[ The Naked Kid ]

A naked boy, with white hair and green eyes, was "flying" at an incredible speed, to put it better, he didn't fly of his own free will. This child was Yarold, who finally arrived in the world of One Piece.


Meanwhile in Marijoa, in a castle called Pangea, five men were arguing around a decorated table

placed in the middle of the room.

The first man had a black cap on his head and a scar near his left eye. He began by opening the discussion.

"So?! Is there news? The Celestial Dragons involved want revenge."

Sitting next to him was an old bald man with a bushy but neat mustache who continued the conversation.

"Still nothing, nobody seems to know him, all we know is that he is a boy of about 10 years old, white hair and green eyes."

Standing behind the latter, a tall, thin old man with long hair and beard entered the conversation.

"At least we managed to take a photo of the brat; it's already a good start."

"It is not enough! The World Nobles are continuing to contact us to put a bounty on this child. What he has done is unheard of, such a thing never happened."

A blond man replied. He was certainly the youngest of the five.

"Mmm, the problem is that we don't even know his name, where he came from or anything like that. He showed great power despite his tender age." A bald man with round glasses said, surprised by the young man's power.

"What do you think Sengoku?" Asked the four-eyes.

Behind them, towards the door, a four-eyed man with black hair, hat with the word "Marine" and a navy dressing gown, with a beard twisted to himself, approached the five elders sitting around the table.

"I can only agree with this last statement. He certainly has enormous power to be able to fly at that speed and stay at that altitude."

"Mmm..." The man in the hat and scar touched his beard.

"Let's not forget that he managed to enter this territory without too many problems. He infuriated 3 celestial dragons and then left as if nothing had happened," he said, stopping to touch his beard.

"Sengoku, we entrust you with the task of investigating and putting a bounty on the brat. Now you can go!" The old man with the cap ended the speech.

"Yes! Excuse me." Sengoku took the photo of the boy, said goodbye and then went out the door.

He moved to one of the nearby rooms with a Den Den Mushi and then called a nearby navy base.


In one of the navy bases, a boy identical to the rest of the common marines was reading a newspaper.

""̳P̳u̳r̳u̳p̳u̳r̳u̳p̳u̳r̳u̳p̳u̳r̳u̳ ̳P̳u̳r̳u̳p̳u̳r̳u̳p̳u̳r̳u̳p̳u̳r̳u̳ ..." A snail for calls was making verses.


The man answered after two rings.

"Here is Navy Base 4321; recruit 678 is answering the call."

"Oooh recruit 678 it's been a long time since we met. I remember you very well, you're the one who accidentally ate my sandwich," Sengoku replied in an angry tone.

"Yes! Exact! It is me! Recruit 678, my father is number 345 and my grandfather is 123!" He screamed of happiness with tears in his eyes seeing that someone remembered him.

"We will chat at another time. I am sending you a photo; put a bounty of 200 million Berry."

Before declaring the value of the bounty, he thought about it for a while.

After evaluating the skills of the young man and the trouble he caused, he believed that 200 million is a reasonable price since he had no further information about it.

"This baby sir? All right! Are there any special requests regarding the capture? The name to insert?" The recruit asked, ready to take notes.

He was thinking about what could have made such a cute child, and why the photo portrayed him naked but did not dare to ask.

"Yes! Only alive, we must deliver it to the World Nobles..."

He stopped for a moment to think about what name to deliver. He didn't know the boy's name and nobody had been able to recognize him. Should he use a nickname like [The Naked Kid]? Alternatively [Rainbow Liquid] the cause of the accident?

In the meantime, the recruit was waiting without asking a second time. He didn't want to be rude to a superior who had remembered his real name, who managed to recognize his by the tone of voice and remembered his relatives.

'He even said that I'm the most promising recruit in the Navy and that the whole organization is lucky to have me.' He thought with a face full of pride.

"Enter as a name ... [𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐍𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐝 𝐊𝐢𝐝] ... For now."

After some thought Sengoku decided to call it that.

"Okay, sir!" He said aloud before ending the call.

"So he is naked for a reason, it will be his brand to be recognized."


To explain what happened, we have to go back in time to the last seconds of the countdown.

"[𝔾𝕠𝕠𝕕 𝕝𝕦𝕔𝕜]"

𝟎𝟎:𝟎𝟑 - 𝟎𝟎:𝟎𝟐 - 𝟎𝟎:𝟎𝟏 ________________

'Finally! I will not cause trouble! I don't want a bounty on the head. I want to live free without problems. In order not to lose this freedom, I will not become a pirate or a Marine.'

He said in his mind as he heard the last 3 seconds pass.

⓿⓿:⓿⓿ ⌛ *𝐵𝐼𝑃*

At the end of the time, a passage opened in front of Yarold.

"𝗘𝗛!?" He exclaimed as a force dragged him towards the passage.

He entered the passage and immediately afterward he went out into the divine world.

The bald man called God was drinking tea while he saw a child come out of the world of creation, headed for one of the portals located above the clouds.

"𝗢𝗵𝗼𝗵𝗼𝗵𝗼𝗵𝗼𝗵!" Seeing Yarold scream, God laughed.

"DO NOT WORRY! I'M SENDING YOU TO THE BEGINNING PLACE; LET YOURSELF BE CARRIED BY THAT FORCE." To make himself heard by the now distant Yarold, God screamed.


He kept screaming as he "flew" faster and faster.

He entered the portal of one of the most distant clouds of the divine world. Immediately afterward he went out into the world of One Piece with a fruit that levitated around him. The fruit was a species of grape with different colors.

(Author Note: Rainbow Grape) (https://i.pinimg.com/originals/52/28/ba/5228ba35ec0c0d711db61de3935f8446.jpg)

Yarold could not clearly distinguish the surrounding landscape, he was "flying" too fast and too high, he saw only a wonderful fruit turn around him, he immediately understood that it was the Devil Fruit he thought of, so he took it and ate it all in one bite.


The taste was horrible. It tasted like the stains of the colors used to paint. As he was being carried by this mysterious force, Asdrerd vomited a strange rainbow liquid.

The liquid came down and ended up on the Celestial Dragons, completely covering them with a rainbow gelatinous substance.

Yarold did not know that his gesture had made him a wanted 200 million.

The image of a peaceful life that he had set before starting his journey was thus destroyed.