Asdrerd like Mysha had never felt love for someone else; he had been forced to marry. He never had anyone by his side who could really understand him, so he was foreign to that feeling.
He knew his wife loved him, but he could not say the same.
Of course, living with his wife for years, he started to try something for her, but not love. The same for his daughter, he cared for her but this only for a sense of guilt, he felt bad at the thought of the difficulties of his daughter, nothing more.
For him, love was different.
He will never love those who do not like art.
The same happened with his brothers and sisters. He had left his home at 16 and hadn't thought of his family once. Not because he hated them, they had always treated him well. They simply didn't have a high value. He was grateful that they had raised him, nothing more. He had already paid off the debt by giving them some money.
Asdrerd considered these ties to be a waste of time. His wife's family and colleagues criticized him, but he did not care.
He always thought of how nice it would be to travel the world with a girl who had the same passions. Enjoy the same panorama together, and then paint the moment in the same painting.
Mysha was certainly not that type of girl, for this Asdrerd did not he was minimally attracted to her.
Mysha was interested in the subject and didn't mind Asdrerd, only that they didn't know each other well enough. Calming down she said shyly, "We have to get to know each other better, if you are still interested in the future, I could consider your proposal."
"Hm?" Not understanding what the girl was referring to, Asdrerd made a confused expression.
"For now, how about entering and discussing tomorrow's trip?" She asked trying to change the subject.
Asdrerd, feeling that they could finally discuss the trip, forgot the girl's last sentence, nodded in approval, without adding anything else.
Entering Mysha's laboratory, he saw only bookcases, as if they were the wall of the structure; the floor was made of metal. Continuing to follow, the girl reached a room with a small wooden table in the center. Before sitting down, Mysha poured the tea into the two cups.
Once seated she began to ask, "Since you want to hide the fact that you have those powers, what shall I call you?"
"Asdrerd!" The young man said while sipping tea.
"I understand… it's not bad as reasoning." Mysha had followed the direct to Marijoa and immediately understood the young man's reasoning.
"But what about your identity?" Asdrerd asked the girl since Mysha Ranfeld was considered dead.
"Mysha is fine!" She smiled, thinking that the two had the same idea.
"I understand…" It made no sense to change the names so suddenly, they used to be called that, and they could have made mistakes without doing it on purpose. Nobody knew about her appearance, there are also girls with that name.
"You said you wanted to leave tomorrow right? Do you already have a destination in mind?" She asked curious about her partner's plans.
"Honestly, no, I was going to fly and land on the first island we saw."
He wanted to travel randomly in these years, and then follow Luffy's story. He did not want to miss the events of Alabasta, Enies Lobby and the rest of the trip; he would have painted all those scenes. Obviously, he did not want to paint the entire journey of the "Straw hat", only some scenes that deserved to be painted, such as the defeat of Crocodile, while he rained from the sky together with the much-desired rain.
"Hm? To fly?" Mysha asked curiously.
"Yes, I came here flying." Asdrerd showed his wings.
Initially surprised to see the wings, she calmed down, remembering that at the first appearance, the Naked Kid was flying.
"... Do you want to create a pirate crew without a ship?"
"Well, I'm not going to recruit people for quite a while, being two I don't think a ship is needed." He did not intend to recruit too many people especially not now, for a few years he wanted to travel free.
"A pirate crew with 2 people? Now that I have given up on Lala, I am no longer able to fly... "She felt sad at the memory of her friend.
"I'll take you!" Asdrerd announced, thus interrupting Mysha's thoughts.
Daydreaming at the scene of being carried like a princess, she blushed.
"Mm, you'll take me to Water 7, and then we'll have a ship built."
Mysha was not against it, she always wanted to be carried that way, but she could never have been carried like this forever. It is nice because it's a special moment, it does not have to be a habit.
"All right!" He accepted without too many problems, in the end with a ship he could relax and navigate even in not too favorable weather conditions.
"And tell me... how..."
"No nothing!"
