You Are Reborn!

"Aaargh!!" A shout of regret is heard from downstair, followed by encouragement cheers from others. I sigh. I expected the training would be over by 1 PM. All inner level bodyguards have passed the test, actually. The front level who left is only Jackson, mama boy, what can you expect ? But to my surprise none of the middle level has passed it. I glance at my watch. 3 PM already.

I walk to Rodrigues who is just failed. I reach an airsoft gun from its place and point it at him when I near him. "What is your mistake this time ?"

"I.. I unconsciously dodged a bullet.." Rodrigues says in stammered. I shoot his chest that makes him step a back and wince in pain.

"Ready, Mr. Chang!" Mr. Perez informs me from downstair.

"Come on, guys.. you can do it!! imagine the doll is your child, your spouse, your most dearest person in the world. What would you do if they are in danger ? You won't dodge the bullet and let them have it, will you ?" I say, trying to encourage, but I realize an impatient tone skipped through it. I sigh. "NEXT !!"

I watch from second level as Manny starts his turn. I wince my eyes when I see him being late to dodge the granade explossion. Of course the doll is also ruined by the explossion.

For an umpteenth times I sigh to lenghten my patience. I'm about to give Manny his punishment when my phone rings. I throw the air gun to Issac, ask him to punish Manny before I go out to take the call.

"Any good news, please, Thief."

"I'm afraid I don't have any," Thief answers.

I sigh. "Well ?"

"It's a burner phone."

"His email ?"

"Empty. He made it five minutes before he called you and only used it to send the profile."

"So you can't trace anything to him ? How about his voice ?"

"I can easily build an algorithm for voice recognition, but there is no organization in this country or even in the world keeps voices as their databases..."

"Well, they should.." I cuts with snuffle. Thief chuckles.

"Why are you so irritated with this ?"

"He wants to kill someone I know. Wouldn't that also irritate you ?"

"Well, you don't have to be that worry. I'm sure she is well protected. Her fiance is not some common guy."

"You're right.." I respond to her with a grateful tone. How can I forget that. Jennifer's fiance is a powerful man. "All I have to do is telling him about the threat.."

"Like.. Hey, man.. someone called me last night and asked me to kill your fiancee ?" Thief cuts me then giggles.

"I don't see why not. He obviously is not a stranger in assassin's world."

"You're crazy."

"Thanks, Thief."

"You're welcome."

With the thought of telling her fiance the threat makes me even more impatient to leave the camp. But of course I need to hold my self. I won't let a personal distraction like this ruin my plan. Finally, ten minutes after 5 PM all of my men pass the test, even the mama boy Jackson.

"Great job, people!!" I praise them while still clapping to show my appreciation. "From now on, your number one priority is Mr. Chekhovsky. As you can see, nothing is impossible if we determine ourselves to it. You are all reborn !!"

After short briefing to change my men's positions depends on today's result and dismiss the group, I ride my motorbike to downtown.

Thief gave me Radwansky's address five minutes after our call. Radwansky is far from naive. I bet he has hired an assassin or maybe two to clean up some obstacles. So I decide to be straightforward and tell him the truth. That way I can leave all responsibility to him and be focus on my job again.


"Mr. Radwansky is not home, Sir," a butler politely informs me.

"Where is he ? He is not out of town, isn't he ? I mean.."

"Excuse me.. who are you again, Sir ?" the butler interrupts me.

"I'm sorry. I'm Tommy Lee, his associate.. well future associate, if he is still interested with my offer. But I guess.. my offer is not that important to him because he apparently doesn't want to be interrupt.."

"Actually Mr. Radwansky is barely living in here anymore, Sir. He is now moving with his fiancee.."

"Aa.." I open my mouth to form a silent 'a'.

"Perhaps you can go to her place to find Mr. Radwansky.."

"No. No need. I will meet him at his office tomorrow morning," I say before leaving the mansion.


So, she is with him already. That's good, right ? You don't need to worry about her safety anymore. He will definitely protect her. He has a bunch of resources to protect her.

My mind is busy talking to itself while I ride my motorbike home. When I stop my motorbike, I just realize where I am. Apparently my subconscious mind brought me to Jennifer's apartment building. I sigh. I sigh a lot today.

Well, since I'm already here, there is nothing wrong to tell him anyway. That way he can be more alert. So I take off my helmet and bring my self in front of her apartment's door. I hesitate for a second, but then eventually push the bell. Someone is approaching the door.

"In a second.." Jennifer's voice makes me awkward. I smile at her awkardly through the intercom's monitor that shows her surprised/confused face. But she opens her door anyway.

