Blow Up



I eat my bowl of cereal without a word. Jennifer is bending down in front of me to put my mug of coffee on the coffee table. I can see her private part. My buddy that is still unsatisfied making a move again. I sigh. While she sits next to me holding her coffee I put down my cereal bowl, pick up my coffee and sit back down, covering my lap with couch pillow.

"You're not hungry ?" she asks. I act like I'm too serious watching news on television that I don't answer her. Of course I'm starving, but not with food. Especially not with a bowl of cereal.

I sip my coffee while glancing at Jennifer who reaches my bowl and starts eating it. A track of milk running from her mouth. I want to lick it and kiss her lips again. Hell.. I want to have sex with her again. But I restrain my self. She doesn't seem to have the same arrouse to me. She called me maniac last time we had sex. I don't want to be the crazy sex addict while she has to do it because she is forced to.

"Look.. I'm sorry about the omelette, okay ? Please don't be mad at me," she suddenly says to catch my attention.

"I'm not," I tell her. Sipping my coffee.

"It's only 9 AM. Restaurants only open at 11 AM," she continues.

"That's okay. Coffee is good for me," I say without turning my face to her. I'm afraid she can see my desire.

"Here.. have a cereal.. " she says, handing a spoonful of cereal in front of my mouth.

"No. I don't want to. You eat it," I turn her down then push her away from me. She shrugs before eating the cereal again. I sigh then fixing my sit position to make my buddy more comfortable. She puts down the bowl with loud voice. I glance at it. It hasn't been finished. "Why don't you finish it ?" I ask.

"Who wants to eat cereal, right ?" despite answering, she asks me a question. She moves closer to me by half jumping. I feel my body gets tense. "You know what I really want to eat now ?" she asks another question.

"Omelette ?" I answer randomly. She shakes her head, lifts her gaze to my eyes then drops it to the pillow on my lap.

"Sausage," she says. "Big delicious sausage." she licks her lips. "With two eggs." She looks me in the eyes with meaningful gaze. "May I ?"

Of course her request is always a rhetoric one as she already take away my pillow and gulps to see a bulge hiding under my boxer. She tries to take down my boxer. I halt her. "Let me do it. Please.."

I finally let her take down my boxer. I can feel a blush appears on both of my cheeks due to ashame to show her my erection. But she doesn't comment anything. She looks nervous. "It's my first time," she utters in honest.

"You don't have to do it," I say to her.

"I want to. It'my appologethic act," she insists.

"I don't want your appology. I'm not even mad .."

She rounds her fingers around my buddy and rubs it gently. The sensation immediately rushes to my brain.

"At you.." I finish my sentence after I gasp. I grab her hand. "What do you up to ? I told you I'm not mad at you."

"I want to try everything. We did sex.. a lot. I want to learn how to blow job," she answers. Her eyes show determination. So, I'm her laboratory frog. She does it because she wants to learn, not because she is addicted to me. I finally release her hand.

"Should I assess you also then ?" i ask.

"No. Just enjoy it and.. don't make bad comment about it," she answers.

"I won't," that's the only thing I can say to her. She moves her hand up and down. I sigh. "It's good," I say to her.

She then lick the head of my buddy. It gets tenser because of it. She puts it in her mouth and slides it out of her mouth. I groan. The pleasure relaxes me.

"What should I do with my tongue ?" she asks. I rub her hair gently.

"You can do whatever you like with it, Baby," I say. I lay my head back and close my eyes, ready to enjoy whatever she does.

She kisses the head again, then trailing down her kiss until the base of my shaft. From there she licks my shaft, twirling her tongue while her fingers play with my balls. She puts my shaft inside her mouth. She tries to put it all in, but she cough. My head touches her throat.

"Don't force, Baby. You're doing great," I say to her. She pulls it out half of it, makes sure her sensual lips touch all of my nerves, then pushes it down again. She repeats the act, combines it with twirls and sucks.

My hand is no longer rubbing her hair. Instead my left hand pushes her head to take it deeper and my right covering my mouth. Red hot flushes all over my face.

I can't stand for doing nothing like this anymore. I turn her body so she sits on top of my nose. Then I begin to lick her opening. She gasps, but continues to play with my shaft.

