Helping Jeanny [5]

"How's the reading ?" I ask Jennifer who just came out of the court room. She is so tense and scared that she screams with the top of her lung. The police officers that guard her in once triggered and point their guns on me.

"Hey.. Hey... take it easy.." I say to them while raising both of my hands.

"Jesus Christ ! Why did you surprise me like that ?!" Jennifer scolds me. She then saying to the officers, "It's okay, gentlemen. I know him. He's a friend."

"You are so tense," I say to her with a grin.

"Let yourself be the one whom targeted to be murdered, and tell me whether you still can be relax about it," she grumbles.

"Relax.. you are no longer in dangerous," I say to her. She squints her eyes.

"What are you talking about ?" she asks in confused.

"The reading is out right ? His time is up already," I answer her.

"So his time is up then he won't come after me anymore ? I'm afraid he is even going to be more obsessed," she doesn't trust me.

"Just.. believe me on this, okay ?" I assure her.

"How can you be so sure ?" She asks interrogatively.

"He is an assassin. He kills because someone pays him. His work has deadline. Once his time is up he won't after you because he won't get his payment even though he manages to kill you."

"How do you know so much about assassin ?" she gets even more curious. I shrug one shoulder.

"That's what I saw on movies." My answer makes her rolls her eyes. Despite she doesn't lose her guards off until they reach the police car, I succeed to make her more relax.

"Do you mind if we have a dinner ?" she suddenly asks when she is inside the car. I raise one eyebrow for that. "I mean to properly showing my gratitude of your helps," she continues. "Belladrick is guilty as charges. And that couldn't be happen without your helps."

I shrug again. "Sure," I say to her.

"Great," she responds then give me a name card. "Please contact me so we can arrange the time and place." Then she closes the door and the car goes straight away.


The dinner is set two days later. She picked a luxurious restaurant that no matter how rich you are you won't be able to come in if you don't dress properly. So, I have to wear my formal suit. I hate wearing suit.

When I arrive, she is already there, wearing a formal yet simple black dress. The dress has sabrina neck line with spaghetti string. Her neck is accessorized with a diamond necklace while her hair is going all up.

"You look good in suit," she compliments me.

"You look beautiful as well," I reply her as a politeness.

It is a very awkward dinner, at the beginning. It only gets better after she has her third glass of wine. The wine makes her loosens up a bit, and talks a lot, too. She talks about her work, mostly, and some law jokes that I, honestly, have trouble getting them.

"So, what do you do, Bennet ?" she asks.

"I'm a freelancer," I lie with a straight face. I've told the same lie for more than a thousand times already.

"Interesting," she takes the bill that offered by a waiter and just signs it. Seems like she's a member here. She then sips her last glass of wine. "What kind of projects you usually do ?" she asks deeper.

"Nothing special.. just eliminating people," I answer casually. As I expect she bulges her eyes. But when she sees me laughing she giggles. "I just do random stuffs.. things that people can't do by themselves," I utter.

"You can't be good at everything," she says, disbelief.

"I'm not, of course. I have team. We are good at our own skills," I say to her.

"What are you good at ?" she asks again.

"Sex " I answer her with a plain face. She laughs.

"You're funny, Bennet," she says in between her laughter. I just smirk.

I stand and pull her chair when she's about to stand. "Thank you. That's so nice of you," she says with a soften glare.

I walk her to her car. The view from her behind is very alluring. Her simple black dress is not so simple after all. Turns out, the dress has a very low back cut, only cover her waist below so it shows her back to the fullest. She has a sexy back.

"It's been a nice dinner," I say to her, a signal to say goodbye as we arrive beside her car.

"It really is," she responds, staring at me with a daze.

"Are you sure you can drive ?" I ask her.

"Sure.. sure..," she says then walking to in front of the car's door. She opens the door but it is a fail. The door can not be opened. She attempts again and meets another failure. This time, made the car alarm on. I sigh.

"Let me drive you home," I say then grab the key from her hand. I push the button to make the alarm off and unlock the car. I then help her to sit on the passenger seat before comfort my self behind the wheel.


She sleeps during the whole journey to her home. Fortunately she saved her home address to the car's GPS. To my surprise, she lives in an elite apartment building. Her family must be rich. There is no way her salary as a D.A can afford her this living.

In the parking basement, I wake her up. She invites me for a coffee. I decide to agree and come in to her apartment.

"Wow, it really is a great coffee," I flatter the drink I just sip.

"I told you I have the best coffee," she says then sits beside me on the couch, sipping her own mug of coffee.

"So.. I won't see Jeanny again after this, huh ?" I ask her after a while, raising only one corner of my lips. She nods.

"Yeah, Jeanny has done her duty," she says while nodding.

