Lucifer “My Infernal Union.”

Lucifer stood at the far end of the decorated throne room, waiting for his Baby Girl's grand entrance, while his father stood two steps to his side. He had to admit she had done a lovely job of setting up their wedding despite the fact she would have run if she could. The throne room was subtly decorated with draped cloth swooping from the high peak of the ceiling and down the walls to soften the appearance of the stone-walled room. His father's throne sat against the back wall, and they stood on the raised floor where it usually rested. Uniform chairs filled the rest of the room, making a half-circle so all invited had a clear view of the couple. Guests filled all the seats, and murmuring echoed through the room,

"Where is she?" The deep voice of his dear Uncle Michael asked.

Michael was a tall and muscular angel with long, blonde, and wavy hair that hung past his shoulders. He wore a white robe tied around the waist with a glittering gold braided cord and, in his hand, a white, gold, and silver intricately bound book that had no title, but the most marvelous thing about his Uncle was his wings. White feathers tipped with a heavenly glow. They caught the attention of everyone in the room, even though he kept the feathered nuisances closed. Lucifer thought the whole wing thing was a bit extravagant and, honestly, rather annoying. While they waited, Michael had to have twitched the things a few dozen times,

"I don't know, Uncle. Probably giving one last thought to running away and taking her chances in the wild forests of the borderlands." Lucifer responded, rolling his eyes.

"I'm a very busy man, and I don't appreciate being made to wait." He answered back cooly.

"Talk to father about it then. He was the one who provided the bride, and, let's be honest, Mikey, you have nothing better to do than sit on your ass and stroke your wings." His father replied from behind, causing Michael to shoot him a nasty look.

Before a response could be made, the doors opened, and Belial and his bride stepped in. The dress he had designed suited her perfectly, better than he expected, which caused him to smile unintentionally. Leaving Belial at the door, she walked forward alone with her head held high and a smile, obviously forced but a smile nonetheless. As she got closer, the gems on her dress and crown sparkled in the light. Their attire was similar though he was a lot less flashy. Lucifer wore a well-fitted black and red brocade suit with slight gold accents, and a solid gold band encircled his head as well, but, unlike hers, jewels did not adorn his crown, and the band itself was wider. As she reached the first step, Lucifer stepped down with one foot and reached his hand out to her. She stared at it for a moment before putting her hand in his allowing him to lead her up the steps to stand in front of him. She was beautiful, and it wasn't the first time he felt something stir inside him as the desire to rip the dress off of her and take her body snaked through him, but that was, of course, something he couldn't do, well at least something he shouldn't do. Her eyes met his and locked on, she was holding herself well, but the anxiety, fear, and sadness weighed heavy in the air around her.

"Shall we?" Michael asked, wasting no time as he opened the book in his hands but did not look at it, "On this evening, we have gathered here to join two souls in holy matrimony. Two souls that have agreed to join together for the betterment of all the worlds created by God almighty. Do you both stand here willingly?"

Michael looked at Lucifer first, who responded, "Yup." Instead of the formal I do, which got him a glare from his Uncle before turning his question to his Baby Girl,

"I do." She replied without delay.

"Do the witnesses accept and agree to this union?" Michael asked, directing the question to his father and the small group of angels opposite him.

"We do." They all said in unison.

Michael looked at her first, "Repeat after me, I Kathrine Ann, take you, Lucifer the second, to be my husband," Michael instructed, and she did while Lucifer said her name over and over in his head before deciding he would stick with Baby Girl.

"I will stand by your side for all eternity as your equal, bringing balance to your reign over Hell and all its residents whether they live here or in other worlds." Michael finished, and his Baby Girl gave him a puzzled look at hearing her vows, to which he just gave a slight shrug and rolled his eyes. With a deep breath, she finished the cold vows. "Lucifer, repeat after me. I, Lucifer the second, take you, Kathrine Ann, to be my wife."

"I, Lucifer the second, take you, my Baby Girl,"

"Lucifer!" His father snapped from behind him.

