Why would I?

At occult research club (A/N will be using ORC for short)

In the room you can see 3 girls and 1 boy. First girl has crimson hair, blue-green eyes and her body has good assets in all places. Second girl has long black hair, violet eyes and her body rivals the first girl. Third girl has white hair, gold eyes, her body isn't one that has good assets, but one could say she's very cute with her height. The boy in that room, girls could describe that he's gorgeous and good looking. Their names are: Rias, Akeno, Koneko, Kiba (Yuuto).

"Last year was strange, dont you think so?" Asked Rias her peerage's queen Akeno.

"And why would you say that?" Replied curiously Akeno.

"Well, what I'm saying is that that white hair boy and that brown hair boy might be sacred gear users." Rias explained to Akeno while pondering her thoughts.

"Ara~ Ara~ You talking about the Shiraga and Issei right?" Akeno chuckled.

"Obviously. I can feel Issei's magic pulsating stronger, but for some reason Shiraga is different, feels like he doesn't even have any presence at all." Rias said her thoughts across.

"So, that pervert has some magic?" Said Koneko with her emotionless face while eating cookies.

"Unfortunally, yes. But I have to get him into my side before anyone else snatches him." Replied Rias to Koneko. "Can you keep an eye on Issei, Koneko?" Asked Rias.

"Okay, buchou..." Replied Koneko still in her emotionless stage.

"Oh and you Kiba. Can you get in touch with Shiraga and make friends with him?" Rias asked Kiba.

"I'll try, but it's a bit of a problem. I noticed that someone who tries to approach him, he instantly walks away or doesn't reply back at all." Kiba replied with a sigh.

"Fufufu~ No wonder students call him 'Lone wolf'" Said Akeno with a smile.

"I can't waste a chance, he's too mysterious. I have a feeling he's keeping a secret. I need new peerage members as soon as possible!" With determination in her eyes Rias said.

"Buchou, do you feel this magic signature? It's so sinister and dark..." Said Kiba with stutter in his words.

"Okay! Let's check it out if it's something bad before engaging in battle!" Stood up Rias from her chair and started to walk from the club.

"Hai!" Replied all of them except Rias.

Back at Shiraga...

"That should do it. They should come running to check it out. Hehehe..." Smiled Shiraga in his thoughts. "I wonder what faces will they make" He chuckled a bit.

"Did you really had to do it? It will reduce my time with you, you know~" Displeased asked Kurayami in his mind.

"I just wanna have some fun. After those boring years I didn't had any fun." Replied Shiraga in his mind with annoying voice.

"Fine..." Kurayami didn't wanted to agree with this, but she let it go because it surely was boring.

Shiraga walked in the school building and went to his class before the bell rings. After couple minutes he noticed Rias with her crew and to his suprise Sona came as well to check it out.

"Kukuku~ This surely will get interesting." He laughed in his mind, while keeping poker face outside.

Rias and Sona crew...

"No way, I knew it! It's that boy with white hair that has that dark aura." Said Rias for everyone to hear beside her. "Kiba try to make him to come to the club if possible, if not I will come myself." Rias turned to Kiba and asked him.

"And why would he will be going with you?" Sona asked Rias while fixing her glasses.

"You know, I need peerage members to trash that idiot Riser. And I did set my eyes on him first!" Rias replied her with a smile.

"Fine... But if he disagrees to join you, he will come with me to my peerage." Sona replied while being annoyed with Rias declaration.

"I will make sure it doesn't happen." Said Rias while chuckling which made Sona more annoyed.

Classes passed quickly for Shiraga. He waited for so called 'devils' to show up to pick him up. And at the last class ended, he picked his bag and started to walk out of the class, but to his suprise classes doors opened and he saw Kiba who opened the door.

"Hello there. My name is Yuuto Kiba, would you come with me to ORC. My president wants to meet with you." Said Kiba with his usual smile. Shiraga eyed him from head to toes which made Kiba a bit unsettling.

"What does she want wih me?" Shiraga asked Kiba with annoyed voice while glaring with his eyes at him. Kiba wasn't expecting to get answer from him, but have to be watched by his red eyes it's truly uncomfortable.

"Come with me and you will know your answer." Said Kiba with a smile, but a litte stutter in his voice.

"*sigh* Fine, lead the way..." Said Shiraga to Kiba while walking out of the class and stopping by window that is outside of the class. Kiba let out a sigh, and started to walk to the old school building that is ORC.

They arrived at the club, Kiba opened the door and let Shiraga to come in inside the clubroom. Shiraga noticed Koneko sitting on the couch while eating cookies. Koneko glanced at him and nodded at him while returning to eating which Shiraga returned the nod as well. He then sit down opposite of Koneko on the cough and closed his eyes while waiting for Rias to show up and start her usual crap about joining the peerage. After couple minutes, he heard a door opening and glanced to see Rias and Akeno walking and sitting in the chair and Akeno standing beside her.