"To be honest," I say, halt it for a second to sip my coffee, "I hope you don't get offensive about this, I like Jennifer's appearance a lot more than Jeanny."

"Thank you," she says in light.

"Yeah.. but I like Jeanny's personality more," I add, glance at her to see her reaction. She doesn't seem to be angry or insulted. I sip my coffee again.

"Tell me.. how can you be so natural playing Jeanny ? Well, both of you is bold. But Jeanny is so aggressive, wild, and.. flirty," I ask her again.

Jennifer turns her head to me. "Do you believe me if I told you that Jeanny is actually the real me ?" she asks back. I don't respond her question. Inwardly, I don't believe it.

"The law-world is a man world. A woman is considered too weak and emotional. So I learnt to act more like them. Logic, cold, ruthless," she explains to me then sighs. "I guess.. I got carried away."

"Actually, men think more with their dicks than their brains," I utter then chuckle.

"I'm surprised you admit it," she says in amused. I shrug.

"You proved it already," I remind her about that shameful night. She laughs.

She is still laughing when she raises her hand to loosen her hair. "You're so funny, Bennet," she says.

"You don't even say sorry," I pout in act.

"Do you still want your compensate ?" she asks. My eyes beam for a second to her blushed cheeks. I reach to her cheek, softly tug few strains of hair on her cheek to her ear.

"Naah.. the dinner is enough," I tell her after. She looks at me in surprised, maybe a little hurt for my rejection, if I may say. I glance at my watch. "It's late. I have a work tomorrow," I continue before finishing my coffee. "Thanks for the coffee. It really is delicious."

I stand then walk my self to the front door. When I'm about to open the door, something, well.. someone, pushes me to the door. I turn my body and at the same second a pair of lips attack my lips.



Both of her hands beside my ears while her lips munching my lips. She still uses her heels, so our height is almost equal.

She teases my mouth to open with her tongue. I voluntarily open them, and meet her tongue with mine. Her hands reach the back of my head at the same time as I do it to her also. We push each other's heads to have a deeper kiss, sucking the breath out of each other's lungs.

She lets go a little to catch a breath. I bite her lower lip while taking a deep breath before closing the gap of her mouth again. Her hands are traveling to my neck then to my suit jacket, trying to let it go from my body.

She lets go her lips from my mouth again, traveling it to my ear. But I semi-force her face to go up against mine and eat her lips again. I still haven't had enough with her kiss. It is so intoxicating. I can go hours only by kissing her. But she obviously wants more than kissing.

My suit jacket is already off on the floor. She, again, lets go her kiss and pulling my shirt off then starts unbuttoning it. My hands are traveling to her sexy back while my lips nibbling her ears and down to her neck.

"No hickey," she warns me in between catching breath. I obey her, abort my will to suck her soft skin. I lick the nook of her neck instead. She shivers under my arms.

My hands get to her waist and zip down her dress. With my mouth I bite the fabric that still holding the dress to slide from her right shoulder.

She raise my head to meet her kiss again. Then while we're kissing she turns me around, now she is sandwiched between me and the door. She already done unbuttoning my shirt and now trying to get it off of me. I get it. She wants to race who gets naked first. Of course I don't want to lose.

My right hand breaks the fabric on her left shoulder with one flick. It is less than half centimeter thick. Once the dress is off halfway, her breast is popping up.

"You broke my dress !" she pouts.

"Sorry," I say in hoarse. As a sorry, I let her takes off my shirt easily while my mouth busy with her breast. Her nipple is still intact with tape. When I bite the tape off, she moans. I suck her bare nipple to make her moans harder.

She then voluntarily slides off the other string of her dress and it just drops down in once. Now we both are chest-naked. I suck her right breast while massaging her left one.

She rides me on my waist, dropping her heels on the way, once more demanding my kiss to her lips. I clearly don't mind. I love kissing her. We are still kissing furiously as I carry her.

"Couch or bed ?" I ask with panting.

"Bed," she answers short before kissing me again. "To the left," she directs. "No, my left," she says when I walk on the wrong direction.

I open the door, then put her gently on top of the bed. She wiggles up her body while I unbuckle my belt and drops down my suit trouser.

I crawl to meet her head and bury my self into her kiss again. It is a rare occasion that I have more interest to the lips rather than to the breasts. But I don't let my hands idle so I massage her two breasts. She catch a breath again.

"Let me pamper you. I wanna hear you scream," I say to her with a low hoarse tone. This elite kind of woman definitely loves to be pampered.

"Oh, I wanna know how you try," she says seductively.

I travel my lips to the south, inch by inch nibbling, licking, and kissing her soft skin, gentle enough to make sure I don't leave a mark to be seen tomorrow morning.

