Baby Girl "And He Said He Didn't Like Games."

The small group exited Azazel's room, but Thron held up his hand to Milril and Viskiam,

"You two stay. Viskiam, try to see if Azazel can remember any more details, and Milril, try to see something. Maybe her attackers came in contact with her and left something behind."

"I'll see what I can do," Milril reassured, "My mother would be more help,"

"You're mother's not here. You are." Thron replied, "You've seen into the past before,"

"I don't know how I did it, though,"

"Just try," he stated firmly. "I'll accompany the Prince and Princess. Message me if you need anything."

With an understood nod, both men ducked back into the room while Thron closed the gap between himself, Kathrine Ann, and Lucifer.

"What's this?" Lucifer asked, not looking at Thron as the trio walked towards the elevator, "Not scared I'm going to hurt her anymore?"

Thron chuckled, "Maybe I just think I can handle the situation if you try to."

"Ha!" Lucifer exclaimed as they reached the elevators, and Kathrine Ann pressed the call button, "You should know better than anyone how foolish of an assumption that is. Even in my current state, all three of you couldn't stop me, and you know it." Kathrine Ann rolled her eyes, "You doubt me, little Wife?" He suddenly snapped at her.

Admittedly, Kathrine Ann had momentarily forgotten about his ability, probably because he didn't constantly use it to pick on her as Louie did, or maybe he didn't care enough to react. "I know you're strong, but that strong?" she challenged as the doors opened. She stepped forward, but Lucifer's strong arm stopped her, causing her to turn and meet his pointed glare.

"Oh, I'll prove it, Kathrine Ann."

"Not necessary," Thron interrupted, stepping into the elevator and holding the door to keep it from closing. "You're Prince is correct, Lady Kathrine Ann. Louie is strong, but Lucifer? If he truly wanted, he could have incapacitated all three of us. It would have been a bit difficult, but he could have. Fortunately, he seems pleased with his Princess."

"For the time being." He smirked, allowing her to enter the elevator and follow behind.

"Or he's scared of his father," Thron added as the doors closed.

Lucifer scowled at Thron but didn't reply, "Are you?" Kathrine Ann asked.

"I'm scared of no one." He answered, "However, I'm not stupid. The man took on God."

"He lost." Kathrine Ann reminded.

"Yes, but it was no easy battle," Thron defended once again, defending Lucifer's claim, "So I've heard at least."

"So which is it then, Hubby, happy with me or wary of your father?"

He glared at her, "Both." He grumbled.

"Come on! That's your answer for everything!" she fussed and swore the corners of his mouth twitched.

"It's true, Little Wife," he replied, emphasizing his pet name for her, "So far, you're bearable, and nothing has happened yet to make me even consider crossing that insane Lord father of mine."

"Bearable! Most find my company quite enjoyable." She pouted as a genuine smile crossed his face, and she noticed his red eyes looked darker, like they had dimmed a bit. She brushed it off. It had to be the lighting. "So, am I driving home as well?" she asked as the elevator dinged on the first floor.

"Home?" He scowled, "I believe you owe me something before going home."

"Owe you something?" she asked, pretending she had no clue what he was talking about, earning her another pointed glare. His eyes were the normal red, so it had to be the light.

"You know what you owe me, Kathrine Ann. Own up to your promises." He demanded, and she laughed.

"Okay, okay. Thron, where is the closest sweets shop?"

"Two blocks, Milady. It'll be easier and quicker to walk." He informed as the doors slid open, "I will warn you. There are reporters outside, and they will be yelling questions at you. You do not have to answer them and will not answer any questions about why we are here. Let me know if any of them offend or try to touch you."

"No one will touch her," Lucifer reassured, stepping off the elevator.

"It'll be fine. I can handle a bit of questioning." She smiled, catching up to her husband, grabbing his hand, and lacing her fingers through his, causing his eyes to snap to her, "Try not to scowl the whole time, Lucifer." She chuckled.

Thorn wasn't lying. As the couple walked out the front of the hospital, they were bombarded by cameras and shouting. Kathrine Ann heard her name echoing all around, followed by a variety of questions, but most asked why they were at the hospital,

"Princess! Who are you visiting?" Echoed a few of them.

"Young Prince, is someone hurt?"

"You were here yesterday as well!" One claimed, "You must be visiting someone. Who is it?"

"Princess! This way. Tell us, Princess, do you love your Prince?"

"Prince Lucifer! Did you save her from damnation? Is she supposed to be burning?"

"If she were supposed to be burning, she would be," Lucifer snapped, rolling his eyes. Now, move out of our way. My wife and I have an important obligation." However, none of them listened. "Now!" he growled, causing a sudden split in the crowd, but the questions still sounded from around them.

Thron took the lead, herding those brave enough to step forward in their path out of the way. Kathrine Ann and Lucifer walked through the crowd to the sidewalk, not answering any of the questions hurled at them. Once they got past the crowd, she calmed down even though a few followed them, still yelling questions,

"Thanks for sticking up for me back there, Hubby." She teased as they followed Thron down the sidewalk.

"I just stated the truth." He huffed, "If you were supposed to rot in the chambers, you would be. I would have no say in it."

"Such a Prince Charming." She smiled, stepping closer and laying her head sweetly on his bicep.

"Stop that." He fussed but did not push her off.

"Why?" she teased. "We're newlyweds. We're supposed to be disgustingly in love."

Lucifer sighed as they continued to walk, "Is this how you won my other half over? Annoyed him until he fell in love with you?"

Kathrine Ann straightened up with a little laugh, "No, this tactic is reserved just for you, LouLou. Different Devil's different approaches."

"And you think this is working?" He scoffed, rolling his eyes.

"Yes," she smiled at him. "Compared to how you treated me last night, this is a major improvement."

"Maybe I'm just waiting for the perfect moment." He suggested.

"Oh, is that it? So you're telling me that all of last night when we were alone in a room together, you couldn't find an opportunity?" She scoffed, "Besides, what of all those semi-sweet admissions back in the hospital? Like I'm the only one you want, and the rest suck, and how Luce was right about not just taking what you want?"

"You know nothing of hunting," he remarked, a wicked grin crossing his face. "The fun is in the chase."