Good Bye, Uncle Charlie!

Executing Charles Hummington was actually an easy job. But for a certain reason, I wanted to make it a little bit more special. Unlike other cases, I planned to do it by showing off my face to Hummington. Thing that I would never do again, except if I had to.

After being kicked out by Whittaker, the mid-thirty guy who had never been married lived in a luxurious house on the famous residence. Only top notch wealthy people could live there and Charles Hummington was one of them.

He lived alone there. I meant, alone according to the wealthy people. Beside him, there was an old butler and his wife who lived in the house. Two maids came in the morning and went home in the afternoon. A gardener came a few hours every day in the afternoon to take care his small garden.

Tiffany helped me a lot in the planning. She told me everything that usually done by the people in the house so I didn't need to investigate by my own.

Saturday morning was the most perfect time because Hummington would not get off from his bed before noon. There were two reasons for that. First, he didn't have to rush to W Street, the center of economic in this city, for work. Second, because of anything he consumed in the party a night before still lulled him.

I entered the marmer floor house, carrying toolbox containing plier, screwdriver, cable roll, gun, silencer, test pen, solder, and frequency gauge. My chin and jaw was a bit itchy due to a thick whiskers that put by Andy few hours ago.

After checking my ID - also made by Andy - Hummington's old butler brought me upstair to Hummington's office that right beside his bed to show an alarm that should be ring when a big framed poster about motivation jargon was pulled. Behind the frame there was a safe deposit box wirh the size of mini refrigerator. A bad camouflage because the big poster didn't fit into the Mediterranean style office.

I nodded understood to the butler's explanation then put my toolbox on the floor and took a test pen from it. I still pretended to check the alarm sensor cables until the butler left me alone.

Actually, I only needed to push some buttons on my cellphone to fix the alarm. That's what Tiffany said. I didn't know how, but she was the one who cut of the alarm sensor by remote so the butler had to call the alarm company, which of course had been hacked and twisted to my cellphone. The sequence of numbers I needed to punch would turn on the alarm automatically. Genius girl, isn't she ?

I took my main tool and tugged it in my waist. I stepped outside confidently. Eleven AM at Saturday was a time for butler to be in the kitchen, preparing breakfast (more likely to be brunch) in bed for his master. Charles Hummington would be pissed of when his breakfast was not ready whe he woke up. The maids helped the butler's wife cleaned the storeroom. So I could make sure no one would come to the second floor for five to ten minutes ahead.

Five wide steps later brought me to stand in front of a white door with brass knob. I twisted the knob and with a soft jolt the door was opened.The room had the same interior style as the rest of the house. Right in the middle of the room there was a super king bed with four pillars. Hummington still slept soundly on it.

I closed the door behind me silently before came close to him. While took the gun and put the silencer, I watched Hummington's chest that up and down regularly. While I was about to pull the trigger, the curtain bus told me someone else was in the room. I quickly turned my head while my hand reflectively pointed the gun to the curtain.

"What are you doing here ?" I hissed angrily. Tiffany Whittaker's picture was more beautiful than the real one, or perhaps the picture was made before her womb was taken. Tiffany didn't answer my question, instead walked slowly approach me.

"Give me your gun," she asked, raised her gloved hand. "I want to kill him by my self."

I shook my head disagree. Tiffany stepped to beside me, tried to take my gun that already pointed back to Hummington.

"Let me kill him !" she urged with a muffled shout. I let go of her hand, a little harsh so accidentally pushed her. She hit the buffet until the wooden furniture moved a bit.

The movement's sound woke Hummington. He frowned and lazily opened his eyes. His lips was about to curse because his sleep was interrupted. But when he saw me, he could only open his mouth with no word came out of it.

"You ?" Hummingto looked at Tiffany. "Tiff ?" he asked more confused.

Tiffany gave him a crooked smile. "Good morning, Uncle," she said in cynical then made a step beside me.

