Baby Girl "Wow That Was Fast!"

"Where to now, Hubby?" Kathrine Ann asked as she brushed a few crumbs off the dark blue material of her dress.

Lucifer also rose from his chair, side-eyeing her, "Why must you insist on calling me that when you know I don't like it?"

"There is another option, LouL—"

"I dislike that one even more." He interrupted with a huff that she, strangely, found adorable.

"I call you that because I need something to call my beloved husband besides Lucifer." She justified.

"If you wish to call me something besides my name, my Prince or my Lord will be fine."

"You wish your sweet Little Wife to address you so formally? It's not very romantic. People may start to think you don't care for me." She pouted, closing the gap between them, "But I kinda like the sound of, My Prince." She admitted softly, placing a hand on his chest and looking up into his dark and now suspicious eyes while she seductively batted her own, "Tell you what, how about when we're naked in bed, and you're on top showing me exactly how a prince takes care of his princess I call it out?" She teased, letting her hand run down his abdomen, visualizing her words as she felt the heat rush through her and knew he sensed it.

Sure enough, Lucifer tensed up at her suggestion and stared at the floor off to her right. "Stop that!" he hissed, grabbing her hand before it traveled too low.

She laughed, stepping back as his glare snapped at her. The smile fell from her face as his glowing red eyes raked over her. "You're mad at me?"

He shook his head, "There is one other feeling that changes them, and you should be very cautious with that feeling. You see, I'm not nearly as good as Louie when controlling my impulses."

"Careful, Hubby. I'm starting to think you like me," she replied, admittedly a little on alert.

"Like and lust are not the same." He warned.

"No, but in my experience, they usually run together."

"And in mine, they usually don't."

Kathrine Ann hummed, "I don't know whether I'm relieved or hurt."

"You're both." He clarified.

"Right," she sighed. "So where do you want to go next? The lake is really pretty. I'd like to see it during the day."

"We've done what we needed to in the city."

"Oh?" She replied, trying not to sound as disappointed as she felt, not that it mattered since Lucifer always knew how she was feeling, "I thought maybe we could explore the city some since neither of us is very familiar,"

"No," he interrupted her. "This little side trip will already annoy my father enough as it is. There is no need to make him angry. Besides, I wish to return to the castle. I haven't much time left, and I have one place I want to visit before my time is up."

"Where?" She asked, tilting her head slightly.

"The hot spring." He answered, turning for the door.

Kathrine Ann was about to speak when something completely off-topic popped into her head, "Lucifer, did you bring any money?"

He turned back to her, "Why?"

"A tip." She explained, "The least we could do since they didn't charge us."

He pulled his wallet out of his back pocket and tossed it to her without a reply. Kathrine Ann caught it and stared at it for a moment. Precisely like the men's wallets she was used to seeing. Opening it up, she felt a little naughty, like she was doing something she wasn't supposed to. Would Luce have just tossed her his wallet? No, she highly doubted it. Her eyes scanned the inside, and just like one would expect, there were plastic and thick paper cards in the card slots, but her eyes widened, and her lips curled up into a smile as she pulled out the first one.

"You have an ID," she said, looking at the small picture of Lucifer with his blue eyes and bored expression.

"A what?" He asked.

"Identification card." She clarified, showing him the card in her hand.

"Of course I do. Everyone does." He replied, looking at her like she was an idiot.

"Right, I guess I just didn't realize. I had one too, when I was alive." She informed, looking back at the rectangular piece of plastic. Her brows knitted together as she attempted to read the information on the card,

"You are still alive." He rolled his eyes.

"The first time, I mean." She clarified, "Is this a driver's license?"

"What?" he asked again, but a realization quickly flashed over his face. "No, we don't have those here. So few people have cars, and most who do don't usually use them."

"Right, Luce told me that. It's faster just to run, right?"

"For most."

"For you?"

"Yes," He scoffed, "I'm faster than most."

"Is it fun?" she asked. "I mean, to run that fast. It seems fun."

"I always preferred it. Cars take too long, and they're so cramped." He explained as she slid his ID back into its spot before opening the billfold and finding what she was looking for, though she didn't know the value of any of the bills.

Her confusion must have been evident because she heard him sigh before he walked over and plucked the wallet out of her hand, removed one of the bills, and tossed it onto the table before slipping it back into his pocket, "If you want you can just run back, I can drive back alone or maybe Thron will drive me." She suggested, and when she looked up at him, a familiar look crossed the wrong Devil's face. His eyes were filled with mischief, and he was smiling, "What?" She asked cautiously.

"You want to know what it feels like?" He asked.

"To run?" He nodded, his smile growing wider, which filled her with mixed emotions, "How?"

"We'll have to be quick. Thron will not approve." Lucifer warned.

"Will it hurt me?"

"Of course not."

"Okay." She nodded, and her own smile crossed her face. "What do I do?"

"I'm going to squat down, climb onto my back, wrap your legs around my waist, your arms around my neck, and hold on." He instructed.

"Will this get you in trouble?" She questioned.

"Probably, but it'll be worth it to see the look on Thron's face. Ready?"


Lucifer squatted, and Kathrine Ann quickly did as he told her to, but what he hadn't told her was that he would hold onto her as well. She squeaked when Lucifer stood and reached behind, placing each hand on either side of her butt. With the skirt of her dress being on the shorter side, there was nothing between his hands and her skin but the thin material of her underwear.

Kathrine Ann didn't have more than a second or two to think about the situation since the door to the cafe flew open,

"Lucifer, what are you doing?" Thron growled.

"Heading back to the castle, your services are no longer needed," Lucifer answered, shifting Kathrine Ann's weight slightly. "Hold tight. I won't want to drop you," he told her in a hushed tone.

"I can't let you do this, Lucifer," Thron protested.

"We're just going back to the castle. I swear on my dead soulless mother," Lucifer reassured, "Now step aside, Thron. You know you can't stop me."

"Your father will not be happy." He cautioned, "This little side trip will already anger—"

"Fuck, my father." Lucifer interrupted, and Kathrine Ann swore Thron's jaw dropped a bit, but she bet that there was a smirk on her demon prince's face that could rival Luce's.

Her Devil didn't wait for his guard to recover, and just like that, they were off, out the door and into the sunlight.

Kathrine Ann squealed and laughed as the air rushed around her. Blurs of buildings flashed on either side of her, a few strands of hair came loose from her bun, and they fluttered wildly around her face. Her legs held tight around her Devil, and his hands kept her from slipping down his back. Suddenly there was someone next to her, causing her to let out a small scream. It was Thron. He was running alongside them and yelling something at Lucifer, but the rush of air in her ears made it impossible to make out what he was saying. What she did hear was Lucifer's loud laughter, and then Thron was gone, left behind as Lucifer moved even faster. Then the buildings were gone. More sunlight, blurred green grass, and bright blue skies surrounded them. She could hardly believe they had already left the city behind them, but before she could even finish that thought, everything stopped, and her head felt dizzy for a second. It passed, and Lucifer released her, allowing her to slide off his back and onto the stone steps leading up to the castle. They were already back at the castle, and it couldn't have taken more than five minutes.

"Holy shit." She laughed, "That was amazing."

"There's Nothing holy about it, Little Wife," Lucifer replied, his irises just as black as his pupils and a smile on his lips. "Come, let's get inside before Thron catches up."

"He seemed mad," Katherine Ann said, suddenly worried, as they walked towards the massive castle doors.

"Oh, he was, but what can he do?"