"So, what do you want and make it quick, I dont have all day." Said Shiraga with annoyed voice. "Let's play a bad guy then... hehehe...." Said in his mind keeping his laughter inside.

"Ara~ Ara~ Kind of harsh words Shiraga-kun." Said Akeno smiling at him.

"First of all, I don't know you. Second of all, I believe people don't call their first name after their first meeting that easily." Shiraga's red eyes landed on Akeno which made her shiver a bit.

"*cough* Anyways, Orochi-kun, I called you on important notice. Let me ask you a question, do you believe in supernatural?" Said Rias with serious tone.

"If this is some kind of joke, its not funny." Said Shiraga with angered voice switching his eyes to Rias.

"It's no joke Orochi-kun, at his club we are all devils and the student council is full of devils as well." Rias said with serious tone but didn't let the smile to go away.

"And here I thought people are normal, anyways I will get going." Said Shiraga and standing up and going to the door.

"Wait! Look back and I will show you dammit!" Said Rias with annoyed voice and let out a devil wings and the whole clubroom members did the same. Shiraga turns back and pretended to be amazed by this action. Rias thought that he's got interested.

"So, what do you want and I'm not asking it anymore." Asked Shiraga while going back and sitting back on the couch and looking with his red eyes to Rias.

"What I want to ask is, will you join my peerage?" Rias asked expecting a positive answer.

"Why would I and what benefit I would get?" Shiraga sighed at her question.

"You will get long lifespan, your magic powers will increase and you will belong to the high-class devils peerage." Rias finished but started again. "And maybe you will get a harem of girls." She said seductively and showed her cleavage tempting him to join.

"Oh boy, I'm kinda sorry for you right now." Said Shiraga while smirking. Rias and her whole peerage didn't understood what Shiraga meant by that.

"Fufufu~ What do you mean by that?" Asked Akeno while chuckling a bit.

"To tell you the truth, I feel sorry for Rias because she might die right now because she did something bad." Shiraga started to chuckle, but the whole clubroom is on guard.

"You know that you are weak and we can deal with you easily?" Said Rias while smiling. As she said that Shiraga's aura rised a bit, leaving clubroom on big guard and next to Shiraga woman appeared in her 20s leaving the Rias and her whole gang amazed, but still they remained on guard.

"You little vixen, you wanna die by seducing my beloved Shira-kun?!" Her aura spiked leaving whole clubroom amazed except Shiraga by her power that was higher then Rias. Koneko instantly jumped near Rias and Kiba did the same and Akeno was about ready to cast lighting magic.

"Kurayami calm down a bit, after the whole talk is done we will decide what to do with her. Come sit down next to me." Shiraga explained to her and gestured to sit by tapping with his hand on the couch.

"Of course~" Said Kurayami and sit down on his lap, leaving Shiraga amazed by her bold moves and he breathed out a sigh.

"W-who is she and how did she got here?" Asked Rias astonished of what is happening.

"So, do you want to introduce yourself?" Said Shiraga to her companion who is sitting on his lap.

"Fine... ahem. My name is Kurayami Orochi, nine-tailed spirit fox that is bounded to my husband Shira-kun. If any of you tries to seduce him again, I wont be leaving you alone until I done with you~" Kurayami finished introducing and let out sadistic smile to the whole Rias peerage making them shiver.

"Nine-tailed fox?! And you got her as your wife?!" Screamed Rias not believing her words and switched her head to Shiraga.

"To tell you the truth, I didn't made her my wife yet, but who knows. Anyways, I hope this is a warning for all of you. Kurayami can finish you like butter and bread without a single thought and I can kill you with just a single tap on the head with a finger if I really wanted. And I wont be joining your peerage because its basically useless for someone like me. I hope we are done here, Kurayami let's go home." Shiraga exlaimed his thoughts to whole group, stood up and started to walk with Kurayami to the door.

"You know you are into the devils teritory right?! And you just threatened me by almost killing me! I won't leave this behind you know!" Said Rias while shouting at Shiraga.

"To be honest I dont really care, do what you want. Oh and better make Issei a peerage member while he's still alive, who knows something might happen~" Shiraga smiled evily at the group while turning his head making them shiver at his smile and red eyes that stared at them while glowing. "See you tomorrow at school Rias." Shiraga said while walking out of the building.

"What are we gonna do with this Rias?" Asked Akeno at the concerned face that Rias is making.

"I need to inform my brother Sirzechs as soon as possible and to find it out if he is a danger to us or not." With serious tone said Rias. "If what he said is true then I think my brother will only stand a chance against him, but what do I know, he didn't showed his power yet so I can't say for sure. His companion Kurayami is a nine-tailed fox is strong as well, I just hope he isn't our enemy." Said Rias with concerning voice regarding her future.