Meticulous Mastermind

"What ?!?!"

"I heard someone is trying to break in the front door," She repeats. Her face in full of fear.

"There is no way.."

"I'm not lying!" Jennifer insists. To see her freak out face, I wake up from my bed, open my drawer to take a gun out from it.

With Jennifer behind me, I walk on to the living room that is already dark. There is noise outside, like someone is trying to grub up my door.

"See.. I told you..," Jennifer hisses. She immediately in silent once I put my index finger on my lips.

After telling her to stay where she is with hand signal, I walk onto my front door and peek out from the peekholes.

I immediately open the door just wide enough for my gun pointing out. "Whoever you are, leave and never come back!" I tell the man with a low cold tone.

The man immediately raises his hand. "I.. I thought this.. this is my unit," he says in stammered. I can smell scent of alcohol coming from his breath.

"Who sent you ?" I ask.

"No.. No one!" he says in fear. "I live here.. I swear!! You can call Mr. Huggins to confirm. I live at 1104," he adds. It is two floors down below.

"I thought this is my unit, but my key couldn't open the door. I thought it was broke.."

"Go.. NOW", I say to him.

"I'm sorry.. I'm sorry..," he says before runs for his life. I close the door and put the extra locks on. When I turn my body around, Jennifer is hiding under my study desk.

"He left already," I tell her, putting my firearm on the study desk and bend down under the table. "You can come out now."

"Who is he ?" she asks, refusing to come out.

"A drunken neighbor who took the wrong floor," I explain to her.

"And you just believed him ?" she asks. I shrug.

"I've met him few times before in this building," I tell her, reaching my hand to her, "Come out. It's okay now."

Doubtfully she reaches my hand then comes out of her hiding.

"I can't live like this forever," she sighs, letting her self in my embrace.

"It won't be long. I promise you," I say, circling my palm in her back.


[Does it work, Boss ?] Bob messages me.

[Works like a charm] I reply to him, raising my head a bit so I can see Jennifer's back in between the pillows that was set up by her as a term so she agreed to sleep on my bed.

[That's great. Enjoy your night, Boss]

[Thanks. Good Night]

I clear all Bob's messages before putting my phone on my night stand.

The incident that just happened was not purely a coincidence. Bob ordered his man to pretend to be the drunken neighbor to scare Jennifer.

I know that you might think I did it so I can make a move again to her. I tell you now that you are wrong, pervert readers!

As much as her body always, literally all the time, arouses me, I respect her decision to refuse having sex with me because of my decision not to establish our relationship.

I sigh. She won't forgive me if she knows I trick her like this. But at least she is safer now and I can ease my mind knowing she is only a reach away.

I really need to catch the mastermind as soon as possible so she can have her normal life back. Al though it means, she will not be around anymore. A slight of sadness leaks into my heart, but I quickly drives it away. "It is for the best," I convince my self inwardly.


"Have you set up the frequency ?" Thief asks me over the phone.

"Yes," I answer her al though the voice that comes out is not my voice. It's Sebastian's voice to be exact.

Thief managed to get his voice frequencies from a video record when he declared his action. I use those frequencies on her voice imitator device. Thief is so excited to know that finally her invention is put to use.

"You really sounded like him," Thief praises me smugly. I guess, she praises her genius self.

"Okay. You need to talk to him at least ten minutes so I can track his location over his cellular transmitter," Thief says to remind me again. After that we end our conversation.

I take Sebastian's cellular that I just received this morning. I redial the last number it's called and clear my throat while waiting my call to be picked.

"Hello," A voice on the other line greets me. It's the same voice that called me that night. All my muscles get intense. "Hello ?" He repeats.

"It's me," I tell him.

"Oh..Sebastian ?"

"Of course.. I wanna rep.."

"Tell me.. is the hummingbird still singing ?" This guy suddenly ask a weird question. Shit! I realize it's a code, and I don't know what the code is.

I immediately hang up the call and condemn my self. This man is really meticulous.

The phone on my hand rings again. It's from the same number. He knows that one who called him was not Sebastian. I as well lure him long enough so Thief can find his location.

"Hello," I answer, still with Sebastian's voice.

"Who is this ?" he asks sternly.

"Who wants to know ?" I ask back.

"Where is Sebastian ?" He asks, ignoring my question.

"Somewhere peaceful.. or not," I tell him.

"What do you want ?"

"I know who you are.." I bluff. He laughs.

"You lie. I know Sebastian well. He won't rat about me."

"How can you be so sure ? He gave me his phone so I can call you," I urge my bluff.

"Because he would rather died than to have his daughter mutilated," the man utters casually. I gasp silently. So he is not only hired Sebastian but also threatened him by hostaging his daughter.

"Whatever reason you have to kill Jennifer McCourtney, you better call it off," I say to him.

"Or what.. ? You're going to kill me ?" He mockingly laughs at me. "You don't even know me," he continues his laughter. I suppress my anger, just letting him finish his laughter. The longer it is the better for me.

"On the other hand," He is finally done laughing, "I know who you are now.. Mr. Scorpion." I gasp. Shit!!

"You are the only assassin I called before Sebastian," he cuts me then laughs again. "You should just told me that McCourtney is your girlfriend instead gave me bullshit about your code of ethics," he says in mocking tone.

"No wonder Sebastian had trouble getting on her. She has her own guardian assassin. But that's okay, Mr. Scorpion, it's just making it more interesting. Just guard your beloved Jennifer with all your power, I will still be able taking her from you," He says. Before I can respond. he ends his call. Damn!!

"Tell me you have his location," I ask Thief the moment she picks up my call.

"I'm sorry," she utters.

"Damn it!!" I curse.

"Even if it's long enough, it won't help much. He was moving. Seeing from the speed. he was on an airplane, maybe private jet."

"Can't you do something about it ? Hacking the air traffic control to know the owner of the airplane.. or something..?"

"I can.."

"Do it. please!"


"He recognized me, Thief. He knew I am Scorpion and instead of giving up. he challenged me. This guy is crazy and dangerous." I pursue Thief.

"Okay, I will help you.."

"Thank you.." I say in relieved.

"But it will take time," She says. I agree. "Meanwhile, keep her safe," she adds.

"I will."
