Helping Jeanny [2]

Before I can come back from my surprise, Jeanny already pushes the door to open wider then slips in between the opening door before closing it.

I'm about to turn on my light when she barks me in hisses, "Don't turn on the light, you idiot ! They are still looking for me !!" She then flies to the couch, turning off my TV and even standing lamp on the corner of my living room.

My apartment is now pitch dark. She is fumbling walking back to the couch, lets few muffled curses as hitting some things along the way.

I chuckle. Groping my smartphone to turn on the flashlight then direct it to her. She glares at me but doesn't say a word. Her eyes, even her movement, remind me of a cat. Only after she reaches the couch she breathes in relief.

"Who are they ?" I ask her with a normal tone.

"I don't know !" she hisses. "They suddenly broke into my apartment.. and lower your voice!," she continues. I once again am stunned, not because she orders me to lower my voice.

"Your apartment ? You mean, you live here ?!"

"Duh !" she rolls her eyes. "What do you think I'm doing at somebody else's place in the middle of the night like this ?"

I ignore her comment. With the help of my phone's flashlight, I walk to my kitchen to give her a drink. "Here," I say to her while handing her a glass of water. Her body is shaking.

Before she drinks it, my doors is banged from outside. She instantly hides her body behind my back. "It's them," she whispers in stammered.

I rub her arm gently to calm her down. There are couple of bangs on my door before people outside moves their steps to bang my neighbor's door.

Once again she sighs in relieved while losing her grips on my waist.

"What did you do to them ? Why are they looking for you ?" I ask her again.

"I don't know !" she gives the same answer.

"Did you owe them some money, maybe ?"

"No, I did not."

"Or you stole something from them ?" She answers my last question with a dagger sharp sight.

I chuckle again and about to leave her when she holds my hand to halt me. "Where are you going ?"

"I'm going to make you a hot drink. You are shivering," I answer her.

"No need. Just stay here. What if they come again ?" she asks in fear.

"They won't. Even if they will, my door is locked. It won't be so easy for them to come here," I convince her. She finally lets my hand go. So once again with the help of my phone's flashlight I am boiling water to make her a cup of tea.

"So, you live alone upstair ?" I ask her from my kitchen.

"Yeah," she answers shortly.

"You have more money than I thought," I comment her. This apartment building, while is not the most luxurious one, is definitely not cheap. It is quite surprise me that a striptease dancer like her can afford to live here alone.

"My.. my roommate just left couple days ago," she said. That fills the hole.

"Maybe they are looking for your roommate," I'm suggesting an idea.

"Maybe," She responds with a mumble.

I come back to my living room with a mug of tea in my hand. I find her already crouches her body on the couch.

"Can I stay here tonight ?" She asks me with a pleading sight. I sigh.

"Sure," I say to her, putting the mug on my coffee table then going to my bed to give her extra pillow and blanket.

When I wake up at 5AM she is already gone, leaving me a note. "Thanks, Handsome."



As I open my lips, a tongue inserts my mouth and explores every nook and crane in it. I reply the intimacy with the same act. While our tongues are intertwined, I carry this sexy-tall girl to my bed and lay her down gently.

I take off my long sleeves with one pull then help her taking off her clothes. I condemn inwardly to see how complicated her clothes are. Why can girls just wearing a t-shirt and mini skirt when they are clubbing ? It will be much easier job for us men to undo them later.

As I still try to undo her top, this girl just touching and nibbling all over my chest. making me harder to focus. I sigh in relief when her top is finally off.

I burry my head in between her two mountains. Massaging one of them with my hand while kissing and licking the other one. She moans in pleasure as I flick her nipple frequently until it goes hard and erect. I squeeze the other nipple exasperatedly, making her mewd in ecstasy.

Her hands go down to my waist, trying to unbuckle my belt. My lips meet her lips again, tongue against tongue as our hands busy undressing each other bottom.

I'm quicker than her this time. I rub her panty, it is slightly wet. I slit it a bit to the side so i can insert my fingers in her cave. Her eyes wide shut as another moan escape from her mouth, this time it's loud one.

