(Zeus pov)
It's time after all these,years all the planning, training all comes down to this time to officially. start the war,and I already have the perfect target,Menoetius titan of rage,violence and rash Action brother of Atles Prometheus and Epimetheus.
He was leading,a group of monsters on the hunt, looking for us ever since I drop the barrier keeping.me and my siblings, a secret and low and behold,they send the weakest,titan clearly not seeing us as a threat but that's ok it makes.It all the more sweeter,when we crush them and make a statement, that's why I was out alone with my siblings on top of a mountain. watching what's about to happen, and step in when it gets out of hand not that I needed it but it touching.
As I waited for them,to pass making myself, invisible with my space powers then I saw them. walking down a ridge, and as they get closer,I ready myself for my first official fight that's not training.All my work my training,prepared me for this,I close my eyes then opened,them and I start gathering my regular,lightning and when they are close, I let loose a bolt hitting the monsters taking out half of the army.
Menoetius looks where,the lightning came from, while also dodging,the lightning strike,and he saw one of his targets standing on a cliff. And in a voice full of anger,and arrogance said to me you dare attack my ant he raised his sword.At me I was just calmly,walking towards him not even,worried about this fool,and ignoring the ant comment the strong dont care about the words of the weak.
And he most have saw,that I wasn't taking, him serious and order his monster's,to attack they swarmed me with, bloodlust in there eyes I was just calm as a cucumber watching them and. With absolutely no effort,at all waved my hand, and they exploded Into gold dust I look at him with a bored look. Is that it I was just stretching, I said making a yawning noise,and I see him rage and attack me I just kept my hands behind my back.
And Channel my inner beerus,just casually start to dodge,all his attacks with no effort,as he hacks and slashes,with barely any technique, as he went for a slash,I side step it and finally started to get serious.Then with my right,leg I sent two fast kicks,one in the stomach, and the chest sending him flying back into a cliff. Leaving an imprint,he fell out of the imprint, coughing up gold incor and rubbed his chest looking in shock.
As I was able to do this much damage,from simple kicks,he look at me in anger and a little, fear and screamed as he attacked,again you worthless basterd how dare you strike your betters.He said to me as a red aura,appeared around his body,normally when you attack, a person in anger you become sloppy and predictable.But since Menoetius,is the titan of Rage and violence,his mind gets more sharper and he becomes a berserker that can control his impulses.
Which to anyone else,would be bad but to me it just looks,like a kid throwing a tantrum,I just kept dodging,and with one smooth motion,spun around his jabs and like beerus did to goku put my hand.On his shoulder and pushed,him down onto the ground,destroying the landscape he screamed out in pain as more gold incor. Escaped him and his,breath became more ragged,as his shoulder was destroyed.
And he temporarily,lost feeling in his lefth,side and he was staring at me in terror I just smirked and channeled.My Inner Escanor,Oh what are you doing,down on the ground did you find something interesting.I said with curiosity,and a little smugness,I do suppose an ant,needs dirt to billed a hill so I guess your right at home I said with smug confidence.
And he lost his fear,and was once again,replaced with anger and he released,an explosive red aura around,him that was felt for miles as he entered his tru form. While before he had, long red hair Orange eyes,pale skin a descent build,not he was ripping with muscle with red skin horns. (think of Hellboy horns)white hair his eyes lids were pure, black with orange flaming eyes and sharp teeth basically he represented.all things that,the people of my world said about what happens, when you let your anger affect you he basically look like a rage demon.
When he screamed,it sounded like tortured,souls stuck in constant agony,and rage he let out a smirk that would make the devil himself wearer. but even with that, I just stood just as calmly,as before the start of the fight,if you could even call it that,and from what I feel from my siblings, there there not impress, with this weakling and I can feel there boredom.and since I dont want,the other titans to get involved especially,the pillers so I just decided to just end it,so as the hellboy knockoff charge, me with a charged fist I just casually brought my hand up blocked.his attack a shockwave going out I just stood there.and like beerus and tsunade i lefth my hand and flicked my finger.
At his fore head,with just five percent,of my power,blew his head off his shoulders as well as destroying several. Mountains and forests,with a shockwave of my finger,As I saw his head fly a couple miles away from his body.That just stood still already,turning into dust and before,the head could be dusted I grabbed it and stopped it with. My power I sighed,at the lackluster battle,but I know that this is just the start so I'm not worried. time to send a message, I used my godley,power and made a silver spear,out from the ground I also,took a sack and wrapped the head in and tied it to the spear. I looked at the direction,of mount othrys And lightning flowed to spear.and I let loose (Think of what melodies did to Gilthunder)
And made his way,back to his siblings waiting for the enviable,reaction while wesling,a tune and taught this is only the beginning.
(General pov)
up on mount Othrys,there was a meeting going on between the titans,as they talked about the weakling Gods that Menoetius would bring to heel.haveing full confidence as they talked they felt a power. Come fast towards the mountain and break the temple they are in it was to fast.to dodge and was heading, straight toward kronos who with his time powers saw it coming. Leaned his head to the side barely avoided his son's spear. while others are shocked kronos, just let out a demented but challenging smile and said in a powerful voice said challenge excepted brat.
(An:I know it's a little bit,lackluster but I assure you the fights from now on will be better and longer now that the titans are taking it seriously)