Baby Girl "I'm His Sister?"

She followed him out of the train station and off to the side, where a line of people stood next to a sign she couldn't read. A car pulled up, and the two people at the front climbed in before it sped off, only to have its spot taken by a similar car. Taxis, she thought to herself as they slowly moved up until they were at the front. While waiting for their car, her stomach growled, and she blushed. Lucifer looked down at her with a half-smile. She was hungry, but with no way of telling Lucifer, her stomach finally decided to speak up. When their car arrived, she climbed in and slid to the other side, allowing him room next to her. With a quick exchange of unknown words, the driver took off. She had been slightly frustrated not being able to talk or know anything being said and felt Lucifer was enjoying the awkward situation he had tricked her into. However, besides the language barrier, her clumsiness, and the strange altercation at the train station, she was glad he took her along. It was nice being out of the castle, and being in a whole new world she never knew existed was exciting, to say the least. Turning her attention to the window, she stared at the passing sights, small buildings with signs, little clusters of houses, the blue skin people going about their lives, and one of them were walking a strange creature. Lucifer and the driver were having, what sounded like, a pleasant conversation though she didn't know for sure. It was impressive how fluently he spoke the strange language, not with a stutter or accent. His words came out as if this was his native language, and she wondered how many languages he knew. Maybe ten minutes after they got into the car, it pulled over and stopped. He leaned forward, handing the man some form of money, exchanging a few more words, and opened the door. Lucifer got out first, and she hurried out, forgetting about her knee. Pain shot through her as she put her weight on the damaged leg, and she faltered, but his quick reflexes caught her arm. Pulling her up straight, he looked at her questioningly, wondering if she was ok. She gave him a smile and a nod to reassure him that she was fine, and they began walking. Though she did her best to keep up with his long strides, the binding on her knee rubbed with each step causing her to fall behind. After noticing he had left her behind, Lucifer stopped and waited for her to catch up before matching her pace. He was looking at the buildings as they passed, and she wondered where they were, it didn't seem like a neighborhood, but before she wondered any further, he stopped at the door of a small shop. It had some tables outside with cloths over them and plate settings. He pushed open the door and ushered her inside. A pleasant-looking young man with hair a similar color to hers stood behind a podium. He greeted them politely, followed by a couple of questions that Lucifer answered before they followed him to one of the tables outside. After they sat, he said something before leaving. They sat there silently for no more than a minute when a different, slightly older man approached with menus and a pitcher of clear liquid. He handed her a menu first, then Lucifer, after which he filled their glass's from the pitcher. Turning to her, he asked something, only for Lucifer to quickly intervene, saying the same thing she had heard him say to all the other people who attempted to speak to her. With a sympathetic nod, he turned to Lucifer instead and began talking. After a few quick words, the man nodded and walked away. Lucifer picked up the glass of clear liquid. He took a sip and nodded, informing her it was safe to drink. She picked up her glass and took a sip. It was just water, and she gulped it down, not realizing how thirsty she was until the water touched her lips. Putting the glass down, she looked back to Lucifer, who was looking at his menu. Deciding it would look odd just sitting there, she picked up her menu and scanned the foreign letters as if she was deciding. Dish after dish, her eyes scanned pretending but suddenly stopped on one. She didn't know the letters or words, but for some reason, they looked familiar, and her mouth watered slightly as if her stomach knew something her brain didn't. A moment later, the waiter returned with a tray that held drinks, placing a bulb-shaped glass in front of her that held a dark red liquid and another in front of Lucifer that held less and was amber-colored. Of course, whiskey, and she prayed her's held wine. Hopefully, the alcohol would slightly soothe her knee's pain, which was lightly throbbing under the bandage. After placing the tray under his arm, he asked Lucifer something, and he nodded. The man took out a small pad and pen from his apron. Lucifer began by placing his hand on his chest and saying something, he then raised his hand to her, but she quickly held up the menu and pointed to the dish that made her mouth water. The waiter leaned close and said something to her. Hoping he was only verifying what she pointed to, she nodded, and he quickly jotted it down before closing his book. Saying a few words, he turned and walked back inside. Lucifer looked at her questioningly, and she showed him the entree she had chosen, skimming it. He shrugged. Grabbing the glass in front of her, she took a wary sip and smiled pleasantly at the familiar taste. Still, there was a notable difference, there was a flavor like nothing she had ever tasted, and she really liked it, which must have shown because she heard a chuckle only to look up and see Lucifer staring at her with a smile on his lips and amusement in his eyes. She blushed but smiled back at him, sitting there silently, both sipping on their drinks. She had to admit as much as he tormented her, she wished they could talk. There were just so many things she wanted to ask. Finally, their entrees came out, and when the waiter placed her plate in front of her, it was exactly what she wanted, even though she had never had it before. Picking up what looked similar to a fork and knife, she began to eat, savoring every bite. Not sure if it was just because of her hunger, but she devoured the dish, and the flavors were magnificent. After finishing and practically licking the bowl clean, she turned back to her drink before looking up at Lucifer, who was slowly eating his entree and zoned out lost in his thoughts. Since her plate was empty, she decided to observe her surroundings and picked up the delicious liquid in front of her, which was sadly almost gone. A small family passed by them, and the young child between her parents pointed at her and said something that got her a quick shush and rushed along. She smiled, knowing the child was only curious, and rightfully so. She had a sneaky suspicion they didn't see people with white skin very often. What went unnoticed was Lucifer's eyes looking at her intently while a legitimate smile graced his lips. She was so lost in her observations that she hadn't noticed his smile nor when he stood and tapped her shoulder, causing her to jump. With a smirk, he jerked his head for her to follow. Gulping the last sip of her wine, she got up and fell into step behind him. As they returned to the street, her knee felt better, and she was able to keep pace with Lucifer, thanks to the numbing effects of her wine. They walked back the way they came, past the shops and the spot where the cab had dropped them off before turning down a small road that led into a neighborhood. Lucifer looked at the doors as they passed and finally turned up the sidewalk of one particular house. Following closely, they approached the door, but someone called from behind as he stuck his hand into his pocket to retrieve the key. Lucifer quickly turned and greeted the caller with a huge, very fake smile. A man and woman approached, immediately asking questions. Lucifer answered, and she heard Sorlo's name a few times making her believe they were asking about the family. Suddenly the casual mood changed to concern with Lucifer saying something while forcing a sad look. The conversation continued as she stood there quietly, only getting a glance from the woman now and again. Finally, Lucifer shook the man's hand, and they turned back to the door. He unlocked it and allowed her to enter first and then locked the door behind them,

