Unexpected Guests

Because of the shout, my sight is immediately going to Mrs. Rauss. She stands with arms spread beside her body, a wide happy smile on her face like expecting someone to hug her. Beside her is a younger woman, Eastern, frowned eyebrows are appeared on her face.

I ignore them, instead approaching Jennifer with wide steps.

"Are you nuts ?!" I bark at Jennifer. My hands grab her shoulder, pull her away from the two unexpected guests to stand against the wall between two windows. I make sure my body covers her fully.

"She said.."

"I don't care what she said !"

"But she said she's your mom !"

"Are you out of your mind ?!?! I have no mom!"

"Well, how should I know.."

"I forbade you to open the door!! For any reason at any time !!"

"But I.."

"Which part of the order that you don't get ??!! Or you just want your self to get killed ?!!"

"No !"

"Then why did you open the door ??!!!"


"Not only opened the door for strangers, you let them in!!! For Satan's sake, HOW STUPID CAN YOU BE, WOMAN !!!"

"I know her !!"

"What ?!?!"

"I know Mrs. Rauss, okay!" Jennifer tells me with loud and high voice to overcome my voice. "She is my mom's best friend," she adds, "That's why.."

"So you used her !!" I shout at Mrs. Rauss as my head turns to her.

"What.. what do you mean ?" Mrs. Rauss asks me in confused.

"You used her to come to me!" I accuse Mrs. Rauss directly.

"Nooo!! I was not.."

"What do you want from me ?!?!"

"I.. I just.." Mrs. Rauss can't finish her words as she is trembling in fear.

"Babe, please.." Jennifer struggles to get away from me.

"No! You stay behind me! You hear me?!" I forbid her. I push her chest with one hand to make sure she stays where she is.

"Okay, I promise," Jennifer obeys me.

I let go of her, keep her behind my back as a gun pointing at the two women. Their eyes bulges in shocked and fear.

Mrs. Rauss' body suddenly drops on the floor as she loses her consciousness. The woman next to her screams in panic and Jennifer immediately runs to Mrs. Rauss before my hand has a chance to grab her. "Aunt Joanna!!"


Half an hour later, things are going down in my apartment as Mrs. Rauss finally gains back her consciousness. She is half lying on the couch, leaning on the woman who comes with her. Jennifer helps her drinking her hot tea. I stand across the coffee table, watching them with a gun on my hand.

"Would you mind putting your gun down ?" Jennifer asks me with a dagger sharp glare.

"Yes, I mind" I refuse in short. I moves my sight to Mrs. Rauss. "Start talking !"

"Scott, pleasee.." Jennifer begs me for not being that rude. I ignore her.

"You have five minutes to explain, then you both can be out of here, alive or dead."

"Scott Bennet!!" Jennifer condemns me.

"That's.. that's okay, Jen.." Mrs. Rauss calms her with a stammered voice. Her face is still as white as paper, but she is being a wife of a general without no reason. She gains her calmness and confidence back.

"I came here immediately after I finally knew where you live. I need to make sure that I'm not crazy or hallucinating, so I brought Lily with me. If there is one person knows you so well other than me and your father, is her, your fiancee."

"Fiancee.. ?" Jennifer asks in surprised.

"You are crazy, Woman !" I bark to Mrs. Rauss in anger. "I told you last time, and I will tell you again, I am NOT your dead son," I utter to her with cold voice. .

"My name is Scott Bennet. It has always been Scott Bennet ever since I was born. One person who should know best about who I am is ME, not you, or even a complete stranger who claims herself as my fiancee," I say to her.

I step toward Jennifer and grabs her to keep her stands behind my back again. "Now cut the bullshit and tell me why do you want to kill Jennifer ?!"

"What ?!?!? NO!! Who wants to.."

"TALK !!!"

"I swear to.."

I pull the trigger to release a bullet that flies just an inch against her left ear. Both women scream in panic, duck, and cover their heads in the same instant.

"The next bullet will be on your head," I say to her.

"Quint, ple.."

"I'M SCOTT!!!"

"Please, Qui.. Scott.. please.. I don't want to hurt Jennifer, even less murder her."

My finger is in front of the trigger again, ready to shoot.

"Pleeaseeee... I didn't even know she lives hereee before.. pleasee.. you have to believe mee!! Jeeenn.. pleasee.."

"Babe, stop it!! Stop it!!" Jennifer suddenly stands in front of my gun.

"JEN !!"

"Babe, I believe her words.. okay.. please.. put your gun down and let them leave," Jennifer begs me.

"Jen, they might be the one.."

"Babe.. she is my mom's best friend!! I've known her since my childhood. There is no way they want me dead."

"People change.."

"Come on, Babe.. Trust me on this. Please.." Jennifer slowly put her hand in front of my gun's mouth. I look her in the eyes, trying to communicate my disapproval, but she insists her own thought. I eventually let the gun down.

"Go !" I bark at the two women.

The young woman stands up then helps Mrs. Rauss to stand. They slowly walk side by side to my front door. Then the young woman turns her body to face me and Jennifer.

"I.. I want to say something.. before I leave," she says in fear. She gulps a couple of times before continues her words. "I.. I came here only because of my high respect to Mrs. Rauss, my ex future mother in law.."

"What's your point, Miss ?" I cut her. She gulps again.

"I believed Quint was died. So I came here, only to convince her that she was wrong. When.. when I saw you entered this door, I believed you are not him. You are physically different from him. Even your voice is different. But.. when you walked, how you grabbed her, covered her behind you to keep her safe, how you bark, how you angry.. They.. they were all.. reminded me of him."

The young woman stares at me. "We.. I mean Quint and I.. we were friends from the beginning. We.. were from the same country, we fought hell together. We came to this country together, being adopted by two families who are relatives. We grew up together, fell in love, and then engaged.. before.."

She smiles and shakes her head like removing a bad thought out of her head. "Anyway.. Quint had a birthmark on his butt.. like a thumb icon," she chuckles, "I used to tease him that it was God's approval of creating him."

"Scott doesn't have a birthmark on his butt," Jennifer says. The young woman nods.

"His.. sorry to say this.. his balls are slightly not even," the young woman continues that makes my face hot flush.

"That's enough!" I cut her. "I am not Quint. I may have similar behavior, but I am not him. Quint might have you as his fiancee, but you are not my fiancee. I have Jennifer as my girlfriend here, so I ask you to stop making her discomfort by talking private matters as if I am him."

The young woman nods in understanding then opens the door with her gloved hand, letting Mrs. Rauss to come out of it first.

"Oh, one more thing.. if I may," the young woman halts her move and turns her head to us.

"Quint used to be bullied by his friends when he was young. They called him Quite Rauss, since he is not a Rauss by blood. So he is only quite a Rauss, not a full Rauss. You know what I mean ? He didn't mind, though. Instead he used it as his nickname."

The young woman stares at me. I think she expects me to react on her last information, but I only stare at her blankly.

"I shall leave then," she says then thinly smiles before steps outside and closes the door.