Lucifer "What a Clever Doll I Have."

Lucifer held her arm in his as they strolled toward the small group of familiar faces. She was a bit frustrated with his last comment about children, but she seemed to feel more guilty than anything,

"It's fine, Baby Girl. I know you didn't mean it maliciously."

"Really, 'cause it kinda seems like you think I did." She responded.

"Either way, no need to be upset. I've said plenty of worse things to you."

"I'm not you, and I don't feel the same as you." She explained.

"Can't deny that, but let it go. Your guilt and sadness are bothering me." He fussed, and just like that, it was gone and replaced with annoyance, "Not ideal, but much better. I can handle annoyance."

"Milord, Milady." Echoed through the group of four as curtsies and bows were shown upon their approach.

"Good evening. Let me introduce my wife and your Princess, Lady Kathrine Ann." Lucifer greeted, and they all bowed and greeted.

"The pleasure is mine. I trust you all are enjoying the evening." She smiled as Lucifer sipped from his glass.

"Of course, Princess, this is quite a beautiful wedding." Replied a tiny, thin, grey-haired woman. She had beady eyes that were an odd shade of pink and a squeaky voice—dressed in a puffy purple dress that seemed like it was going to swallow her up at any moment.

"Baby Girl, this is Duchess Margery of West City," Lucifer explained, ignoring the tall blonde-headed man with blue eyes who stood by the Duchess's side. Mainly because he had forgotten his name, but he was always amused by subtle similarities to a particular Lord, "You and your family are doing well, I hope? I was under the assumption your children were here."

"Oh yes, they're here. Hilda brought Raymond to grab a plate of food." She informed. "Though we almost left her at home. We do not see eye to eye about this boy she's been seeing."

"The place guard?" He asked.

"Unfortunately, no." The woman huffed and rolled her eyes, "She's 'engaged' to a boy out of South City, a bartender of all things, but she 'loves' him, and we said we would never force my children to marry." She explained, shooting an accusing look at her husband, "And this is after I had her meet with many eligible men of her status, yet she chooses this uneducated boy with no life goals." The woman sighed.

"Have you met the boy?" His Baby Girl asked curiously, sipping her wine.

"Yes, admittedly, the boy was very polite and tried to make himself presentable, but as I said, a bartender in the lowest part of Hell City can only go so far. I have no idea how he plans on supporting my Hilda, and I've told her that. She says he's already looking for a second job, and she'll find a job in Central City if necessary. She even claims she doesn't mind sacrificing the finer things, but she doesn't understand what she says. She's just a naive girl. She'll see, and I'll be waiting like the loving mother I am to take her back with loving arms but not without a couple of 'told you so's.'" The woman giggled at the end. Though the smile remained on his sweet wife's lips, Lucifer could feel her mild shock.

"A polite boy who seems to truly loves your daughter and is willing to work as hard as he has to so they can spend their life together. To me, Duchess Margery, it sounds like your daughter is fortunate." She responded to receive a sour look from the woman, who quickly wiped her face clean, "But I have no children. I can only imagine the constant worry that plagues parents."

"It is only something a mother could understand, Milady." She nodded, "So I assume then that you have never had children? The Lord told me about your past, human correct?

"Yes, human, and no, sadly, I was never able to become a mother." She confessed.

"How unfortunate. I'm sure you would have been a wonderful mother." The Duchess replied, giving his Baby Girl a sympathetic look. Despite the remark, she kept a smile on her face though Lucifer felt how the words truly affected his sensitive doll.

"Thank you, but please don't feel bad for me, Duchess. I may not have children, but I do have a Lord." She replied still so sweetly, and he wondered if she knew. She already proved to know more than he thought, so could she know about Margery's unrequited feelings for his father?

"That you do, Baby Girl." Lucifer finally stepped in.

