Lucifer "Unwanted Responsibilities."

Lucifer walked through the large doors into the dining hall with his Baby Girl on his arm. They took their spots, and as always and a servant quickly placed their plates in front of them.

"Good morning, you two." His father greeted from the other end of the table.

"Father." Lucifer returned.

"My Lord." Followed his Baby Girl, bowing her head to him.

"Kathrine Ann, Louie has informed me that you are entertaining some guests today." His father inquired, taking a bite off his fork. The question startled his Baby Girl. She was used to sitting quietly during meals while the rest of them discussed Hell-related things.

"Yes, my Lord, the Duchesses, and a couple of other ladies from Hell City that Lucifer suggested I get to know." She answered with a sweet smile as his father swallowed his food.

"Good habit for the future queen, reminding the people you care. It's a good idea." Praised the Lord.

"Admittedly, it was Lucifers, not mine." She confessed, her smile now a bit strained.

"You don't seem very excited." He accused, poking around his plate and the smell of embarrassment floated around Lucifer.

"Just a bit nervous, is all." She returned, "If you have some free time, it would be an honor for you to stop by, my Lord." She proposed.

Lucifer smirked and swallowed his chuckle as his father lifted a brow and frowned.

"No, I appreciate the offer, dear, but how do I put this? I thoroughly despise social gatherings. I find them awkward and uncomfortable, so I leave these matters in the capable hands of my son." His father explained with a smirk that could rival Lucifers, "Speaking of bothersome tasks, Lucifer, Micheal will be here shortly after breakfast." His father reminded.

"Oh, I haven't forgotten, believe me, father." He groaned, rolling his eyes.

"You want to rule Hell. You deal with Micheal." He chuckled as Lucifer glared at him.

"Oh please, you've been making me deal with dear Uncle Micheal since I was old enough to sign my name." He answered, rolling his eyes and picking at his food. There was no better way to guarantee a long annoying morning and grouchy Lucifer than spending a couple of hours with his least favorite uncle, "Seriously, I swear he only comes here to remind me that I'm an abomination to 'his fathers' creation and I should never have existed." He grumbled and caught a sudden whiff of sympathy, followed by the small hand of his Baby Girl summoning one of the servants over, "Seriously, Grandpapa could send any other angel, like Jesus. I get along with Jesus. That one time he stood in for Micheal was quick and easy. Papers signed, wings unbound, and off they went. He even hugged me, not saying I liked it, but Micheal would probably set himself on fire if I hugged him...should I hug him?"

"Sorry, Louie. My youngest brother is a bit more sympathetic to my plight, but Micheal relishes my eternal damnation. He will never miss an opportunity to remind me, or whoever will listen, who put me here and why." His father sighed while watching the actions of his wife closely.

"Milady?" asked the wing-bound angel.

"Would you kindly bring my husband a beverage that's a bit stronger?" She requested in a low voice as the table conversation continued around them. The servant bowed and quickly rushed off to fulfill her request.

"Sweet little doll," Lucifer whispers with a smile before turning back to his father, "If it's you he wishes to see, why must you always send me?"

"Thought that was obvious. I can't stand him. Now moving on, our guest who arrived last night, I expect you plan on meeting with him?"

"I do, right after I send Micheal and his winged companions back to the pearly gates. The silver lining of our visit will put me in the perfect mood to deal with that situation." Lucifer grumbled as a glass of whiskey was placed in front of him. "Thank you, Baby Girl." He sighed, gulping down the whiskey in one go.

After breakfast ended, Lucifer and Kathrine Ann left the dining hall,

"I'll walk you to the sitting room." He stated, grabbing her arm and looping it through his.

"You and Micheal don't seem to have the best relationships." She pried, and Lucifer could sense her curiosity.

