Asdrerd vs Xott 2

Mysha and Franky were approaching the island. Once near the beach, Mysha pulled out two metal helmets.

"Wear it!" She tossed one of the helmets to Franky.

Without asking too many questions, he put the helmet.

Once seated, the two proceeded to land on the island.

They touched the beach with their foot and nothing happened.

"Well, now we can go on looking for wood. Franky, you know the tree type?"


"Let's split then, there shouldn't be any other life on this island."

Before parting, Mysha told him not to take off his helmet for any reason.

The helmet was made of the same material as the Mysha laboratory, so she was sure of its effect; after all, her laboratory had never been noticed, even when someone reached the island.

By putting that material on her head, she was sure she could block the flow of thoughts. Mysha had studied a lot about the monster and had understood that he attacked every life form that could formulate a thought. On the island, there were stones, trees, and other things. Furthermore, when leaves fell, the monster did not react in the least, while when a bird flew above it was immediately attacked.

As a result, he did not attack to movement but could perceive thoughts from life forms within a radius.

While Mysha was patrolling the island, she heard a voice from above her.

"Fascinating, young lady."

He was the old man on a tree.

"You managed to touch the island, you're really lucky. You and that big boy there can survive and stay forever on this island." The old man looked down from the tree and spoke.

Looking up, Mysha noticed the old man from before.

"Hi, who you are? What do you mean by this sentence? Asdrerd is keeping the monster at bay without much difficulty."

"What a nice young lady!"

The old man jumped off the tree and bowed to Mysha.

"From today I, you and that big boy will have a lot of fun together!"

"Excuse me but we'll be leaving shortly. Could you tell me how you ended on this island? We could take you with us."

Mysha kept a polite tone. She thought the old man in front of her was a victim.

"Oh no no no no, the young lady is wrong! This is my island; I don't want to leave it at all."

The old man shook his head while denying the girl's help.

Mysha was curious, but she could not waste too much time. Asdrerd was keeping the monster busy for them; she was not cruel enough to be commanded by her selfishness.

"Okay, then we won't force you. Excuse me for the inconvenience, we will leave very soon."

She started walking again and after a few hours, she successfully found the Heterno tree. It was small and white.

It was light and easy to tear. On the books, it was marked as a tree, but it was more of a kind of plant for its size.

Mysha tore it and put it in the bag.

"Well, and with this, it will be possible to build our ship. Now I have to look for another one for Iceburg."

The girl continued her search.

Franky also successfully found one after a few hours.

After 6/7 hours, the two met.

In total, they had found four saplings. Three Mysha and one Franky.

"Now we can notify Asdrerd," said Franky.

Suddenly the Heterno wood began to shine.

"Eheheh eheheheheheheh! It is starting!" The old man got down on his knees and looked towards the white sphere that Xott had just released.


Asdrerd had been dodging the monster for at least 10 hours; he was getting bored.

While dodging, he also painted the island.

"And here is the white sphere for the umpteenth time..."

As Asdrerd was flying upward, the sphere exploded and formed a column of white light. This column had a high radius and began to rise rapidly. It was too fast, even though Asdrerd was out of the area; he was swallowed up by this light.

"Haaaaaaaaa what's going on?" Number 6 was screaming in pain but was not enjoying at all, despite being a masochist.

"..." Asdrerd was motionless but said nothing.


"What is happening?" Franky looked towards the elderly man.

They had just seen Asdrerd swallowed by the light. The light was clear, they could see Asdrerd motionless inside.

"Eheheheehehe! You are witnessing a miracle! That is the pillar of eternal light!" The old man laughed.

"What will happen to Asdrerd?" Mysha was worried, she had never heard of such an attack.

"It depends on Xott's judgment." The old man replied. Without ever taking his eyes off the column of light.

"What do you mean?" The girl asked.

"He will disappear in any case, this is a fact. Currently, his memories are shared with Xott. If his mind is free from all guilt, he will be reborn in Heterna, the perfect world. Otherwise, his existence will disappear into thin air. Nobody will remember his name or his past, anyone who has memories related to him will lose those memories."

The old man said singing as if it were a ritual.

After 2 minutes, the light dimmed and there was a tremendous roar from the beast.

"What is happening? Why is that human still here?" The old man was surprised to see Asdrerd still present in this world.

The beast took flight and launched towards Asdrerd, outside the protected area.

"What is happening?" The old was surprised that the human was still in this world, but he was more surprised to see Xott leave the island.

"What's up?"

Franky took the old man and raised him to look him in the eye.

"I don't know... it's the first time Xott leaves the island."

"Asdrerd..." Mysha felt guilty. All this had happened because she wanted this wood.


When the light ran out, Asdrerd saw Number 6 who had recovered perfectly.

"Hahaha, I feel great! I can't wait to exterminate humans! For a moment, I had reviewed the scene of my family's death. They wanted revenge!"

"Oh, you too? I have seen many scenes from my life."

As he thought about the moment he was struck by the light, Asdrerd saw Xott take flight and throw himself against him.

"What?" He flew quickly higher, but the monster continued to chase him.

"Why is he following us? Wasn't he supposed to protect the island?"

Asdrerd was frightened by unexpected events.

"Hey, Asdrerd! He's catching up with us!" N.6 shouted.

While Asdrerd was moving away from the island, the monster threw all its scales towards Asdrerd.

Asdrerd could no longer run away, he had to defend himself in some way. It was time to fight.


On the island, they saw Asdrerd moving further and further away from the island until he disappeared from their sight.


Next Chapter: Heterna