I continue inserting my fingers in and out. She is unable to manage her move to undress my bellow anymore. All she can do is grabbing my bed sheet hard as I curl my index finger to her clit.

"Scott.. Now.. please..." she begs with gasp. I happily obey her. I put out my fingers from her cave to undo my jeans. With another smooth move, I already take off my boxer. Then I gropes condom from my drawer, bites the wrapper off and roll it on my manhood before I slide down her totally wet panty and sandwich her between my bed and my body.

She is hungry for my kiss, so I kiss her again. "Now, please, I can't take it anymore" she pleads with haze look. I direct my throbbing manhood to her cave. With one push...


Bang ! Bang ! Bang !

I startled when I hear someone is banging my door. But I decide to ignore it. A tip of my manhood is in front of the girl's entering

Bang ! Bang ! Bang !

"Open up !! I know you're in there !!"

That bitch !! I curse Jeanny inwardly. I know it's her, I recognize her voice. What is she up to ? I don't care. She will not ruin my time.

Bang ! Bang ! Bang!

"Scott Bennet, you bastard !! Open up !!"

"Who is that ?" the blondie girl in my arm finally feels disturbed by Jeanny's loud shout.

"Just a crazy woman," I say to her, asking her to just ignore it. But the bangs on the door and the shouting are not stopping and eventually the blond just sits up. She has lost the mood. I sigh. I lost my moment. So I put back my boxer and long sleeves then go to the front door.

"Crazy woman, what are.."

"So this is what you do when I work my butt off ?!?!" Jeanny suddenly yells at me. I just completely lost my words. What the hell is possessing this woman ?! She glares at the blondie with a monsterious look.

"Who is she ?" the blondie asks. She has dressed up, but awfully.


"I am his fiancee," once again Jeanny interrupted my words that causing me a dumbstruck. Fiancee ?? What ?!?! Since wheeeen .. ????

The blond widens her eyes.

" noo.. That's not true..!" I quickly deny Jeanny.

"Oh, woman.. I won't interfere your domestic problem, okay," the blond suddenly says then walks to the front door. "He said he was single, and we're only planning to have fun, okay..," she continues before leaving my apartment.

Once again I am in a completely dumbstruck state of mind. I can only watch Jeanny laughs in satisfied before entering my apartment and closes the door.

What the hell ?!?!

"Sorry, I interrupt your night," she says casually. There is no single regret in her tone. She then sits on my couch.

"What ... ?!?!" that's the only word I manage to say.

"She has syphilis," Jeanny says again. I open my mouth again, but no word is said. "You're welcome," she adds.

"How do you know for sure ?" I ask her. She shrugs.

"I don't," she answers, "I just heard gossip about it around the pub." then she laughs heartily.

I stare at her while counting to ten to forbid my self for choking her to death. Instead of afraid by my glare, she casually asks me, "Don't you want to give me a drink ? A beer or something ? My throat is dry from screaming."

I eventually walk to my kitchen, not to bring her a drink, of course. It's just.. I need to take precaution. Incase that blondie really has that disease, my fingers were inside her, for Satan's sake!!

So I wash my hand with dish soap that guaranteed killing all germs and bacterias, said its advertisement. Still not satisfied, I open my vodka bottle and just pour some of its content on to my hand. I feel better after that but still keep reminding my self not to touch my eyes, nose or mouth with that hand.

I finally go back to the living room with a bottle of beer on my 'healthy' hand. There I catch Jeanny is kneeling down facing the couch groping inside it, obviously looking for something.

I approach my study desk on the corner of the room and pick a USB flash disk. "Looking for this ?" I ask her, showing the flash disk by raising it near my ear.

Jeanny turns her head to me. Her surprised look is shown for a second before she hides it well. Alas, I caught it already. "No," she acts cool.

"No ? Oh, I thought it is yours.." I play along then shrug. "Oh. well. that's just my luck. I can just reformat it and use it as mine then."