Turning his attention to the other couple, he noticed, to his annoyance, the man, who was a bit taller than Lucifer, had his arms wrapped lovingly around the woman's waist while whispering something to her that made her smile. She was about a foot shorter and admittedly gorgeous. The two shared purple eyes, and silvery blonde hair, notable trademarks of their kind, but their features were also strikingly similar, features they inherited from their parents. Lucifer tried not to cringe as he turned to address the two, "Baby Girl, this is Duchess Katarina and Duke Krant," He smiled, taking a pull from his glass as the siblings held tight to each other. The sudden shock and disgust that radiated from his Baby Girl was amusing, and this confirmed that she did, in fact, have knowledge of the Dukes and Duchesses. Still, he held the threatening smile at bay.

"Milady." They both bowed their heads in respect.

"Lady Kathrine Ann, words cannot describe your beauty." Duke Krant complimented as his arms finally released his sister, and he reached out for her hand.

Lucifer could have intervened and saved her from the awkwardness she was trying desperately to contain. Instead, he decided to enjoy the exchange and to see him stand there stoic and unmoving. She had no other option. She pulled her arm from his and stepped forward to present her hand to the incestuous elf.

"Thank you, Duke Krant." She replied with an impressively calm and very fake smile while the man softly kissed her hand, "You and your, um," She paused, struggling with the proper term to use in the awkward greeting, "Duchess Katarina, look after the Borderlands, correct?"

"Yes, Katty and I ensure the well-being of the farmers, herders, and animals that provide most all of the food for Hell, and we are very good at it, aren't we, my Prince" He replied with a sly smile as he slipped one arm around the waist of the Duchess and she looked up at him with nothing less than love.

"Milady," Duchess Katarina addressed her this time, "Cheers to you and our Young Prince." She smiled, holding up her glass, to which his respectful wife returned the gesture before taking a slightly large sip, "I can't help but admire your words to Duchess Margery about love." She complimented, her voice soaked with motive, and Lucifer smirked, knowing precisely what the young Duchess was getting at. Still, he once again chose to remain silent mainly for the sheer entertainment of watching his wife suffer through the awkward situation she unknowingly caused. However, there was another reason. As the future queen, he wanted to see how she handled the duo. After all, this was not the last time she would interact with the couple.

"Thank you, Duchess Katarina, but even love has its boundaries." His Baby Girl replied.

"I think that is a common opinion but an opinion nonetheless," The woman spoke in her soft and sweet voice, "The forbidden fruit is only forbidden to those not brave enough to pluck it."

"Actually, that common opinion is the law, dear Katarina, and that fruit is forbidden to all, including the brave." Lucifer laughed, "But if you don't like the laws here and feel they're unfair, you and the Duke are free to return to your homeworld."

She smiled, unaffected by his words, as she stared at his wife, "Lady Kathrine Ann's words were sincere and truthful. Spoken only by someone who has experienced love. She seems more accepting than you are, my Young Prince. After all, she's allowed someone like you into her heart. Maybe one day she can help you see clearly."

"Enough, Katarina. Despite his opinions, he is still our Prince." Warned her brother, a little embarrassed by the subtle insult, but it wasn't just his that Lucifer noted, and he glanced to his side with a smirk.

"Think nothing of it, Krant; she's partially right. I admit, my sweet wife is indeed a lot more accepting than I am, but this little plan you are forming will not work, Katarina. She may be my wife and your Princess, but that does not mean, assuming she would even agree with this forbidden love, that she has any say in the laws my father and I have put in place. As charming and cute as she may be, I fear there are a few things I will not sway on." Lucifer said sternly, growing annoyed with the subject.

"Many men's minds have been changed by love, my young Lord. It is the most powerful of weapons."

"And the most dangerous, but sadly for you, this marriage is not founded on love," Lucifer countered as he smelt a bit of sadness woft from his side, which admittedly confused him, causing him to glance over to see her finish her glass.

"Love is a seed that, once planted, may take time to sprout, but once it does, it grows fiercely and can never be removed. You will understand one day, Milord. After all, you are very young." She smiled and bowed, "Shall we go get a drink, Krant? Mine seems to be empty."