I also play with hers. My tongue inserts her cave, teasing it with few flicks at every nook and crane. She screams, but it is muffled due to her full mouth. I continue thrusting her cave with my tongue and fingers. Not long, I thrust in her mouth with the same rythm as my tongue thrusts her cave.

She comes. Her fluid flooding all over my face. I don't care. I lick it dry as much as I can while keep thrusting her mouth. She is overwhelmed now, just opening her mouth while I thrust in and out.

As much as I like her teeth rub and tingle my shaft nerves, I prefer to be in her cave. I turn her body again so her face is facing me. I put both my hands at each side of her face then kiss her hard.

"I want to fuck you real bad now. I want to fuck you all day long. I want you to be my breakfast, lunch, dinner, supper, and snacks in between them," I tell her the truth. "It's scary. I never felt this way before. I never knew I'm a sex addict," I gulp my saliva down. "So.. if you mind about it, tell me now so I can leave, because I can't hold it any longer."

She looks at me in the eyes. "Just.. fuck me as many as you like," she hisses with eyes full of desire. This woman..

I munch her lips and penetrate her cave at once. From there, we can not stop. We make love over and over with every positions and styles that are possible. And she is pretty flexible to do all of them.

We moan, groan, scream. I leave love marks all over her body while she leaves scratches on my back and butt. I lost count how many I cum, and my buddy is still craving for her while she also keeps asking for more. So I just keep pounding her until finally I fall asleep on top of her after my last orgasm with my buddy still inside her.


"Wake up, Baby " A soft whisper to my ear wakes me up. When I open my eyes I see her face smiling so brightly infront of me. She is no longer under me, though. In fact she squats beside me.

"Hey.." My sleepy brain can only respond with that.

"I need to take a bath," she says. She already wears bath robe. Her hair is put in a bun.

"Can I join you ?" I ask. She kisses me.

"Of course. But I ordered pizza for our dinner. I need your help to take it in first. Then you can join me taking a bath," she says.

"Dinner ? What time is it now ?"

"Six," she answers. Last time I recall it was only 9 AM. "Is it okay ?" she asks for my confirmation.

"Sure. You go ahead take a bath " I say then kiss her.

After she left, I slowly get up from the carpeted floor, and wearing my shirt and boxer that are on the couch. The room's air is thick with sex smell. I open the window to have a fresh air enters the room.

I decide to tidy the room a bit to distract my desire. I put pillows that all over the floor back to their place. I grab the cereal bowl and our coffee mugs, put their content to the trash bin in the kitchen, and put them in the dish washer. Front door bell rings.

I walk to the front door and see the pizza delivery guy infront of the intercom monitor. I open the door, and receive the large size pizza before giving the guy a tip.

When I'm about to close the door, I see a file box on the floor next to the door. I see the attourney's logo on the lid of the box and it is clearly directed to Jennifer. So I bring it inside, it maybe her homework that is sent by her coworker. The box is heavy.

I put the pizza box on top of it and carry it two hands. I close the door with my leg walk to the living room and put both boxes on coffee table.

My stomach is starving. I open the pizza box. Salami and cheese. Not bad. I take a piece of the pizza and sit on the couch. The dish washer makes a 'ding' noise telling me that it's done its job. I let it. I want to eat my pizza first.

It is now very quiet, except for a ticking sound. At first, I thought it is the ticking of the clock in the room until I see that her clock is digital. It doesn't tick.

I listen closely. The ticking sound comes from the file box. My heart pounds so fast. I slowly open the lid, making sure no cable attaches to it to trigger explossion.

When I finally open the lid, what I was afraid of becomes reality. There is a bomb inside the box. It has timer on top of it. I lift the box, thinking to throw it outside from the window. But all of her windows have grille. Shit! 30 seconds left.

Hurrily. I put the bomb inside the dish washer and run to the bath room that is inside her bed room. I close the bed room door.

"Dive!! There's a bomb !!" I tell her while entering the bathroom.

What ?!?!" she asks in confused. I pull off the bathroom door with a strength coming out of no where. With the door on top of my head, I walk to the bath tub. 10, 9. 8.. I count inwardly.

"Hold your breath and dive under water now!!" I shout at her while go inside the bath tub. 3. I lay on top of her. 2. I cover ourselves with the door. 1. I dive into the water. BOOM !!!