"What are you doing here ?" She asks, standing in the middle of the door opening. I look through inside the apartment. "What are you looking of ?" she asks again.

"Are you alone ?" I ask.

"Well, yes. What do you.."

"Where is he ?"

"Who ?"

"Your fiance.."

"What ? I.."

"His butler said he moves here with you."

"What are you talking about ? What fiance ?"

I look at her confused face.

"You're joking.." I say in synchronous with her, "Are you kidding me ?"

"No." Once again we both say at the same time.

"Don't lie to me !" I hisses in disturb. "You are the fiancee of Ivan Radwansky. So you can stop pretending that you are virgin. I doubt even your ass is a virgin!"

She slaps me. "Watch your mouth! I don't know any Ivan whoever he is, even less engage to him!!"

"Come on.. the news was all over the media," I say to her, still don't believe her.

"Well, excuse me.. but I should be the first one to know if some one wants to take me as his fiancee, shouldn't I ?" she argues.

I grab my phone and scroll down my gallery. I remember I screenshotted the news to show it to Thief. I click on the screen shot to open it and put my phone in front of her face.

"Here is the proof. You still deny it ?"

She reaches my phone to look at the picture closer with frowned eyebrows. But a second later she laughs, "Are you blind ?! She is not me!"

"What ??!!" I take my phone from her and give a look at the picture. The woman in that picture is definitely Jennifer.

"She is definitely not me. Look. Different nose, different hair style. She wears earing while I don't even have piercing," she points out at the differences. I look closer and finally see what she's talking about.

"So, you are not her!" I exclaim, strangely a little too happy.

"Of course not. But why are you so excited about it ?"

"What ?! I was not!" I deny her. "But you both look very much a like."

"You're right. We are."

"Are you born twins, maybe ?"

Jennifer shrugs her shoulder. "Not that I know of. I am only child. No sibling whatsoever," she explains. I look at her. So she is not engage to Radwansky. It means she is ..

"Do you have boyfriend ?" I suddenly ask her.

"What ?! Why.. No, I don't. But it is not your business," she answers, a little disturbed by my question. So she is alone. No one protects her. And I can't just tell her the truth. She will freak out, and even report me to police.

"Why are you looking at me like.." I kiss her lips softly, then let them go to wait for her reaction. ".. that ?" she continues her question before kisses me back.



"You said.. you.. ah.. don't.. do.. vir.. aah.. virgin ?" she asks in between her pantings and moans due to my busy lips on her breast, flicking and nibbling her nipple to be exact.

"I change my mind," I answer shortly before busying my mouth with her other breast. We are already on her bed. Her mini dress shirt and bras are somewhere between the front door and this room. My hands slither her panties down while she helps by releasing it from her legs.

My mouth back to her breast while I put a finger inside her below, making her moans in joy. She is slightly wet, but not ready. I put another finger then thrusting them in and out her. She whimpers at each of my thrust to her.

"Aah.. Aah.. Aah.."

I fasten my fingering, crook my index finger to rub her clitoris, while my other hand busies with her breast. Her moans are getting louder and louder, and eventually she screams out my name while her body trembling hard. This is the second time she orgasms in my foreplay.

I lick her flowing juice right from her spot. It taste so good. She is shivering. I was thinking to eat her out again, but my buddy is already throbbing hard, even gives a little pain as if it is eager to go inside her.

I take of my boxer and put the condom before I go back on top of her. Her breathing is still abnormal. I kiss her lips again. Her lips are still delicious, making my buddy even harder. I rub my penis in front or her opening. She moans again. Her skin is heating up again.

"Are you ready ?" I ask her. She nods. Her eyes are closed and her lips are pursed.

"You won't regret it," I promise her. With a help of one hand, I go inside her. So tight, even though it is already lubricated so well. I push a little. My penis is not even half inside her when it bumps a barrier.

"This will hurt a little bit, okay?" I tell her. She nods. I put more strength to my penis so it can break the wall and fully inside her. She muffles her scream with her hand. I let go of her hand and replace it with my kiss.

I just stay there, not moving, giving her a chance to adapt. All of her muscles inside just grab me tight. It feels so good and yet so overbearing for me to just stay.

"Can I move a little ?" I ask after a minute. She nods. I move slightly. Her muscles suck in. It's sooo good, I can't help a groan. She frowns in pain. I kiss her tear on the corner of her eyes.

"Again ?" I ask. She nods. I move slightly again. She doesn't give painful reaction. I move again. Her frown is vanished. I make greater move now. She moans. I smile in satisfy then kiss her while moving inside her slowly but steady until she whispers, "Faster.." You are just releasing the bridle, woman.
