Lucifer "Time to Choose."

Lucifer worked away on his computer, occasionally taking a sip from his drink and a glance over at his Baby Girl,

"Luce?" She called, breaking the silence.

"Hum?" He responded, not looking up from his computer but noting a bit of concern in the air.

"What happened to your hand? Did you leave Hell?" She asked, looking at the bright white bandage wrapped around his hand. He had replaced the blood-stained one after his shower.

"No, there is one knife in Hell that can cause lasting damage, but no need to worry, Baby Girl. It's a minor injury, a necessary sacrifice for contract signing." He explained as his fingers moved quickly across the keyboard.

"Oh," She said, closing her workbook, "Is it the same knife," She began cautiously.

"That my mother threatened to murder me with if my father didn't give her the throne?" He finished, still focusing on the report in front of him, "The very same. Blood contracts bind the angels here, and only the devil's blood can sign off on their completion." He explained, stopping his work for a moment to look at his nosey doll, "It takes more blood than you think to sign your name, so it's easier and less annoying to harvest it all at once versus digging into my hand over and over again." He finished turning back to his computer.

"Does it hurt?" She asked.

"A bit, but nothing I can't handle." He responded, sipping his glass while his eyes were scanning the screen.

"Did you lick it?" Was her following query.

Lucifer looked at her with a slight chuckle, saying, "Yes, should be healed in just a couple of days, so you can stop worrying about your wounded Prince." This, as he expected, brought a rosy tint to her cheeks, and she looked down into her glass.

Silence fell over the room. Well, almost silent. The clicking of keys and the light strumming of nails on the desk could be heard, "What is it, Baby Girl? That's becoming rather distracting, and I can tell something is bugging you."

"I was just thinking, hoping really, since I held up my end of our deal, that maybe tonight we could go out?" She babbled awkwardly as her nervousness and anticipation permeated their surroundings, "Sari told me,"

"No, not tonight." Lucifer interrupted.

"But, there's a show at the theatre," She continued.

"Not tonight, Kathrine Ann." He snapped. Disappointment and annoyance took over the air.

"Right," She sighed, snatching the workbook and standing up, "Have a good night, my Lord." She mumbled with a bow and turned away from him, hugging the book to her chest.

"I'll bring you into Hell City next week, okay? We'll go to a nice dinner. Then I'll take you to the show or whatever you like." He reassured, finally looking up at her.

"No thanks." She replied coldly, walking to the door,

"I said I'll take you out next week," He growled,

She quickly turned to face him. Her eyes were filled with anger, jaw clenched, and her little chest heaved up and down while Lucifer tried to suppress a smile. Despite the situation, his huffy and angry little doll was so adorable, but he highly doubted she would appreciate the comment right now. Against his best effort, a slight smirk appeared on his face regardless, and the effect was just as predicted. She scowled at him as she tightly clutched her workbook and fought back angry tears as the light caught her glistening eyes. This caused his smile to vanish. He hated her tears.

"I have no desire to spend time with someone who views my company as no more than an annoying obligation." She hissed.

"I don't remember those words passing my lips," He snapped at the accusation.

"They didn't have to. Your actions speak loud enough. You've been avoiding me since we returned from camping; don't you dare deny it! No lunches like you said we should have, no work assignments that you claimed you needed help with, coming back late, leaving early, skipping dinners. I'm not going to beg for your attention, Lucifer, and I'm sure as hell not going to belittle myself so much as to chase you around...Deals off. I'll still hold the little parties or whatever but consider yourself freed of your end of the agreement." She gave a mocking curtsy and exited the room quickly, leaving Lucifer wide-eyed and shocked.

"Well," He mumbled to the empty room, shaking his head and taking a long pull from his glass, "Good job Lucifer, you've fucked up again and have no idea how. Only one way to figure it out."

He pulled out his phone and quickly sent a message before putting it down. He had just enough time to refill his glass and another before the door opened, and Azazel walked in, "What is it, Little Lord?" She asked, walking to the desk and taking his Baby Girl's chair.

"Why is Kathrine Ann mad at me?" He asked, sliding a glass to her.

"Oh, Louie, the possibilities." She laughed, and he glared at her.

"I was under the impression she was quite pleased with me after my afternoon visit." He retaliated.

"She was, but that was earlier." Azazel replied, picking up the glass and drinking half its contents, "Did she ask you?"

"Ask me what?" He returned, confused.

"About tonight?" She rolled her eyes, leaning back and putting her feet on the desk.

"I have plans," He quickly explained, "and don't do that. This desk is an antique from a world long gone. Literally priceless."

"There's your answer, see Louie, you didn't even need me," Azazel replied, putting her feet down and getting up. Finishing the drink in another gulp, she put the glass back on his desk.

"I told her I'd make it up to her, and she freaked out. Told me not to bother. She didn't want to spend time with someone who thought of her company as 'an annoying obligation.'" Lucifer continued.

"Once again, not sure why you called me here. It sounds like your Princess told you exactly why she's mad. What do you want from me, Lucifer?"

"She's never gotten this mad about my plans before. She doesn't even know what they are. I don't tell her the specifics of my evening, so," Suddenly, it hit him, "I'm going to kill her. I swear to Grandpapa, that girl doesn't know when to shut her fucking mouth!" He swore, slamming his fist down on the desk and causing the liquid in his glass to splash.