I reach the skin between her two breasts. I suck both of her breasts alternately until the nipples are both hard and erect. She hisses in pure pleasure. I travel more to the south of her body until her navel and lick it to have her shivers. I love her scent. It's a mix of sandalwood and some flowers.

I lick her navel one more time before I travel my lips to the below of her belly while my hands smoothly slides down her panty. She is now bare naked on the bed, waiting for my next act.

I have a thought to give her a tongue service. My face is right in front of her mountain. She shivers to feel my warm breath on her opening.

"What are you doing ?" she asks with head pops up a little.

I smile mischievously then rub my finger to her opening. She gasps with bulged eyes. I rub my finger again for a few time before inserting my index finger inside her. She throws her head back to the bed, both hands clutch to the bed sheet as I move my index finger in and out. She tilts her head right and left.

I put another finger, she moans in pleasure. Her eyes are squinted shut, she bites her lips to forbid a scream. I fastens the pace of my fingers' movement. She opens her mouth, but then covers it with her hand. To my surprise, a couple of seconds later she arches her body and lets a muffled scream comes out of her mouth.

I draw my fingers out of her cave and smell them. Her liquid smells clean and fresh. I can't help my self not to put my fingers inside my mouth and lick it dry. It tastes good also. I wipe some juice that still flowing out from her, and lick dry my fingers again. It arouse me even more.

I take my trouser and grab a condom from the pocket.

"You bring condom to the dinner ?" she asks in shock.

"Hey.. I always prepare for the unexpected," I defend my self.

She doesn't argue anymore as I take off my boxer and roll the condom to my already half-erect buddy. I then put my body on top of her again, demanding her kiss. Her kiss only already can make my buddy in full-erect. I put it in front of her opening and rub it slowly. She moans. I nibble her neck, suck her breasts again, and go back to her lips.

"Ready for your second climax ?" I ask her with a smirk. She stares at me. I rub my buddy again to her cave opening. Her face is totally red and hot.

"Please.. please, be gently," she whispers in stammered. If only I am not in lust, I will notice a fear inside her voice.

"I can't promise you that," I say to her.

"I.. I'm.. still a virgin," she says shyly to admit.

"What ?!?!" I ask in surprise. "You're kidding right ?"

She shakes her head. "I'm raised in a Roman Catholic. So.. I was taught that I can lose my virginity only after married," she explains. I distance my body away from her.

"Then why did you want to give it to me ?" I ask her in confused.

"Because.. because.. I'm already in my late 20's and still a virgin," she says then closes her face with her palms. I sigh.

"I'm sorry. I don't do with virgin," I say to her.

"Why ?"

I shrug. "Too demanding," I only say that. In silent, I dress up and lead my self go out of her apartment.


I rode a taxi back to my apartment, totally forgot that I left my motor bike at the restaurant parking lot. Oh well, I'm still in deep disappointment and it triggers my lust to be higher. But it was late and the Cougar Momma had been closed. so I decided to go straight back to my apartment.

I doubt my decision to cancel of having her virginity. But... "Naaah," I decline my self. It's not worth the complexity after it.

I have experienced twice having sex with virgins. Both were giving me headache after. Though we agreed they were only a one night time, both of them were so clingy. They called me everyday, asking for another sex, even got jealous and ruined my night with other girl.

That's why I don't want to involve with another virgin. Even less Jennifer. She is not some stupid silly girl I can get rid easily. It will be so troublesome.

After taking a bottle of beer from the refrigerator, I lay down my self on the couch. I turn my television on and change it to a porn site I'm being gold member of. I need to release my self, one way to another. I pick my most watched playlist then decide to choose the blow job type.

As an image of a blondie with huge boobs is showed on screen, I slightly take down my trouser and boxer and grab my still half-erect manhood. "Sorry, pals," I say to it.

I watch the blondie takes an erect that suddenly pops up on the screen with her mouth. Suck it almost half the body like a lollipop and kiss the head of it with a satisfying murmur.

My hand is grabbing my buddy then start to rub it hard while watching the blondie licks the erection with twirling move, her hand is playing with the balls. She suck the erection and moves her head back and forth letting her mouth thrusted with the erection. I rub harder and faster as my buddy grows bigger. I close my eyes.

Once my eyes are closed, Jennifer's face suddenly appears. Her full lips around my dick, sucks it hard while her tongue twirling it. Shit ! I open my eyes, try to get rid off of her image. But, I know this is just my hallucination, in my eyes, the blondie is now also Jennifer. Winking naughty at me while sucking the whole erection down to the throat. I can feel my erection is thrusting all over her mouth, not leaving a single space.

My hand rubs my dick faster as I imagine she sucks it hard and furiously. When her teeth friction against my skin, I cum with a loud groan. When I open my eyes thirty seconds later, my body and my couch are a mess.