"You may speak." He said.

"Finally!" She gasped, "Who were those guys? Wait. First, I'm sorry I fell. I should have been paying attention. Oh, and why was that crazy lady screaming at me? How have you explained my silence, and what was that delicious wine you ordered me? Can we get that in Hell?"

"Slow down, Baby Girl, before your head explodes." He laughed. "The couple are neighbors and were curious about the family's well being. I told them everything was fine, but Sorlo has a genetic abnormality that needs to be monitored, so it would be a while before their return." He explained, walking into the kitchen. She followed and watched him grab the trash can before making for the refrigerator, "As for your knee, yes, you should have been paying attention but are you ok? I was a little concerned. I can tell it's hurting you." He asked as he opened the door and began tossing everything.

"I'm ok, just a little uncomfortable. What are you doing?"

"This food will spoil. I don't want them coming home to a cold box full of rotten food. Anyway, the train station lady was fussing because you wouldn't answer her son's question about your skin. I've been telling people you are my mute sister and your mute because of a defect at birth, and that drink is made from a rare fermented berry but sadly not a beverage we have in Hell." He said, answering the rest of her questions and finishing emptying the fridge. He shut the door, tied the bag, and left it.

"I'm your mute sister?" She stared at him blankly for a second and started laughing as tears formed in her eyes, and now he was the one sporting the blank look, "I'm sorry, it's just, just we're getting married in two days, and you're telling everyone here I'm your sister, so you're marrying your sister!"

"No one here knows who we are," He hissed as his temple pulsed.

"I know, I know, but come on, it's funny." She calmed herself and wiped the tears out of her eyes as he rolled his eyes at her,

"Now, if you're quite done, I have a question. Why did you choose that dish for lunch?"

She shrugged, "Don't know. I couldn't read any of the words, but it looked almost familiar for some reason, though I don't know why. It was delicious, though.

"Hum, come on, let's get to the task." He insisted, hurrying her along.

The house was a modest size with only one floor, and it didn't take long for them to locate Sorlo's room,

"I'll check the other room's for his things." She offered to receive a nod as Lucifer started grabbing stuff and tossing them in the crib.

She wondered what his plan was, to just wheel everything down the street back to the train. She shrugged, knowing he had to have a plan, as she entered the husband and wife's room. As expected, a few baby items were in there, which she grabbed and tossed onto the bed. Scanning the room, she noticed their wedding picture. She grabbed that as well and began picking through their side tables and bathroom for things that seemed important.

