The Striptease Dancer

"You wanna go now ?" Simon asks me when I requested him the bill. My nod makes him clicks his tongue in disappointment. "I thought you want to meet Jeanny," he says.

"Jeanny ?" I ask him back while giving him some cash.

"The new striptease dancer. She will come soon," Simon's answer makes me chuckles.

Eventually, I decide to sit again after knowing I still have like ten minutes before I have to go. I throw my attention to the stage. A man , I'm sure is drunk, dances with the dancer on the stage, ignoring his big fat belly swaying right and left. Audiences are boohoo-in him, telling him to go down, but he doesn't care.

"Hi, Simon," a voice of a woman gets into my ear.

"Hi, Jean.. usual ?" Simon asks the woman. Her voice is not heard, she must be nodding. I glance at the woman. She is the new striptease dancer. I recognize her brunette hair and normal boobs.

"Hey, Jean.. there is someone who wants to know you," Simon says to her while delivering her drink, a bloody marry if not mistaken. She glances at my way as Simon signaling to me. She just smirks then goes back to her smartphone.

Maybe because of her reaction, I decide to approach her. Standing very close to her back, putting one elbow to the bar table to support my head that just couple of inches from her ears. She is being too focus with her phone until she doesn't realize my existence.

"Hi, I'm Scott..," I whisper to her ear, make her jumps a little. She turns to me with an annoyed look. Her make up is too thick that I can't discover her real face.

"I'm... not interested," she responds. If only she is not glancing for the second time to me after sipping her drink, I may believe her words. So I chuckle, then sit beside her.

"So, this is new for you, right ?" I ask her. She looks at me, asking me to explain my question. "Being striptease dancer," I add.

She frowns. "How did you know ?" she asks.

"Let me buy you a drink then," I give her a term.

"No, thanks. I'm good," she refuses my offer, sipping her drink again. Ugh. This girl is challenging.

Unfortunately I have not much time to accept her challenge tonight as my watch suddenly makes a sound. She smirks to hear it. It takes me couple of seconds to finally turn it off.

"Alright then.. I'm leaving now. It's nice to know you, lady," I say goodbye to her with casual military style. She grabs my wrist to hold me.

"Wait.. you haven't told me the reason," she urges me. "What is it ? Is it because I'm still stiff ?" she asks.

"One of them," I answer. She frowns.

"What else then ?" she pursues. I smirk.

"You really want to know, huh ?" I ask her. She nods. I smile to her then slip a few of ten dollar sheets under her almost empty glass. She just watches my action without forbids me.

"Well ?" she asks.

I let go her grab on wrist before answering, "Your boobs are small."


"Right now you must be saving to have a boobs job."