Mysha wanted to ask him how he knew so many things, like the hidden past or the future, but she stopped, everyone had secrets. Yet she still had not revealed her power, why she could live so long and other similar information.
"If you have nothing more to ask, I would like to go to sleep, tomorrow I want to get up at dawn."
He had already imagined the scene of an uninhabited island with nothing but pieces of metal and a laboratory in the center, all affected by a sunset, an effect of life and desolation at the same time. At this thought, he began to drool.
'Is he thinking about tonight?' Seeing Asdrerd's expression, Mysha tried to clarify things immediately.
"The bed is only one, but you can use it, I don't need to sleep." She could sleep but do not need it, also the bed was uncomfortable, and she had built it with pieces of metal after leaving Lala.
She pointed to the bedroom and then left the laboratory.
Asdrerd changed his clothes and went to sleep.
Outside the laboratory, Mysha was walking around the island, walking on the metal pieces.
"Island you've been hiding from me for so long, this is goodbye." The girl said, feeling different emotions at the same time.
Sadness for having seriously kill the island would now be alone forever. On this island, she was born, raised, studied, and met her first and only friend Lala. It was not the first time she left the earth, but in the end, she was always forced to return, today she would have abandoned her forever.
Happiness to finally be free from these two prisons and start living.
Fear of freeing oneself from these chains, which have been limited her but also protected her.
Looking back on her past, the girl continued to look at the island until the next day, she wanted to observe it until the beginning of her journey, which would mark the end of her life as Mysha Ranfeld and the beginning of her new life as Mysha.
"Ranfeld huh?" The girl touched the pieces of metal with her hands and said, "Mother, I am about to abound your surname on this island, finally you will be able to rest in peace, finally the name Ranfeld will disappear from this world."
While she was touching a metal-free piece of land, dawn kissed the island.
Asdrerd flew to her, handed her a drawing, and said, "That piece of land is important to you, isn't it?"
Then he flew to the sky and began drawing the island.
Taking the drawing, the tears began to slide on the girl's face.
Just before dawn, Asdrerd woke up as usual. After getting ready, he looked out the window and saw Mysha who was touching the ground with a wonderful expression printed on her face. She had a wonderful smile and her eyes were looking with love that land. He knew what it felt like, he too had places he considered special on earth, and his expression was the same.
Seeing the scene, Asdrerd began to paint. He understood that Mysha would never return to this island and wanted to leave her with a memory, as realistic as possible, of her, of her expression and of that one piece of land, without drawing other parts of the island. He did not want to remind the girl of her prison too.
After painting the environment, he was only waiting for the last factor, which would make that scene perfect.
"It's time!" He said as he closed his eyes.
The first lights of the day came, thus closing the night.
As soon as Asdrerd sensed the light, he opened his eyes looking at Mysha first, immediately began to touch up the work.
Asdrerd went out and handed the painting to the girl.
Once received, Mysha noticed her expression on the drawing and began to cry and squeeze the painting tightly.
Looking at the painting, she could see that place important to her.
Embracing the painting, she could feel a connection between her and that piece of land. She knew it was only the result of the imagination, but it was enough for her. The only place in the world she could not give up on was that small and forgotten piece of land she had always taken care of.
"Ah!" She exclaimed after calming down.
"If I'm not mistaken today is my birthday."
Once again, she looked at the painting.
"It's definitely the best gift I could have received."
She looked up to the sky and saw Asdrerd who was suspended in the air without moving, drawing concentrated.
After forming an even more beautiful smile than the previous one, she said, "Thanks!"
Once the painting was finished, Asdrerd put on his mask, took Mysha in his arms and flew to Water 7, following the girl's directions.
Without her realizing it, her head was attached to the young man's shoulder.
End of the first volume.
I hope you enjoyed this start.
Thanks for reading so far.
I remember that the next one will be the extra of the second volume and it will be long, it can be skipped, so you can read chapter number 23 directly.
Thanks, information on the second volume and more always in the extra.
See you next time with the beginning of the adventure.