"Milord, Milady." Duke Krant gave a low bow, "Congratulations once again." And with that, the couple left, and an awkward glance swept through the other three people still standing with him while he stood there seemingly unfazed. He had dealt with many pleas and compromises proposed to him by the couple, so hearing the awkward statments was nothing new.

"Lucifer?" She finally asked, breaking the silence.

"Hum?" He replied, looking into her confused eyes as a servant approached to take her glass and give her another. She handed over her glass but declined the fresh one.

"Are they actually siblings? Like same parents not adopted?" She asked, looking back into his eyes as he smirked.

"Same parents, born about an hour apart, I'm told." He answered, knowing she already knew the answer but just had to verify.

"Well, I bet their parents weren't pleased." She mumbled, not knowing how else to respond as she looked at her feet.

Lucifer chuckled and was about to reply, but the other Duchess beat him to it,

"Their parents were cousins, just barely able to marry. Before their mother died, it's rumored as a dying wish, she asked Lord Lucifer to allow her children to marry, but he denied the woman's request." Duchess Margery gossiped as his Baby Girls eyes grew in shock.

"Now, now, Margery, we shouldn't spread rumors. After all, this is our wedding night. I would rather it not ruined by discussions such as these," Lucifer replied, ready for the subject to end.

"Yes, of course. My apologies to you both." She quickly squeaked as her cheeks glowed slightly.

"Do you two have any plans for a Honeymoon?" The man on her arm finally spoke, attempting to save his wife's embarrassment by changing the subject.

"No." Lucifer answered before his Baby Girl could even open her mouth, and the annoyance hit his nose almost instantly, "I am a very busy man. Besides, an entire week with only me, we'd probably return with her demanding a divorce."

The couple that stood across from them laughed awkwardly, "Well, if you ever find yourself in West City, please come visit. It may not be as grand as Central City, but it has a natural beauty. Raymond and I have a lovely villa we rarely use and would be honored if you were to use it." Duchess Margery offered.

"Very doubtful but a kind offer, now if you will excuse us, we have quite a few more people to greet." Lucifer smiled as the couple bowed their heads, and he led her away.

"Well?" He asked as they walked, him leading her in no specific direction.

"What?" She responded, obviously still trying to process the strange encounter.

"How do you plan on making me fall so helplessly in love with you that I will rewrite marriage laws just because you ask?" He questioned, and she laughed, caught off guard by the question.

"Since I've arrived here, it's taken everything I have to get you to tolerate me, but even if I somehow made you fall madly in love with me, I would never ask you to change your beliefs. Also, I'm all about love, but there are certain things I can't jump on board with, and incest is one. Is it an elf thing? I mean, I know on Earth, back in the day, some royal families," She began.

"No, not at all. If those two lived on their home planet and behaved as they do here, Krant would be killed, and Katarina imprisoned for the rest of her life. The Elves are a very proud people and have some of the strictest moral codes of any world." Lucifer interrupted as he led her around the edge of the reception area, avoiding others. This wasn't a conversation he wished to have overheard.

"Why do you tolerate it, then?" She asked, "I mean, I get letting people live how they want, but you seemed annoyed with their behavior."

"I am. I don't believe it is right, nor will I ever allow such an unholy union to occur in Hell. Ironic, I know, but normally, such obvious behavior is not tolerated. They have an annoying habit of overplaying it when I'm around because it makes me uncomfortable. They wouldn't dare act in such a manner publicly, knowing the risks. At the minimum, they would be shunned and, at worst, targeted, and they know neither my father nor I would bail them out if their affair became public. They feel comfortable expressing themselves here because everyone knows, but no one will say anything."

"Why are there so few?" She asked as he took the last sip of his glass, and like clockwork, a servant appeared to take his glass and replace it with a full one, and his Baby Girl was again offered wine, which she accepted.