"Don't place all the blame on her. After all, Kat warned you she would pull something, and then there's the little fact that you, my thick-headed Prince, denied Kathrine Ann of something she really wanted." Azazel reprimanded as Lucifer put away his computer.

He looked up from the drawer, ignoring the annoying use of his Baby Girls nickname, "A show? I can take her to the show any time,"

"A show? She didn't tell you what show?" Azazel laughed, "You don't remember what tonight is, do you?" Lucifer shrugged, "It's the reopening of The Central City Theatre, Louie. She wanted you to take her to that show. Cornelia and Sari couldn't stop talking about it. Everyone who is anyone will be there," Azazel explained, giving him a look like he was an idiot, "Oh, except for Angelique. How did she put that again? She has a very 'important' guest this evening that she just can't refuse." Lucifer felt his anger growing as he tightly clutched the glass in his hand, "However, she promised she'd ask you, and that caused your little cunt to let out a laugh and roll her eyes. Something your Princess, along with the rest of us, took notice of. So there you have it, Young Prince. Kathrine Ann is mad at you because you chose Angelique over her, and the whole city will soon know. Cornelia and Saro love to gossip. That's one of the reasons suggested them, to help spread the word about your sweet and caring wife. Ironic, really. Though I suppose it will drum up some sympathy for Kat, not the strong, confident Queen you wanted to portray,"

"Get out." He ordered.

"Let her go, Louie." Azazel said, ignoring the order, "Both Sari and Cornelia offered their boxes,"

"No, it's not safe, you know that." He reminded through gritted teeth, "Especially now." He mumbled.

"Then let me take her. I have a job for your father, but I can push it back till morning. I know you have a box. Send a few guards with us and,"

"No! She does not go into Hell City without me!" He yelled, standing up and slamming both hands down on his desk, "Now do as I said and get out!"

This time his order left no room for defiance, and Azazel just shook her head before walking out of the room, closing the door behind her. Lucifer stepped around his desk and paced the floor, snatching his drink off the desk and downing it.

'Our little wife's got you worked up, hum?' The voice in the back of his head echoed, amused.

"I thought I told you to shut up," Lucifer growled, trying to make a decision. "Sorry, but there's a change in plan for the evening."

He felt the growl, 'Taking a big risk there, Louie. Are you sure you still have enough control over me? And let's not forget about her cloaked assassin. Risky move bringing her out in public.'

"Yes to both, and I expect you to play nice. You want Kathrine Ann just as much as me, you ruin this by taking her instead of waiting, and we'll never have another chance, besides if we happen to lure out this mysterious man, you'll have all night to play and I promise when I have all the answers I need, you can do as you please with him." He reasoned.

There was a long pause and grumbling, 'Fine, for now, but I won't wait long, Louie. Oh, and you can bet I'm holding you to your word, you pitiful shithead.'

"Go to sleep, asshole." He ordered.

Lucifer pulled out his phone and quickly found her number, it rang twice, and before she could greet him, he began speaking, "Don't say a word; just listen, you spoiled brat. Kathrine Ann is Hell's Princess, she will be Hell's queen, and I will not have a petty little vampire taking petty little jabs at my wife. If you want your father's title when he retires, I suggest you accept that and start playing the part because if things don't change, I will not allow someone like you to run the most profitable part of my city. Oh, and count yourself lucky that Kathrine Ann didn't come to complain about your behavior, or I would have taken much more drastic steps. Lastly, you're 'important guest' for this evening has made other plans." He hung up his phone and placed it back in his pocket. He returned to his desk and picked up the phone there, telling the person on the other end where to direct his call.

After a couple of calls and another drink, Lucifer left the music room, locking it securely behind him before quickly making his way up to their room. As soon as he entered, he saw the bathroom door closed. Instead of bursting in and disturbing his angry little doll, he went for the closet instead. Walking to her side, he scanned the dresses until he found four garment bags hanging at the end. Pushing the other dresses away with a screech of hangers, Lucifer unzipped the first bag to find an emerald green, shimmery silk dress. He zipped it back up and moved on to the next. Zipping it down, he was greeted with gold. Not bothering to give another look, he moved to the next repeating the movements, but this time he smiled as his eyes fell on the dress he was looking for. Pulling it out of the bag, he quickly found the shoes to match and made for the exit but stopped suddenly. Turning to his side of the closet, he walked over to a small shelf with a few wooden boxes. He used the same method with the dresses, selected a box, and returned to the main room. Lucifer laid the dress on her side of the bed, placed the shoes on the floor, and tossed the box onto the sheets. He now moved towards the bathroom door and swung it open. Immediately, the heavily perfumed air hit him and almost covered the unpleasant mixture of emotions. His Baby Girl was soaking in the bathtub, her hair tied up in a messy bun, the water was opaque due to the adding of things that were good for the skin or whatever, and he couldn't see through the surface, but she instinctually pulled her legs up to cover her bare chest.

"What do you want, Lucifer?" She grumbled, not bothering to open her eyes.

"You stay in that tub too much longer, and we're going to be late." He said, crossing the bathroom and grabbing a towel.

"I'm not going down for dinner." She informed, "Your father will know I'm upset, and if not him, then Belial and I really don't want to deal with the questions."

"I'm not talking about dinner with my family. Now get out." He demanded.

She lifted her head and opened one eye to look at him, "Then what?"

"You wanted to go out. I'm taking you out." He answered, holding the towel open for her.

"Ha!" She laughed, closing her open eye and laying her head back, "No thanks."