the local news, which he cared nothing about when the chair across from him was pulled out and sat in. Folding the paper and putting it down, his eyes met another blue pair, but these eyes were not happy,

"Good evening. What are we going by now?" He questioned the stone-faced brunette that was internally killing him with her glare.

"Amadee." She hissed, "You bit my daughter."

"I did, a bite which will be nonexistent tomorrow, so don't,"

"You bit my daughter!" She snapped again.

"Yes, I did." He said slowly, "Be honest now. If I had come and requested your help, you would have refused, or worse, run, and I don't have time to chase you all over the planet Trazgrin, so let's get down to business." He smiled, sipping his cup.

"I don't have to help you, Lucifer." She spat.

"No, you don't. However, if you do, I'll make it worth your while. You help me find who I'm looking for, and as long as you follow the rules, I'll give you one hundred and fifty years before our next checkup." He offered.

"Make it two hundred." She bargained.

"Fine, but your information needs to be useful." He agreed.

"What do you need to know?"

"Why is there a new halfling soul here? It popped up yesterday, and it's doubtful a demon escaped from Hell, but I must verify it's two half-demons. Tell me what you know." He demanded, sipping his drink.

"Two halflings together, I don't know Lucifer. I haven't heard anything, but you know many of us here want to be left alone,"

"Really? Because you're the only one on Kelil who gives me any trouble." He snapped.

"Oh, is that so? Then why are you sitting across from me asking for help then?"

"I don't get it. I really don't. Rules are rules, and as long as they're not broken, there is no reason to hide. Trazgrin, you have never even given my father or me a reason to fuss about you, yet you run from me every time I come to check on you. Why?" He demanded, lifting his hands in frustration.

"Because I don't trust you. I've heard stories of you taking half-demons back just because you find them pretty." She hissed, and he laughed.

"I have never forced a half-demon who hasn't committed a crime back to Hell, nor will I ever. You shouldn't believe everything you hear. Now, tell me what you know." He insisted.

"There's me, and what's her face at the whore house." She rolled her eyes and flicked her wrist, "Then there's Thrognar, but he's married to another man, then there's Fythora and Hilgron, the sisters, but neither have ever married or had children. The only other one I know is Bozgurn, but I lost track of him a few months ago. He didn't like my 'nosey nature and avoided me. All I know is he moved away allegedly to get married." She explained.

"Well, thank you, Trazgrin. You have been useless. Consider the deal void." He sighed, getting up.

"No! No, listen, I don't know exactly where Bozgurn is, but I heard he moved to the coast, where his fiancee lives, and if you're looking for a newborn, check the hospitals. You said the baby was born yesterday. Likely, they're still in the hospital."

"Assuming two half-demon parents were stupid enough to give birth in a hospital." He scoffed.

"Why not? A strange feature is pawned off as a mutation, and the blood is an abnormality at birth. That's what happened with Tinesa. A genetic abnormality, a few checks over the first few years, then passed off as nothing. Check the hospital's Lucifer." Trazgrin insisted, and he nodded.

"If I find what I'm looking for, consider or deal accepted. If not, ill be back in fiftyish." He smiled, getting up.

"How will I know." She asked.

"Oh, you'll know in about fifty years." He smirked and left, leaving her fuming.


The next day Lucifer walked into a small hospital wearing a suit and carrying a briefcase.

"Excuse me, ma'am, I'm looking for Dr. Erlamon." He smiled sweetly at the older lady behind the desk, who had her eyes down and was working on a number puzzle. She slowly raised her eyes and stared at him suspiciously, glancing up and down, "It's a skin mutation." He snapped, "I would think a woman in the medical field to have a better bedside manner."

She picked up the phone and hit a few buttons, "Dr. Erlamon, there's a mister..."

"Dr. Abaddon." He informed.

"Dr. Ababroden here for you." She finished hanging up the phone as he glared at her, "What?"

"You're a terribly rude person, which means something coming from me." He replied, only for her to take a deep breath and turn back to her puzzle.

