It's A Setup

I close the glass door of Mr. Chekhovsky's office after I turn on the shield that now making all glass walls of it are one-sided. No one can see it from outside.

I stand on the outside of the office, right in front of the door, listen to the conversation happens inside. Yes, I put a tapper inside the office. Since I am the one who responsible for the security of Mr. Chekhovsky's private office, I can easily do so.

"You have to trust me, Artur. I'm not the one who steal the weapons," Mr. Sternov tries to convince Mr. Chekhovsky.

"I have all the evidences that say the other way around," Mr. Chekhovsky says in cold tone.

"Artur.. I've been nothing but loyal to you for the last 20 years. Why would I in my right mind turn my back on you over some stupid weapons ?" Mr. Sternov gives an argument.

"You tell me.. why ? Why Valentin ? After all I have provided for you.."

"That's what I want to tell you!! There is no way I would betray you!"

"Unless you want to start your own empire behind me."

"No! It's never crossed my mind.."

"You know all inside my business. All tricks, connections, everything! And I am old now.."

"No, you are as healthy.."

"You know I am sick in mind! My paranoid is getting worse.."

"That's it, Artur. You are being paranoid. That's all.."

"I thought I was only being paranoid until I have the evidence." A click sound is heard, followed by a conversation in a recording

[What do you want ?] Johnson's voice is heard

[I want the name and contact of person who order you to steal weapons at the port almost a week ago] My voice.

[Not a chance]

[I know you have used few of this already. It's a good stuff, isn't it ? I can tell by only looking at its color and texture. But you used it too little. You do know that the harder you exhale the harder you inhale, right ? You wanna talk ?]


"That man was lying!" Mr. Sternov screams in anger.

"Then my man found the weapons in one of your warehouse," Mr. Chekhovsky says intimidatedly.

"No! It can't be!!"

"I am so mad at you, Sternov. I can't believe you betrayed me!"

"i am NOT!! It is a setup ! Please, Artur, You have to .."

Two hisses sound of muffled gun silents Mr. Sternov's words. I shut my eyes tight, feeling sorry for Mr. Sternov. But what is needed to be done, has to be done.

"Chang !" Mr. Chekhovsky shouts to call me. I open the door behind me. Mr. Chekhovsky is standing behind his desk, cleaning his gun while Mr. Sternov's body lies on the white carpet. Blood starts flowing from the hole on his forehead.

"Y..Yes, Sir," I answer in stammered.

"Call the cleaner," he orders me while walking out of the office. "Then prepare your men for a guest protocol on east tower. I need to talk to my lawyer," he adds.

"Yes, Sir," I respond, quickly calling the cleaner company that has always been the one that clean Mr. Chekhovsky's mess. Murder mess, to be precise.


I close the door of my apartment slowly. Jennifer wakes up and points a gun at me in instant from my couch. "Oh, it's you!" she says in relieved. Fear is all over her face.

I kiss her. "You are safe here. The door can be opened only by you, me, and Andy. It is secured by retina recognition systems," I say to her then grab her gun. "Where is Andy ?"

"Buying dinner," Jennifer answers.

"He didn't read my message. I bought Thai food already," I utter, lifting a package of food that I carry.

"He read it. He just doesn't like Thai food," Jennifer responds, taking the package from my hand to plate it.

"Who said he is invited to our dinner ?" I ask. I message Andy, telling him to take the dinner home.

"Don't be so cruel to him. Andy is really a nice person," Jennifer says, bringing the food to the coffee table.

"Should I be jealous now ?" I ask teasingly.

"What ?"

"You like Andy."

Jennifer laughs. "You're the one who said he is gay. Why should you be jealous to him ?"

"I'm not," I say, start eating the pad thai with chopstick. then pick some and feed Jennifer. "So, how is your day ?"

"My ID is finally done. Tomorrow Andy promises to take me to the bank to take care of my cards." I respond her answer with couple of nods since my mouth is full. "How is work ?"

"Nothing much. Still on progress."

"Andy said you work alone on this project. What kind of project .." I sneeze. "Bless you." I sneeze again. "Are you okay ?"

"Yeah. I think I got pepper in my throat," I answer her, walking to my kitchen to grab a bottle of beer. "You want some ?" I offer her. She nods so I grab one more bottle then back to the couch. "I'm thinking of another theory of your case," I tell her.

"What is it ?"

"We've checked on the defendants, but not the victims."

"What do you mean ?"

"It is quite a far-fetch. I'm just thinking.. is it possible that it is done by a relative of victim from your lost case ?"

Jenifer looks at me with bulge eyes. "But.. but.. I can't be blamed for that! Right ?" Her eyes begins to teary.

"Of course it's not your fault," I say to her while embrace her. "But maybe.. just maybe.. the person with no right mind is so angry about the lost case then they blame it on you."

"That can't be.." she whispers.

"I know. But we need to make sure of it," I whisper back to her, making the circling move again.

"If it's true.. that's... horrible," she says.

"Don't worry. I will find the person who did it. Okay ?"

She nods then kisses me. "Thank you," she whispers then kisses me again.


I drop my body beside Jennifer after I finished pump all my juice in the condom. After throwing that rubber protection on trash bin, I pull Jennifer into my arm.

"It was fantasric," she sleepily utters, placing her head above my armpit.

"You tired ?" I ask. She nods. "Let me wash you up," I tell her. She shakes her head.

"I will take a shower in the morning. Right now I just wanna snuggle in you."

I chuckle then kiss her head. Shortly, her breath is already even. A short vibrate comes from the phone on the bed corner.

[Everything's good ? - YC]

[As planned]


[Next Week. Prepare your self]

I switch my phone off and put it back on the bed corner. I sigh heavily. Yvette Chekhovsky. Daughter of Mr. Chekhovsky. Do you remember the woman who confessed that she hated her father ? One who I also kissed in front of the church due to canceled her being executed. Yes, that is Yvette who ordered Rocky Johnson stole her father's illegal weapons.

She hates her father once she found out that her father supplies weapons to terrorists. She wanted to tell it to the police, but then her older brother, Mikhail threatened her by hiring an assassin. So she tried to sabotage her father and brother's businness. That's her story. Somehow, I believe her.

So, I made a deal with her. I set a scenario that put the blame on Mr. Sternov and made the paranoid Mr. Chekhovsky suspects his son will betray him. On the other hand, she has to let me kill her father. It is simply "kill or be killed" situation, so she has no other option than to agree with me.