Who Am I ?

The roam of music that has convulsed drink in glasses, momentarily drowned by loud howling and long whistling of the audiences as two girls show up on the stage.

The stage is not too big, a half-around with a pole in the center. The music is spitted out from the loudspeaker regains control of the room, but the audiences' attentions now are more focus on the girls attractions. One of the girl is hanging on the pole while the other is snaking erotically on the edge of the stage.

They are still young. They perhaps lie about their ages when they made their IDs. While keep dancing, their clothes are lying on the floor one by one. They only wear bras and G-Strings, barely cover their bodies. The audiences are getting more excited. Some urge toward the stage to tug some money on their G-Strings or bras.

"Scott !" A call forces me to move my attention from the stage. I wave my hand to Andy who tries to breach the crowd to come to me. Right when he made it to the bar bench beside me, the two girls end their performance.

"Martini," Andy orders his drink before his butt touches the bench. "It's so crowded tonight," he says it as a complaint.

"You should go to cemetery if you looked for silence," I respond him in teasing way. Andy just snuffles. He's never been a fan of crowd. "How is it ? Everything is ready ?" I ask him.

Before Andy can answer me, his martini comes. He sips it a little before nods. "Ready," he answers in short because once again the crowd is getting loud and hysterical once another group of performers shows.

Three women come up to the stage. They are a bit older than the pervious ones, perhaps around 25. Two of them have incredibly huge round boobs that make men in the room drool even before their nurses' costumes are taken off. Well, almost every men. I'm not interested at that kind of big fake boobs. While Andy, Andy is not interested in any woman's boobs.

Unconsciously, my smile grows when I see the third girl - brunette with some highlight - throws her costume to the audiences.

"She is new, isn't she ?" I ask Simon, the bartender, with loud voice to overcome the music.

"What ? Which one ?" He asks me back.

"The one that has no boobs," I answer him. Well, the girl actually has decent size boobs, it's just that compared to the other girls', she seems like doesn't have ones.

"Oh, yeah.. I don't even know her name yet," Simon answers my first question once he looked at the girl I mentioned. I grin as I finish my vodka.

"Hey, don't drink to much. You have to work tomorrow morning," Andy forbids me when he saw me asking for another shot of vodka to Simon.

"Don't worry, I wont get drunk," I promises him. He just snorts, but says no word.

"By the way, how did you know ?" Andy asks me while pointing the girl with his chin.

I turns my head slightly to the stage to glance on the girl. "Of course I knew," I answer before sipping my vodka.

"Her movement is still stiff and shy. Beside, she also threw her costume to the audience, thing that never done by other dancers, because the costume is Momma's. Momma will be angry to her later," I explain my observation.

Vaguely I hear Simon clicks in admiration. "You are good at observing," he praises me, "like a detective."

"Detective specialized for striptease," Andy says to tease me. Simon and I laugh with him.

Within his laughter, Simon pours a whisky in to his own glass. "Cheers to the striptease detective !" he shouts to make my laughter louder. We raise our glasses and make a cheer.


Without any reason, suddenly I wake up with eyes wide open. I feel really fresh, like after having exercise. That reminds me about what happened few hours ago, thus turns my head to the left, to a back that facing me naked. This is what is good about the world, I think as wandering the naked back with my eyes. We only had one round. A love game is always good for a foreplay before ...

Suddenly someone knocks on my door. It is actually not that loud, but now is four in the morning. Well, twenty past four according to my clock, and at this time the knock can wake the whole NY city. I sigh as my thought saying "There goes my imagination."

"For a sec..," I say half shouting. I turn to the girl who still asleep next to me. "Hey.. hey," I say while shaking her shoulder. "Hey, wake up," I say again, shaking 'hey's shoulder harder. I forget her name.

"What ?!!" the girl protests to have her sleep being disturbed.

"It's time for you to leave," I say then stand and pull the blanket so it showing off her body that only wears bra and panties.

"What do you mean ?" she asks in confused, grabbing the blanket to cover her chest. I let her watching me putting my trouser.

"I have to work," I tell her as to cast her out gently, then walk to my closet and open it.

"Work ?"

I nod to confirm. After buttoning half of my shirt, I turn my body and snort a little to see her still laying on the bed.

"What work do you do on Sunday ?" she asks in between her yawn. I answer her with handing a sheets of a hundred dollar. It stops her yawn. "What's this ?"

I take her clothes from the floor then drop it on her lap. "Hey, I asked you.. what is this ? You think I am a whore ?" she asks me again with a high pitch voice while bulging her blue eyes.

I return her bulged eyes with the sweetest smile I can produce in the morning. "No," I answers her calmly. "It's for the taxi. No bus operates at four in the morning. Now, will you please dress up ?"