Moments later, the double doors to the side opened, and a young man walked out and headed straight toward him,

"Dr. Abaddon?" He smiled, holding out his hand.

"Dr. Erlamon, so grateful for your help." He smiled, shaking the man's hand.

"Of course, please follow me," He said, leading him through the double doors and into the maternity ward, "It was so odd when you reached out, I had never had any experience with blood abnormalities before, and then a day after my first I hear from you."

"I check regularly, but sadly, many doctors brush me off. If you asked around, you would probably hear a few laughing at my name. Shame, really, because I'm only trying to help." He sighed, shaking his head, "I have an abnormality myself, which I'm sure is pretty obvious. Growing up here is very difficult when you are different, so I have dedicated my practice to helping those with similar conditions. Physical or otherwise."

"Noble work, sir. Here is the room of the family." He informed, stopping outside the door, "I have to ask why you insisted on keeping your visit a secret?"

"Many parents don't want to accept that their child isn't normal. I find it's easier if I'm here to break the news and able to answer all their questions and concerns." He reassured, "Now, this truly is a private matter if you'll excuse me." He smiled softly, and though the doctor was a bit shocked at being shooed, he nodded and walked off.

Lucifer pushed the door open and walked into the room as his smile twisted into something sinister, "What a naughty couple of demons you two have been." He smiled as his eyes fell on Boxgurn and, to his surprise Hilren. Hilren was always more than helpful in the past.

"Lu, Lucifer." Hilren stuttered, holding their bundle of joy in her arms.

He tsked three times, "Married it seems, and yet no report, both moved and no report, pregnant and no report. What the fuck did you think was going to happen!" He scolded, pacing the room, "Did you seriously think we would miss a half-demon soul just popping up? God is pissed. These things must be reported, and I can easily drag all three of you back to Hell for this." He huffed, reaching his arms out for the baby only to be given a shocked look by Hilren, "Give him here. I need to see him."

She hesitated, "Believe me, I'll hurt you before him. After all, he hasn't broken any rules. Now give me the child." And with that, she let Lucifer take him.

Despite what many would think, Lucifer was very good with children, he did these checks pretty often, and as he held the small boy in his arms, he unwrapped the blanket to check for 'growths,' causing some fussing before quickly wrapping him back and lulling him calm. He was just about to hand the boy back when the child yawned and opened his eyes,

"Oh! Well, there's a problem. Whose he get this from?" Lucifer asked, staring into the boy's green cat eyes.

"Me." Hilren sighed,

"Have the doctors or nurses noticed?" Lucifer asked worriedly.

"No. They come and go. Usually, his eyes are normal. This just started this morning."

Lucifer glared at both of them, "Irresponsible, selfish,"

"I can hide them. I'll teach him, I promise." Hilren reassured, her eyes locked onto her son.

"Very well, just don't let those eyes be seen." Lucifer paused, "Anything else?"

"No." Hilren quickly replied, but Lucifer saw the hesitation in Boxgurn and the worry and paranoia that filled the small room.

"You realize if I have to return because of your son, you will both be put in front of my father,"

"He has a tail," Boxgurn admitted.

"Yea, I know. I was waiting to see if either of you would break." Lucifer admitted

"That's cruel!" Hilren snapped, "We have done nothing wrong. We'll keep him out of sight till he can,"

"Cruel?" Lucifer interrupted, "I'm cruel? And what will you do when the doctors see this boy's eyes hum? They have rationalized the stub tail, but when they see the eyes too and that tail begins growing. I've seen it. They'll jam needles into him, running test after test. They will take him away from you to experiment on him to figure out what he is until all you have is a body bag or worse. You two expose our world to one that is centuries away from being able to handle that realization you may cause the needless death and torture of yourselves, your son, and our people. Believe it or not, I'm here to protect you, yours, and ours. My job is to keep the demon world from being exposed and protect those who choose to live amongst mortals, which is a privilege, by the way. Now either three, two, or one of you come with me, but I promise you that baby is going to Hell tonight." He snapped, "You have twenty minutes to decide." He finished pulling out a piece of chalk.