Baby Girl "Giving in to Temptation."

*Warning! This chapter contains sexual content that is not appropriate for minors. Reminder: This is an 18+ story, and it will contain explicit content for mature readers only.*

Kathrine Ann hummed as she scrubbed Lucifer's scalp, careful not to scratch too hard to hurt but hard enough to feel good. Judging by the soft moan that escaped her husband's lips, she had gotten the pressure just right. As she pulled the shampoo through Lucifer's thick black mane, she realized it had gotten quite a bit longer since she arrived. The length had to be to the middle of his shoulder blades, maybe even past,

"Your hair has gotten long," She stated, working her fingers through his ends.

"Umhum," he replied, sleepily opening his eyes and glancing up to meet hers as she moved back to his scalp. "You, my darling wife, have kept me so busy I haven't had time to get it cut. Do you not like it?"

"I like it," she answered as Lucifer lifted his right arm and brought his hand to her face, lightly brushing her cheek with his fingertips. You have lovely hair. It's thick, silky, and seems healthy despite the horrid care."

"I suppose I can allow you to take care of it from now on if it bothers you so much." he hummed, curling a loose lock of her hair around his fingers while she moved her own to the back of his head and softly massaged the nape of his neck, earning her another soft groan.

"Nice try, Luce, but this is a special circumstance,"

"So does that mean my whole body gets the same attention as my scalp? If so, I must warn you that something very special might be waiting beneath the water." He winked.

"Sit up," she ordered, shaking her head at her husband's brazen remarks.

"Good. I don't think I can take much more of that," he yawned, doing as requested.

"Really? From how you moaned, I could have sworn you were enjoying yourself." She replied, grabbing the pitcher.

"I was, but too much longer, and I would have drifted off to sleep, and we can't have that, now can we?" Lucifer explained, "Rinse away, Baby Girl! My body awaits your touch," he instructed, tilting his head back.

Kathrine Ann sighed but smiled as she rinsed the soap out of her Devil's hair and applied the conditioner. This ignited a whole other conversation about what it was for and whether it was necessary. Eventually, he relented yet again.

"Okay, now I feel like you're just messing with me for your own entertainment," he yawned as Kathrine Ann wrapped his hair up in a bun on top of his head so the conditioner could sit for a few minutes.

"Maybe a little, but you're so damned cute, I just can't help myself," she chuckled. "No pun intended," she added, standing up and turning to her counter full of bottles.

"Will you please stop calling me cute?" Lucifer grumbled, "I already smell like women's perfume."

"You'll thank me tomorrow when your skin feels amazing," Kathrine Ann retorted as she sorted a few bottles on smells he may be okay with versus smells he would possibly torture her for suggesting.

"I highly doubt that!" he huffed before yawning.

"Just relax a bit longer, Luce. I promise I'll be with you soon enough. I need to decide on the right body wash."

"Please, nothing too fruity or sweet, Baby Girl." He groaned. "I seriously do have a reputation to keep."

"I got you, Darling," she smiled, picking up one bottle and removing the cap to sniff. "I won't embarrass you in front of the boys," she reassured, recapping the bottle and placing it off to the side.

Kathrine Ann chuckled at his disgruntled groan before plucking another bottle. Azazel had given her many small samples of products so she could choose her favorite. According to her, a few different shops in Central City sold all kinds of soaps and lotions, but the best was a small shop in West City. Coincidently, Lucifer chose the shampoo and conditioner from that shop. She would have to remember that.

Kathrine Ann was surprised that Lucifer sat so quietly as she picked through the collection of body soaps, sniffing one here and there before choosing a very mild scent she thought he wouldn't mind too much. She grabbed a body sponge and the soap before returning to the tub where her Prince was sound asleep with his head leaned back against the tub's edge. She watched him for a moment before kneeling behind him. Part of her wanted to allow him to sleep because she knew how tired he was, but she also knew the water was getting colder, and it wouldn't be long before he would need to get out. So Kathrine Ann dipped the sponge into the cloudy water before adding the soap and lathering it into foam. With a mischievous grin, Kathrine Ann leaned in close and softly placed her bandaged hand on Lucifer's shoulder before wrapping her other over the opposite. As she began to wash his chest lightly, he took in a deep breath and opened his eyes,

"Shh," she said before he could say anything, "Just relax and enjoy it."