"The more the people, the more the danger, and I wouldn't want to risk the neck of my beautiful wife." He smiled, taking his free hand and lightly brushing her neck, causing her to flinch as the gesture surprised her, "Now, back on subject, the people still here are the most trusted of my father and me. They all know things they shouldn't and how to keep their mouths shut because they know the consequences. My father and I protect those two because the duo is probably the most capable of all Dukes and Duchesses. Losing them is not an option, so my father and I compromised with them. We allow the two to live in peace in their unethical relationship, with the understanding that they will never be allowed to marry, and if any children are born, well, I'm sure you could guess." He explained.

"So you allow them to be together as long as they keep it kinda secret and continue to work for you and your father?" She reiterated, "Well, your Dukes and Duchesses are quite a collection of characters. I wonder which will try to get rid of me first?" She sighed.

"And what makes you think you need to fear them?" He asked, amused, "Also, how do you know them?"

"Belial gave me a quick description of them, so I wouldn't be embarrassed by not knowing who they are." She replied, giving him a pointed and accusing look for not informing her himself, "And you were the one who told me to be careful, remember? Also, Belial said they are not to be trusted."

"Well, Belial is a very paranoid angel, but he's right, they are not to be completely trusted. Then again, you should never completely trust anyone, but I doubt any of my Dukes or Duchesses would dare even think about harming you." He reassured, and she gave him a nod, but something was still eating at her, "Go on, what is it? Why are you worried?"

"It's just Belial said I should be worried about one in particular." She mumbled.

"Let me guess, the one that's not present this evening?" He chuckled, "Duke Cazimir, Belial has never trusted the man even though he has been loyal to my father. Cazimir is a very cunning and manipulative man making him perfect for his position. Sadly that does come with risk, but as I said, he has never done anything to betray or even disobey my father or me."

"He didn't want us to marry." She said.

"Many people didn't want us to marry, Baby Girl. My father is the rightful ruler of Hell and should not be replaced, especially by a greedy, heartless, and power hungry half-demon." He repeated the most common complaint about his ascension.

"People don't really think that about you do they?" She asked, shocked, stopping their stroll.

"Of course they do. You think it yourself too. Truth be told, they're not far off. I am greedy because I want the throne and all the power it comes with more than anything, and I am cruel. I've destroyed the will of hundreds and enjoyed doing it. I'm a demon, one that all the other demons are scared of, so yes, most of them don't want me to have ultimate power over Hell, and they definitely don't believe a little thing like you can 'control' me." He informed, meeting her eyes, "Do you want to know a secret?"

She nodded, "They're right. You can't control me." As his smirk twisted into something sinister, he waited for her fear but instead, he got annoyance and watched her roll her eyes at him.

"Just one question?" She said, looking him dead in the eyes, "After you take over and have turned the world you obviously love and protect into a pit of fire and brimstone where everybody, innocent or not, is tortured for all eternity. What days are we going to visit all the children to ensure they are well taken care of and not too hungry?"

They stood motionless, eyes locked with him glaring at her while she smiled smugly. Finally, the corners of his mouth curved up to reveal his pointy teeth, "Clever doll."

"I pay attention and know more about you than you think. Sure, you are greedy but wanting what's promised to you is not why and yes, you can be cruel, but that is part of your job. I have never seen you oppress anyone but me, which you quickly and sincerely apologized for."

He looped through her arm and pulled her to keep walking, not wanting it to look like they were already fighting, "Maybe it was a lie. I do love playing with you, my precious little doll."

"Were you lying? If you are, in fact, as cruel as you're claiming, it should be easy and satisfying to admit because it would completely ruin this night for me. A night I'm actually enjoying." She smiled, and he couldn't help but smile as well. When had she become so brave? Probably when she stopped fearing him, he contemplated reminding her, maybe later if she became too comfortable, but for now, it was amusing. Nobody but his father or Belial would ever talk to him like this, nor would he allow it, but for her, he would make an exception. She was his wife, after all.

As they walked, she maintained the smug look, which was cute, so he chose not to ruin it, but from the corner of his eye, he saw a flash of crimson approaching, and a grin crossed his face. He had been wondering when this introduction was going to happen.