"Fine. I, Lucifer the second, take you, Kathrine Ann, to be my wife." He corrected, emphasizing her actual name.

Micheal snapped the book shut, "The rings?" Michael called for as Lucifer snapped his head to him, only to receive a smirk for the angel. Azazel stepped forward with the box and handed it to Michael. He opened the box and held it out to them, "Exchange these rings as a sign of commitment to one another, along with any personal words you wish to share."

Baby Girl took his ring and slid it onto his finger, "What? No vows, I'm hurt." He whispered.

"Can we get this over with, please?" She mumbled as a smile twisted across his lips, and he grabbed her ring.

Sliding the bulky and heavy ring onto her finger, she looked at it and then at him, "I had it made from a shackle, one from Earth." He informed as his smile twisted further, and she rolled her eyes.

"Was it my father's?" She responded cooly, taking him by surprise, but it didn't phase the smile on his face.

"No, Baby Girl, but that would have been clever. You know what they say about hindsight."

Before another word was exchanged between the two of them, Michael spoke up, "The knife, brother." This caught Lucifer's attention, and his eyes snapped right to his Uncle as his father handed over a unique knife that he knew very well, "Your left hands." Micheal ordered, and his Baby Girl listened, but he just stared at the angel, "Lucifer."

"Absolutely not, Micheal. We can tie ropes, light candles, smash glasses or jump over a damned broom for all I care, but you and Grandpapa are out of hour heavenly minds if you think I will give her my blood." He hissed in a low voice.

There was a long pause, "Fine. We'll just skip it, I suppose." Micheal rolled his eyes and handed the knife back to Lucifer's father, "By the power vested in me through my father, God almighty, the creator of Heaven, Hell, and everything in between, the alpha and,"

"We all know who vested you with the power Mikey so will you please stop kissing fathers ass and marry these two before we all fall asleep, hum?" His father spoke while his Baby Girl was too slow to stifle a laugh, which caused him to chuckle, leading to a chain reaction of chuckles and snickers around the large room.

"Enough!" Michael boomed, bringing a sudden silence, but the smiles remained on his and her face, "Now, by the power vested in me by my father, God almighty, I pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." He huffed.

"Is that really necessary?" She protested, but Lucifer quickly pulled her to him, wrapped his arm around her waist, and pressed his lips forcefully to hers. It wasn't a long kiss but one he had been curious to try. Though she was stiff, she did return it, and when he pulled away from her, she was glowing red.

"Shall we, Mrs. Abaddon?" Holding his hand out for hers again, which she gave.

"Is that your last name?" She asked as he led her down the steps.

"No, I don't have a last name. Abaddon is just my favorite of many aliases. Now when you travel with me, you will be Mrs. Abaddon." He replied as they walked down the aisle, her hand still being held by him. All those in attendance bowed and curtsied as they passed, which was nothing new to him, but for her, it was, and she kept glancing until his words caught her attention.

"So I no longer have to pose as your mute sister?" She scoffed.

"Consider it a promotion, Baby Girl." He chuckled.

"Seriously though, you'll take me with you?" She asked excitedly, looking up at him with wide eyes, "To other worlds?"

"Maybe, sometimes, if the job isn't dangerous and you haven't been annoying me too much."

She huffed as he kept his smirk. He loved teasing her. The smell of her annoyance was his new favorite fragrance. The newly married couple exited the room, where they were quickly pulled away to take a portrait picture that was to be turned into a painting. The person taking the picture promptly instructed them on how to position themselves, but Lucifer didn't like any of the generic poses. Finally, he grabbed her by the waist and pulled her to his chest, turning her so they were facing one another,

"Look up at me, into my eyes. Now put your left arm on my arm like so." He instructed as he positioned her hand on his bicep, so her ring showed dully. Lucifer snaked his left arm around her waist, pulling her even closer as he lifted his right hand and lightly touched her cheek, "Now, Baby Girl try and look like you love me, hum?" He smirked as the camera snaps filled the air, and he smelled her embarrassment, but there was something else, something faint that he couldn't quite put his finger on.