Lucifer leaned back and closed his eyes, but Kathrine Ann knew he was far from sleep as she caressed his body with the sponge. She gently washed his chest, arms, and back while her other hand lightly touched and guided his body. Slowly and a bit nervously, her hand slipped under the water to wash the rest of his abdomen, and as she got lower, Lucifer tensed up and groaned.

She knew this would be a big tease for him, but she didn't expect how she was feeling. Heat and desire coursed through Kathrine Ann toward her core. She wanted his touch in return for hers, to be closer, to have her body pressed to his, but she controlled herself, focusing on keeping a calm appearance. However, she had once again managed to forget that appearances didn't matter when it came to Lucifer. Her body leaned forward, causing his head to lay on her shoulder. His face turned into her neck, and she could feel his hot breath against her skin. Her heart beat like crazy as she moved her hand across his stomach. Suddenly, she felt his soft lips on her neck, making her breath catch. He placed one kiss after another on her skin, and Kathrine Ann unconsciously tilted her head, allowing him more access as she desperately tried to focus on her task. Still, the attention was making her head spin, and the heat that pulled between her legs turned into a throbbing ache.

"Lift your leg," she instructed, leaning back to try to collect herself. But when her eyes met his, the burning desire in them made her flush.

Unable to hold his gaze, she scooted around the side of the tub where his leg, bent at the knee, stuck out of the water. Kathrine Ann swallowed before taking up the sponge again and carefully ran it down his shin and up his calf. Lucifer leaned forward, gently placing a hand on her cheek. He guided her face to him and captured her lips with his. The kiss was strong and heated. His hand slipped behind her neck, pulling her closer as he nibbled her bottom lip. He slipped his tongue into her mouth, deepening the kiss even more.

Kathrine Ann had abandoned the sponge, and her hand rested on his knee. Maybe she was high on desire and lust, but she knew what she wanted, and as her fingers trailed from his knee to his thigh, Lucifer pulled away from their kiss with a groan, "Don't start something you can't finish, Kathrine Ann." He said, pressing his forehead against hers.

"I thought I told you to shush," she replied, pulling his lips back to hers as her hand continued down his leg, teasing him with gentle touches and caresses. Suddenly, they both paused and listened. It sounded like the bedroom door opening and muffled footsteps,

"Please tell me you didn't hear that?" he asked.

"It's probably just a servant checking to see if we're done eating so they can take the dishes," she rationalized, believing her own words about as much as Lucifer did.

"I swear to Grandpapa if that's Micheal," Lucifer growled.

"You'll what, Louie?" his Uncle said calmly from the other side of the bathroom door.

"I am warning you, Uncle. Now is not the time," he cautioned, trying to keep calm, but Kathrine Ann could see the anger in his eyes.

"You will make time, Lucifer. I have waited long enough," the angel snapped back, losing his normally calm demeanor, "Come out and speak with me now, or I will come in there,"

"You open that fucking door, and you will regret it," Lucifer hissed.

Kathrine Ann watched as red seeped into the blue of her Devil's eyes, but she didn't need to see that to know who was speaking. She could hear the difference in his voice.

"You think you can threaten me?" the archangel laughed as the door knob turned.

The door latch released with a click. Kathrine Ann opened her mouth to protest but stopped as her husband shook his head slowly. The door creaked open while Lucifer's eyes narrowed and stared at the movement. Kathrine Ann was a little anxious but still curious about how he was acting. It was predator-like. His eyes dilated and focused, his body ready to react at any moment, but till then, he was as still as a statue. Not so much as a muscle dared to twitch. The only exception was his lips. As a gap between the door and its frame grew, so did her demon Prince's wicked smirk.