Baby Girl “The Return of Prince Charming.”

"—and I meant what I said the first time. You've been fun." Lucifer told Kathrine Ann.

The two of them were treading water in the hot springs, no more than a couple of feet between them. Kathrine Ann was conflicted, she didn't want to say goodbye to Lucifer, but she desired Luce back. She knew at that moment she would have to find a way to have all of him. To have both sides of her devil, but for now, she had to say goodbye to her demon Prince, and it needed to be a goodbye he wouldn't soon forget, so Kathrine Ann used all her strength to leap onto Lucifer, catching him off guard. He caught her by the waist, and they both went down under the water. Her lips quickly found his and locked him into a passionate kiss. Although Lucifer seemed surprised, he quickly regained his composure and kissed her back. His arms snaked around her, holding her body close to his, while Kathrine Ann's hands locked behind Lucifer's neck, her fingers laced into his dark hair. Although Lucifer's lips were familiar to her, this kiss was very different than the heated, demanding kiss she had shared with her husband on the balcony. The kiss was gentle and filled with longing. Her heart thumped excitedly inside her chest while the warm spring water encased them. After a brief moment, Lucifer pulled away, breaking the kiss. Kathrine Ann opened her eyes, and despite the water blurring her vision, she could see his face. Wearing the same mischievous grin she saw at the cafe, she watched as blue began to seep into the red of his eyes. He gave her a wink before all the red disappeared, along with his smile.

Lucifer shot up to the water's surface, and Kathrine Ann followed. As she popped up and took a deep breath, her smile faded as her eyes fell on his scowling face and accusing glare,

"What?" She asked.

"You know what." He huffed before promptly swimming away from Kathrine Ann and heading for the shoreline.

Kathrine Ann rolled her eyes and quickly followed, "You can't be serious?" She laughed as she caught up to him.

"Do I seem like I'm joking?"

"You're honestly jealous of yourself?"

"It hasn't even been a full day, and you kissed him twice." He snapped, finding the ground and wading through the water.

"Three times, actually," She corrected, attempting the same, but it was still a bit too deep.

"Not helping," He fussed, shooting a pointed look back at her as she rolled to her back and lazily swam alongside him.

"He's you," she pointed out, unable to stifle her amusement, which Lucifer found irritating. "Oh, come on, you have to admit this is ridiculous. It's like me being angry at you for kissing another girl in a dream."

"Definitely not the same," He argued, "That would be ridiculous."

"You're upset because I kissed you," she chuckled. "I think you're being a bit irrational, Luce."

"I worked very hard to earn that kiss the other night, and I'm out for one day, and you're already throwing yourself at someone else," he replied.

"I was not throwing myself at anyone, Luce. I suggest you watch your accusations," she cautioned, rolling back over and finally able to stand. And yes, you did work very hard to win me over, which is why I trust you, all of you, and your other half needs to know that."

"Why bother? Not like he'll be back anytime soon."

"I want all of you." Kathrine Ann insisted.


"That's not fair. You get all of me, but I only get part of you?" She complained, no longer amused, as the two of them stepped out of the water.

"I haven't had all of you,"

"Now you sound like him." She grumbled, crossing her arms over her chest.

"It's not the same, Kathrine Ann." He replied, his posture softening as he looked down at his visibly upset wife, "All of you is you, all of me comes with a whole other personality that has proven he is more than willing to hurt others to get his way."

"It's not that black and white, and you know it."

Lucifer's head dropped, and he sighed, "Can we discuss this later, Baby Girl? It has been a long few hours."

"Yes, but we will discuss it later." She agreed.

"I have no doubt, my stubborn Doll." He mumbled, stretching his neck to each side.

A wave of guilt hit Kathrine Ann as she looked over her noticeably worn husband. His shoulders were a bit slumped, and his beautiful blue eyes droopy,

"You must be so worn out," she said, and before he could reply, Kathrine Ann wrapped her arms around him in a tight hug. "I did miss you a lot," she reassured him as he returned the embrace.

"Sure you missed me?" He mumbled, nuzzling his face into her wet hair,

Kathrine Ann was a bit surprised by this sudden need for reassurance coming from her usually overconfident Devil, but she pushed it away as she relaxed into him, "Very sure. I was worried too, but Lucifer reassured me you were okay, just weak."

"He didn't hurt you, did he? Be honest."

"No," she quickly reassured. "He didn't hurt me, but you knew that, right?"

"No, I didn't. I was somewhat present part of the time, but it wasn't like sitting back and watching a movie. It was more like being held back. I could catch bits and pieces, but it took a lot of energy to force myself forward to see what was going on. It didn't help that I was still very weak from the poison."

"How are you now?" she questioned, pushing back a little and looking up at him. "You looked so bad at the hospital."

"I'll be alright. The residual poison has all but faded, so I'm healing quickly, but honestly, I just want to relax and maybe get some actual sleep."

"Well, let's get you home then." She started with a definite nod while releasing her embrace but holding onto his hand, "I bet you're hungry too."

"You have no idea," he replied as she began walking towards the woods and pulling him behind her. I'm not sure if it was on purpose to keep me weak or if he didn't think about it. Eating isn't typically his responsibility or priority."

"Really? How does he not know you're hungry?"

"It's not that he doesn't know. It just doesn't bother him. As you have seen, he's significantly stronger and has a heightened pain tolerance. He can endure a lot more than I ever could despite sharing the same body." Lucifer explained, "You're leading us the wrong way, Baby Girl." He chuckled, tugging on the arm she was leading him with, causing her to stumble back as he changed direction and took the lead,

"Well then, when we get back to the room, I'll call Vassel and have dinner brought up, and while you eat, I'll draw you a bath." She planned as the warmth from the spring faded, and her wet clothes only made the chill in the air worse, but she ignored it.

"A bath?" He scoffed.

"Yes, a bath," she reiterated, taking a couple of quick steps so she was walking beside him, but their hands stayed linked. "You said you wanted to relax, and nothing is better than a steaming hot bath to burn all the tension right out of you."

"Baby Girl, I'm Lucifer the Second, the Crowned Prince of Hell, the future ruler over all that lives and suffers here. I do not bathe."

"Don't knock it till you try it, Jr." She chuckled. "Tell you what. You get in the bath, and I'll bathe you."

"Oh?" He smirked, "Promise?"

"It's the least I can do for kissing you instead of you." She winked.

"Well, I suppose even the Devil needs a good bath ever so often," he hummed, releasing her hand and slipping his arm around her waist. "You're shivering," he stated.

"It's a bit chilly."

"Well, what did you expect, silly doll, walking into the water with all your clothes on?"

"You're wet too." She pointed out.

"True, but I'm a lot more resilient than you, Baby Girl. The last thing I need is you catching ill and dying before I get my bath." He teased, dodging Kathrine Ann's fist as she swung playfully at his shoulder, "Climb on my back,"

"No," she interrupted, "It's a bit chilly, but it's also a beautiful evening. I think the walk back will be lovely."

He glared at her suspiciously, "I told you I'm healing. I can carry you."

"I don't doubt that, but as I said, I want to walk."