I'm sure my smile works appropriately because the girl only snorts then starts dressing up, al though in slow motion. Knowing her activity will take time, I decide to open the door for Andy.

"What took you so long ?" Andy grumbles, stepping right into my apartment and sit on the leather couch that is in my living room, slash my entertainment room, slash my dining room.

"Sorry," I say with a grin. At that time the blondie that is quite good on bed comes out from my room.

"Call me," she says while giving me a piece of paper. I just nod and grasp the paper with my right hand while my left hand holding a door knob, ready to close the door once her feet is in the corridor.

"Eh," the girl stops her step right in the middle of the doorway, "you haven't answered my question."

What question, that's the sentence being asked by my sight.

"What do you do on Sunday ?" she asks and reminds me at once. Her eyebrows touch and she squints at me, between hoping her thought is wrong and being a little disgust. "Are you a priest ?"


8:41 AM

The door of a church on R avenue is opened and spills people who seem impatiently come out of the building. A bunch of kids running on the church's yard. Their parents shouting to warn them to not play too close to the street. Like always, road on NY city is busy even on Sunday.

Two minutes later William Miller stands in the double-door way. The man who wears hair piece is having a friendly talk with another man, who from the way he dresses - a black suit over a black shirt with a white thing between his collar - can be assure is priest. The priest shakes Miller's hand excitedly when the sixty years old billionaire said something.

William Miller is one of the main shareholders of the world-wide famous beverage product and the owner of the biggest country J car components supplier company in the country, has three wives - after his first wive died two months ago - and four children - a son and three daughters - all are married.

He is a man with excessing sweating. The cold winter of Spring still makes him wiping sweat on his forehead while his eyes occasionally glance to the street, waiting for his limo that is not coming.

Soon the priest who he talked to is saying goodbye and enters the church. The congregation around him is getting fewer. The children who played on the church's yard one by one has been taken home by their parents. One left is a kid that whirligigs impatiently around a couple of husband and wive that still talking with other couple.

Miller steps to the edge of the street then turns his head to the left, looking far to the turn around two hundred meters from him. It is unusual that he is picked up late. His poor chauffeur - who will be lucky if he would only be fired because of this - is changing the limo's tire that suddenly is punctured just 50 meters from the turn he just saw.

Miller sighs again, standing restless with both hands inside his size-42 trouser's pocket. It looks like he is a type who doesn't like to wait alone. When in fact.. he is not alone. He might not able to see me, but my sight never off of him even a second.

Finally, the parents of the kid end their conversation and take the fat kid to their car. Miller sees them with a little envy. After the couple's car is unseen, once again Miller turns his head to the left. His face becomes more upset while his sweat increases. Again, he wipes his sweat with handkerchief.

That's when he sees me. I know that for sure from the bulge of his eyes and his sudden pale face. This is the moment what I've waited for.

My index finger, that has been still since the beginning, moves a little bit. Two seconds later a bullet through William Miller's forehead. He then drops down on the pathway with a light thump. Asleep. Forever.


With skipping the last stair, I step on the pathway then casually walk. Guitar case on my shoulder pats my butt lightly as I walk. I look straight toward, enjoying the cold of the wind that hits my face.

A police siren from a far is heard. I don't need to wonder where the car goes. I know exactly where it goes. Just like I know two hundred meters from where I stand there is a crowd that look horrified to the result of my work.

I wave my hand to a yellow taxi. It approaches me and stops beside me. I enter the cab, placing my guitar case next to me. After I closed the door, the taxi is moving. Andy, who drives the cab, glances at me from the rearview mirror before putting his focus back to the street.



Welcome to my new novel ^_^ It's my second novel here, and it's totally new. Not like my first, it's an action with male leader. If you haven't read my first novel, please do. It's the sweetest love story *self proclaim* hehehe. Search for "cdl" or "chasing my dream lover"

Anyway, I deliberately use present tense grammar in my novels. I know, it is unusual. but since my novels usually have some past-scenes (is the term correct ? lol) I think it will be easier to differentsiate current-scene one and past-scene ones with the grammar. Also, chapters in this novel will have vary lengths.

Since I'm not professional writer and I write as a fun activity, means:

1. I may only write on my spare time, so I can't promise you any frequent and scheduled chapter. I will try my best to update once a week at worst >.<

2. I have no editor or proofreader, English is not my natural language, and my typos is in ALERT level. So please. kindly pointing up my mistakes or make suggestion in (paragraph) comment.

3. It is FREE. I won't make you pay to read all chapters ^_^

But, please if you can, give some comments or power stones or tag it or put it in your library or anything you can do. It help to boost me up. Thank you! I hope you enjoy this novel ^_^