"Nosey doll." She heard him call, "Digging through their possessions, naughty." He tsked.

"I was looking for things they might wish to have, pictures, watches, jewelry. You know, things that might make them a little more comfortable." She justified as her cheeks turned warm.

He walked over, looking at the small pile on the bed, "Do you want children, Lucifer?" She questioned as he picked up a little and very soft blanket, "Or maybe I should ask if you already have sonme."

He turned and looked up at her with a smirk tossing the blanket back onto the pile, "Why do you ask, Baby Girl? Ready to start trying?"

"No! You just seemed, I don't know, happy holding Sorlo." She quickly explained, knowing the color in her cheeks only intensified.

He hummed at the observation leaving the pile and exploring the room, "I do like small children, mainly because they're cute, and you know I like cute, but also their intentions or innocent. Infants and toddlers tell the truth about their feelings and what they think. No knowledge or concept of how to lie or deceive, just pure honestly. As they grow older they grow to the world, and at that point, they aren't even that cute anymore. That is where I lose interest." He turned, grinning at her as she rolled her eyes in response,

"You didn't answer my second question." She pointed out.

"Do I have children?" He scoffed, "No, Baby Girl, I don't"

"Are you sure, I mean you obviously like to get around, maybe there's a few little devils,"

"There's not." He reassured.

"Really? Fifty thousand years and you're so sure,"

"I said there's not!" He snapped causing her to jump at his sudden reaction. He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair, "Fuck it, you'll figure it out eventually. I can't have kids. Don't know why but, uh, just can't" He sighed, "At least you never have to worry about baring my children."

"But you said,"

"I lied. I'm an asshole. Big suprise." He shrugged, "Come on then, bring the rest of the items to the baby's room while I retrieve the things in the kitchen and toss the garbage." He instructed, leaving the room.

She stood there for a moment still trying to process what he just told her before shaking it off and doing as he asked. She wrapped the small pile in the baby blanket and carefully carried it to the baby's room, making sure not to drop anything. After placing the bundle in the crib, she went into the kitchen to help with the rest. She went through the cabinets grabbing bottles and nipples. She was standing on her tiptoes, reaching as far as possible for the last bottle, but she could only graze it with her fingertips. Suddenly she felt his body against hers. Her back to his chest, and she froze. Lucifer reached one arm around her waist to hold her steady while he reached up into the cabnient with his other hand. She could feel his hard chest pressing against her back, and his fingers brushed over hers as he effortlessly grabbed the bottle she was struggling to reach. Pulling back as quickly as he arrived, he gathered the remaining bottles on the counter, "Come along then. I think this is it." He said nonchalantly, as if the moment didn't affect him. Maybe it didn't. Was she overthinking it? Of course, she was. He came in, saw her struggling, and helped, that was all, "Baby Girl, why are you still standing there? I don't wish to spend all evening here. Let's go." Quickly moving out of the kitchen and back to Sorlo's room, he dropped the bottles into the crib, "Is that everything?" He asked.

"Uh, yes, I think so." She said, giving the room one last sweep as he took something from his pocket and went to the wall, "Lucifer?"

"What is it?" He paused looking back at her.

"I, uh, I don't care. What you had said earlier. It doesn't bother me." She informed


"I just wanted you to know it doesn't effect how, uh, how I see you?" She shrugged.

He raised a brow at her before turning back to the wall and she watched intently at what he was doing. Starting at the floor, he began drawing and continued till he formed a simple rectangle. He returned the chalk to his front pocket and then pulled a knife out of his back pocket. Flicking it open, he began mumbling things she didn't understand in a very coarse and rough-sounding language before running the blade's tip over the palm of his left hand, causing her to gasp in shock, but he didn't falter as he continued to mumble. Putting the knife away, he continued his words while dipping a finger from his right hand into the wound on his left before drawing a symbol in the middle of the rectangle. She watched as he drew a triangle pointing up with a greek cross connected to the bottom. A few more words and the center of the rectangle vanished.

"Cool!" She whispered, looking through the door and recognizing the throne room, "Are you ok?" She quickly asked, snapping out of it, remembering the cut, "The cut seemed deep."

His eyes turned to her, but instead of the familiar blue, they glowed red like fire,

"What cut?" He smirked, holding up his unblemished left hand, "Come now, quickly, push the crib through. You must go first."

Without another word, she did as he instructed. Once through, Lucifer followed, and she turned just in time to see the door close and Sorlo's room vanish. She looked back at Lucifer, whose eyes had returned to their normal blue.