"No, we don't. He despises me because I'm my father's son." He growled, "Micheal is my father's closest brother in age. How close? No idea, the concept of time up there is strange. All I know is father is the elder of the two. According to dear old dad, Micheal was always extremely jealous of him. Before my father fell, he was Grandpapa's favorite, or so is the claim. Anyway, it was Micheal who led God's army against my father and Micheal who brought my father to his knees. He became the favorite son and has since enjoyed reminding my father of that every chance he can. My father is far more powerful and intelligent than Micheal, a fact everyone there and here knows. The only reason my father lost was numbers. Grandpapa's army far outnumbered him and those who stood with him." Lucifer explained.

"You said he thinks you're an abomination. He actually said that?" She asked, oddly hurt by the words.

"Many times, why does that hurt you?" He asked, confused as they slowly strolled.

"I don't know." She answered, her eyebrows knitted together, "It's like I feel disappointed in him, but I don't know him. I've barely talked to the guy." She shook her head and shrugged, "Guess I just figured God's right-hand man wouldn't be such a judgmental ass hat."

Lucifer chuckled, "I'll be sure to pass along the greeting."

"So what exactly do you do to release the servants?" she queried, changing the subject, "Like just untie their wings and toss them out?"

"You make me sound like a mother bird teaching her chicks to fly." He responded, shaking his head, and she laughed at the unexpected response only to be followed by a little snort which turned her face instantly red, causing Lucifer to laugh, "I have to sign off on their contracts and then, yes, untie their wings. My father and I are the only two who can do either of those things. Even Micheal has no power over the ropes. In the contracts written by the hand of God, only the devil himself can unbind the punished, and since I am a devil, I, unfortunately, have the power."

"Sounds kind of cool, can I," She stopped mid-sentence and huffed. He could tell that for a moment, she had forgotten about her obligations, "Nevermind."

"Don't be sad, Baby Girl. Next time I have to set some of the little birdies free, you can join." He offered.

"Really? You promise?" She asked excitedly, doing a little skip.

"Sure, I'm not sure when the next one is coming up," He said, "I'll have to check my books, but if I had to guess about one or two hundred years."

"Aww, man." She groaned as her shoulders dropped.

"Oh, don't worry. The time will pass before you know it." He reassured.

"Really? Ok, don't forget to bring my urn." She sighed.

"Planning on dying so soon?" He asked with a tilt of his head as they took one last turn.

"I'm human, Lucifer, a living one. I've got roughly sixty, maybe seventy years left." She explained.

"Seriously?" He asked, rolling his eyes, "Do you not know what eternity means?"

"Uh, yeah, I do, but I'm not an angel anymore. I'm a human, and unlike you and your eternal life, I have an expiration date."

"Sorry to burst your bubble, my infernal doll, but taking me as your husband preserves that cute little body and soul of yours indefinitely. So you see, not even death can free you from me." He revealed, expecting fear, regret, and sadness, but instead, she just shrugged.

"Okay, that's kinda cool. Guess a hundred or two years doesn't seem too bad." Lucifer stopped abruptly, causing her to be yanked back, "What?"

"You still haven't gotten used to me coming out of the shower naked or me walking in on you bathing but finding out you are immortal is no big deal? I truly don't understand you, Kathrine Ann." He laughed.

"I don't know. I mean, I know I'll never be able to leave. Quite nice now knowing that I don't have to worry about growing old and dying. Wait, I won't grow old, will I? I know I'll get older, but I seriously don't want to live forever if my body starts falling to pieces...oh god, I'm not going to be grey and wrinkly for all of,"

"Calm yourself." He interrupted, exasperated, "No, you will stay just as you are, and you very well can die, just not due to time. You are still a weak little human, just an everlasting one, which is why you must be protected, my delicate little doll." He explained as he pulled her to walk again. "Here we are," He announced, stopping in front of the sitting room door, "Do try to enjoy yourself, Baby Girl."

"I'll try if you do." She replied with a smirk.

Before he could respond, the door to the sitting room flew open, causing her to squeal and leap forward. Throwing her hands around his waist, she buried her face into his chest.