"No !!" she exclaims, dropping her cool act. In hurry walking toward me trying to grab the flash disk. I, of course, has expected that. So I raise it higher above my head. She is only as tall as my ear so she is indeed unable to reach it.

"Give it back to me!!"

"What's in it ? It is locked with password so it's must be important."

"It's not important for you, I can guarantee that!"

"Is this the reason they came after you and broke your apartment last night ?" I ask her. She stops jumping around in front of me.

"Please.. it's worth my life. It has nothing to do with you, really," Jeanny changes her tactic. I smirk.

"You can't always have what you want, young lady," I lecture her.

"What do you mean ?" she asks.

"You can't just barge into my home, hiding your secret in it without my permission, then barge again, which ruin my intimate night, and ask me to give it back to you without tell me what it is.."

"So.. what do you want ?"

"Some compensations naturally."

She low down her head. "I'm sorry I ruin your intimate night, okay ? I will repay it for you."

I put down my arm and keep the flash disk inside front pocket of my long sleeves.

"I don't want you to repay me that. I just want to know what's inside the disk."

Jeanny looks at me in disappointment. "You really are not interested in me ?" she asks.

I shake my head. "Nope."

"But I can compensate your intimate night right now," she urges. Rubbing the front of my boxer playfully.

"Nope," I stubborn my self.

"Really ?" she asks, moving closer to me as her hand goes inside my boxer and rubbing it gently.

Although I can stubborn my self, my little buddy is weak. My little buddy can not stand not to react. It immediately springs and grows inside her hand without my command.

As my little buddy reacts so obviously, my defense is crumbling down. I bend my body slightly to match her height then I kiss her hard. She returns it wildly. Her tongue forces to enter my mouth while her lips closing the gap in between my lips. We suck each other out of breath. Her hand doesn't stop teasing my little buddy. I snake my arms around her waist, bringing her to my bed.

We are both sitting on the corner of my bed, our lips refuse to part from each other for more than a second. Our tongues are like two swordsmen in fight. Now both of her hands groping the end of my long sleeves, a signal she wants me to take it off.

With her help, a second later I am chest-bare naked. I lay her down, kissing the nook of her neck, biting it a little to hear her hisses. My hand is touching her thigh. I purposely use my 'healthy' hand to slip in between her thighs, teasing her opening that still covered with panty.

"Wait.. wait.." she halts my move. Still panting she looks at me in the eyes. "I need to clean my self first," she says.

"I don't mind," I say.

"I mind," she insists., "I've been out for the whole day. I feel dirty and stink. It won't be long."

"Okay," I finally agree to her. She raises her self from the bed then walk seductively to my bathroom.

"You just wait there, okay. I'll be back soon," she whispers in her sexy tone. I nod.

Once she closes the bathroom door, I hear her turn on the shower. I sit on my bed, leaning on the bed head, both arms behind my head. This woman is really unpredictable, I say inwardly. Her mood can drastically change from one edge to another. She could act angry and barged to my house, then pleaded to have her flask disk back in one minute while a minute later seduced me to have se..

I'm stunned a second. Then quickly, I reach my long sleeves, checking its front pocket. Gone. The flash disk is gone.

I rush to the bathroom. The door from my bedroom is locked. I run to the other door. My bathroom, like other bathroom in all apartments in this building, has two doors. The other door is on the living room so guests can use my bathroom with no need to enter my bed. Just like what I'm afraid of, the bathroom door on the living room is widely opened. No one is inside the bathroom.

I grumble, cursing my own stupidity. My mind is split between chasing her to her apartment or just calling Thief. I finally approach my study desk and turn on my laptop. I've copied the flask disk's content to my laptop, but I still can't open it since it is locked with password. But no password can be a trouble for Thief. So I call her.

@@@@@AUTHOR'S NOTE@@@@@

I decided to put +++++++ sign in between 18+ scenes (a.k.a 'smut'). So, any 'young' readers, or you who don't want to read smut, will know where not to read and where it will be save to read again. So when there is that sign, skip it until you find another sign ;)


Before you read the next chapter, Who do you think Jeanny is ? Leave your answer in a comment below ^_~