Lucifer "Fond Memories."

Lucifer led his beautiful doll down the hallway, her arm wrapped through his, smiling confidently with her shoulders held high and a sense of poise about her that he admittedly found very alluring,

"So, how are we getting to Central City?" She asked, "Some magical portal, you going to carry me and move at a crazy speed again, or is this going to be some new amazing trick?" She asked, looking a bit excited.

"I'm going to drive us there," He answered, rolling his eyes, while she tilted her head quizzically.

"Like in a car?" She returned, a bit shocked.

"Yes." He smirked, "Tonight, I've chosen a very particular one that resembles those of Earth. Figured it would be a nice accent for my beautiful date."

"Oh, I didn't know you had vehicles." She hummed.

"I told you, Baby Girl, we have everything from all the worlds. However, they are not common here. My father and I, with a few select others, are the only ones that have them." He explained.

"Why? Is it because they're some high-priced luxury?" She asked.

"Yes and no, they're honestly useless." Lucifer began, "The entirety of Hell city is not very large, Baby Girl, with a population of just over two thousand; the distance from one end to the other is no more than a four-hour walk for a half-demon. It would take a lot longer for you, but fortunately, you have me. So it's not that the citizens can't have vehicles. They don't want the annoyance of paying for parking, fuel, and maintenance when they're unnecessary. It's not worth it in most people's eyes."

Her lips formed a soundless 'oh' before silence took hold while she processed everything she was told.

"So everyone just walks everywhere?" She asked, eventually breaking the silence.

"Usually, but we have public transit, an underground transportation system if needed."

"Like a subway?" She quickly responded.

"Uhh, yeah, kind of. It goes from one end of the city to the other, with a couple of stops in between. Those who live in the borderlands are the select others I mentioned earlier. They have vehicles mainly because the underground doesn't go that far, and it is a long trip from the city's outskirts to the borderlands."

"Cool," She nodded and then chuckled. Lucifer lifted a brow, "I don't know, I just have this image of people just running back and forth, arms stretched out behind them, and their bodies bent forward."

Lucifer rolled his eyes again, but truthfully she wasn't far off, except for the silly positioning.

"It's more like they are there one moment, then suddenly they're not." He clarified.

"Oh, I thought that was just an Azazel thing." His Baby Girl mumbled, lost in her thoughts.

"Azazel is faster than most, almost as fast as me. Practically invisible at her top speed. That's one of the reasons my father chose her as a messenger. She can move quickly through the worlds. Unnoticed if necessary."

"Why do you have cars, then?" She asked, "If your so fast and all, what's the point?"

"I like to drive." He shrugged, "And I like shiny things." He added with a smirk.

"Hum, makes sense." She smiled with a chuckle, excepting his answer as they reached the entrance hall and began to descend the grand staircase.

After a few steps, Lucifer noticed his father climbing toward them,

"Finally decided to show off your wife, Louie?" He asked, stopping a step below them once their paths met.

"Yes, though I do keep second-guessing myself on that decision. However, a promise is a promise." Lucifer admitted as he bowed slightly to his father while his Baby Girl curtsied.

"I don't blame you. You look stunning, Kathrine Ann," He smiled, and she thanked him, "However, given the current state of things, extra caution should be taken."

"Of course, father," Lucifer reassured, "Thron will be accompanying us."

"He tries everything, even the garnishes Lucifer." His father instructed as he took note of his Baby Girl's sudden curiosity.

Lucifer nodded, "Good. Where are you two going anyway?"

"The show, I hear the performance this evening is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity." He smirked, "Sure you don't wish to join, father? I'm certain all attending would be honored to be in your presence."

His father's eyes narrowed, "The recollections of my disgrace are still quite vivid in my memories, Louie. I don't need an artistic rendition to remind me, and I'm sure the presence of their crowned Prince and Princess is more than enough honor for the patrons this evening." He scowled, "Besides, I have my own plans. Now off with the two of you, and try not to get your wife killed." He said, continuing his ascent.

"Thron?" She questioned as they also started walking again.

"My personal guard. Though I rarely use his services, he is always on call." Lucifer revealed.

"I didn't know you have a personal guard, do I?" She replied.

"Of course you do." He reassured, "Me."

He led his Baby Girl across the entrance hall but abruptly stopped in the middle and stared at the floor. The corners of his mouth twisted up again,

"What?" She questioned, perplexed as he took a step back and looked her over.

"This is where we first met. Don't you remember?" He asked, and she groaned with a shake of her head.

"How could I forget? Excruciating pain, the dread, the fear, and you, My chivalrous Prince, poking me in the gaping wound on my back before letting me fall to the cold hard floor where I nearly cracked my head open." She answered, "Ahh, the memories."

"And now look at us." He laughed, pulling her to him again as they resumed their exit, "Happily married, going out on the town, oh how the times have changed."

"Happily?" She mumbled with a grin. He looked down at her through narrowed eyes,

"You wound me, my heartless doll." He replied dramatically, putting his free hand to his chest as if his heart was hurting.

"And here I thought you were taking me to see a drama, not act in one yourself."

Lucifer tried as hard as he could to hide the amusement on his face but failed as a smile broke through, followed by a slight chuckle, "You're getting clever with your comebacks." He acknowledged.

"Eat or be eaten, my Prince." She grinned boldly as the aroma of confidence hit his nose.

The two guards opened the large wooden doors they now stood in front of, both close enough to hear their conversation.

"Hum, I don't mind either, personally." He retorted with a wicked grin, "I eat you, or you eat me. Hell, why not do both?"

He watched as the red that filled her cheeks competed with the color on the bottom of her dress.

"Does your shamelessness have no end?" She whispered as embarrassment and a tinge of anger swam around them.

"I'm sure it does. I just haven't found it yet." He smirked, now sporting a confident smile of his own, as he guided her through the open doors and into the brisk evening. She shivered slightly on his arm, but they wouldn't be in the cool air for long.

"My Prince." Greeted Thron with a low bow.

Thron was a large, muscular, dark-skinned man. He stood over six feet with black hair, cut short to the scalp but a full beard and eyes so light crystal blue they almost looked silver. He was wearing all black; black slacks, a black shirt, and a black jacket. The only thing not black was his bright white tie.

"Thron, good, you're ready." Lucifer greeted, "Sorry for the short notice."

"Think nothing on it, my Prince. I am always at your disposal."

"Thron, this is my wife and your Princess. Lady Kathrine Ann." He introduced as Thron, who had not glanced at her once, now turned and bowed again.

"It is truly an honor, my Princess."

"We will be going to dinner and then the show to which you will accompany us," Lucifer ordered as the sound of an approaching car echoed.

"Of course, Young Lord." He answered as a sleek, dark red vehicle pulled up next to them. A servant got out and quickly walked around the front of the car and bowed to the two of them.

Lucifer opened the door for his Baby Girl and held his hand out to offer support as she climbed into the passenger seat. "And Thron," He said after closing her door, "Your focus this evening is my wife. I can take care of myself, and though I am confident that I can also keep her safe, it's better to be cautious because if anyone hurts her tonight,"

"They won't, my Lord." Thron interrupted with another low bow.

"Make sure of it. Somebody is hunting my wife, Thron, and I'm almost sure they're in Hell City." Without another word, Lucifer walked around the front of the vehicle and got into the driver's seat.