"Uncle, let me introduce you. He is Scorpion. You've never met him before, haven't you ?" she said, making Hummington's mouth opened wider. Tiffany turned to me then grinned. "You better take the beard of. It doesn't suit you," she said.

"I don't want to leave any evidence," I refused. Tiffany just shrugged, no longer care, then glared at my gun that still pointed to Hummington's chest.

"Let me do it, Scorpion," she asked, gave me a pity eyes hoping that I would let her.

"No. Don't destroy your life," I refused her firmly.

"My life is destroyed !" Tiffany protested, quickly turned to her uncle and stared him with hate. "My life has been destroyed long time ago."

"Tiff.." Hummington hissed as trembling as his body.

"Get out, Miss," I drove her off.

"I don't want to"

"Get out !" I ordered her with high tone.

"I won't !!" Tiffany also raised her voice.

"Let me finish my job!!" I shouted to her in the same time as her shout, "I want to kill him !"

"Tiff.. don't kill.."

"Shut up !!" Tiffany yelled. Realizing that the shout might be heard from below, I and Tiffany mum. Tiffany walked to the door and put her ear on its surface. A minute later she turned her body to me, telling that no one came upstair with a shaken head.

"Get out. Now," I ordered.

"I want to witness him die. With my own eyes," Tiffany said, walked toward me

"You don't want to, I'm sure you don't want to," I denied her. Tiffany was still stubborn. "Believe me. You are a nice girl. Seeing death will give you a big trauma. Don't torture yourself with this kind of insignificant," I persuaded her. Tiffany stopped.

"He tortured you when he was alive, don't let him torture you by his death," I added. Hummington gulped his saliva hard. I was saying as if he was already died.

From the corner of my eyes, I could see Tiffany was frozen for a moment before she nodded and walked toward the curtain where she hide and opened it. Turned out the curtain covered a door to the balcony.

"You should change your habit and start locking your door, Uncle," Tiffany said, taught him a useless lesson, then opened the door.

"Good bye, Uncle Charlie," Tiffany said before closing the glass door.

"Tiff.." This time Hummington was about to cry. Tiffany didn't care. Still with corner of my eyes, I watched her.

She straddled the iron fence of the balcony then went down with a rope that had three-legged iron hook. Seemed like she came with the same way. A quite clever way. The hot summer weather dried the soil even it was watered yesterday. Houses in the residence had high fence and away from each other, so there was only a small probability neighbor would caught her up.

"Please, Scorpion.. I will double your payment," Hummington said, was about to cry. Sweat had dampened his pajama's collar.

I just smiled in return. I waited for about two minutes. That would be the time Tiffany's need to come out of the house, if nothing intruded her. Second hand of a clock right on top of bed head moved to the 12.

"Good bye, Uncle Charlie," I said, imitating Tiffany. With only a bullet, I stopped Charles Hummington's heart from beating. I put my index finger in front of his nose to make sure of his death.

I tugged my gun on my waist, then fixed the buffet's position to its original place. I then took a handkerchief and used it to wipe all surface of the buffet.

After that, I went to the balcony, to make sure Tiffany didn't left any trace. Then I went back to the room, closed the door and the curtain, and finally wipe all surface of the door. I stepped outside after made sure no one was in the alley.

In the office room, I took off the silencer from the gun and put both in the exactly position before then closed my toolbox. I pushed the sequence of number on my cellphone then left the room, went downstair, looked for the butler.

"Is it fixed, Sir ?" The butler asked, coming out of the kitchen while wiping his hands on his apron.

"It is," I shortly answered while nodding.

"Let me take you out," the butler said, leading me to the front door and opened it for me. "Thank you," he said with slightly bowed head.

I returned it with a nod and went to a van with big logo of the alarm company on both of its sides. With one hand I drove the van out of the house. My other hand took off my fake beard from my chin, also a skin thick of plastic that glued on my finger tips to avoid me leaving a finger prints in the crime scene.