Lucifer "My Cuddly Little Doll."

Lucifer watched as his drunk little doll stumbled into the tent, and he chuckled. He truly enjoyed their game. Getting to know little things about her and sharing things about himself that he hadn't thought about in years was lovely. He stretched his legs out in front of him and yawned as he thought about his Baby Girl and how she made him feel. She was different from any woman he had ever been with. Something about her demanded his attention and brought out a possessiveness he'd never known he had. Seeing any other man show any interest in her threw him into a jealous rage, fuck even a mention of her dead husband pissed him off. What was he to do? He feared his cake would decide for him if he didn't figure it out soon.

Lucifer sat for a while as the fire burned down, lost in his thoughts about what to do with the gift his Grandpapa gave him. His whiskey glass, long empty and brain a bit fuzzy, he sighed before rising and putting out the few smoldering embers of the dead fire before heading for the tent. However, as he reached the flap, he stopped, sensing something odd in the air. He looked around and focused on his senses, but whatever it was passed. Shaking the feeling off, he went into the tent and stripped down to his boxers before climbing into the cot next to his Baby Girl. The cot was significantly smaller than the bed in their room, only leaving a foot or two between them where they usually could fit about three other bodies in the space between them. Could he have gotten a larger cot? Sure, he could have, or maybe he could have gotten two single ones, but where was the fun in that? He wanted this trip to bring them closer, and this cot was definitely bringing them closer. He pulled the blanket over his body and laid on his back with one arm behind his head, thinking about the evening and the campfire conversation. She was quickly becoming very comfortable around him. The thought caused a smile to cross his face.


Lucifer's eyes shot open. The tent was dark and the air chilly, though he was warm. Very warm and comfortable, actually. It had been a thump on his chest that startled him out of his peaceful slumber. Though he couldn't see very well, the familiar smell gave away his 'attacker,' and a smile crept onto his sleepy face. Her arm was strewn across his chest, and as he became more aware of his surroundings, he realized her face was only inches away from his neck. So close he could feel her breath on his skin, and pieces of her hair were scattered across his torso. In fact, she had her whole body practically cuddled against his. He was lying on his back in the same position he fell asleep in. Lucifer rarely tossed or turned, unlike his Baby Girl, whom he'd witnessed throwing her unconscious self around all over her side of the bed, but this was a first. She had never come close to the invisible border that separated their sides, yet now she laid practically on top of him. He had never allowed anyone to lay this close to him, and he wondered why he was permitting it now. After a moment of self-contemplation, he realized it was because he enjoyed the feeling, but why was he enjoying it when he never had in the past, never with another woman? He had never allowed anyone to sleep in his bed with him. Was she so much different? Was it because she had been sleeping in his bed every night? No, that couldn't be it. That couldn't explain why his body was begging him to turn, roll onto his side, and return the embrace when the mere idea of cuddling someone made him uncomfortable in the past. Yet here he was, in a tent, in the middle of the night with his arranged wife, wanting to hold her close to him, but what was stopping him? He could wake her up and cause her to pull away because, if he was being honest with himself, he knew she didn't know what she was doing. Why was she doing it? Maybe she was cold, and her body was seeking warmth, or perhaps the size of the bed and the fact it was a cot had tricked her mind into thinking she was in the past camping with her dead husband. He had to stop himself from letting out an annoyed growl and waking his cuddly little doll. He didn't want to ruin this moment, even if only he was here to enjoy it, so he lay there unmoving. However, as the minutes ticked by, the want to hold her turned into a need, and finally, he carefully turned himself to his side and gently wrapped his arm around her tiny waist while his head settled just above hers. He took in a deep breath and let his eyes close as he smelled her sweet natural scent. It was a pleasant smell, like something from a kitchen or bakery. Whatever it was, he couldn't get enough and instinctively buried his nose deeper into her hair as his arm pulled her closer until he could feel the warmth coming off of her. She moved a bit, and his eyes snapped open. Shit, he had done too much? Now she would wake and pull away just when he had gotten comfortable. But to his relief, she only adjusted and quickly settled herself, even giving his back a bit of a squeeze. Testing his luck, he ran his fingers up and down her spine very softly, wondering how she would react when she finally woke to find herself here. He stifled a chuckle at the image of those rosy cheeks she so often wore because of him, or maybe she would wake after he fell asleep and try to maneuver her way out of his grasp carefully. He also wondered how long until he would be doing this again. With the warm comfort of his sweet Baby Girl, he found his consciousness quickly slipping away despite his effort to stay awake and enjoy this moment just a bit longer; the dark blanket of sleep finally took over, and he drifted off with her addictive scent on his nose.