Be A Sloth

"AAARGH!!" I shout, not in pain but to let go mu frustration. Since I know that the electrocute shock won't hurt me physically, I totally ignore the pain. But this.. have to be slower than sloth is really getting my nerve.

"I give up!" I burst out.

"You can't give up," Master Long's voice is heard. "Unless you wanna trap in here forever," he adds.

" I can't be slower than sloth"

"You don't have to be slower than sloth. Just don't be faster than it."

I huff, saying no word except, "Again !"

It starts all over again. For the umpteenth times, I fail even before I made my first step.

"I don't even know how slow is the sloth. Give me time to learn.."

"You don't need to know. Just be a sloth."

"What ??!'

"Yes. Be a sloth, then you will definitely have its speed." Master Long says it like it is as easy as breathing.

"Do you think it's easy to convince my brain to be a sloth ?"

"Well.. why is it hard ?"

"Because I am NOT A SLOTH!" I burst out again. "Beside.. nothing good can come out for me being a sloth."

"Well, that's why you keep failing this level, because you resist being that slow."

"What's good being slow anyway ?" I ask.

"What do you think my age is ?"

"70.. 80 ?"

"I am 124"

"Wow !!" This old man is really old.. "That's because you being a sloth ?"

"One of the reason, Yes," he says. "When you slow down, you can observe everything around you and within you better. You can do anything with a full mind thus have the best result of what you do."

"But I'll be left behind.."

"I'm not telling you to be a sloth all the time. But the ability to tell your brain to really slow down will help it take a break and rest."

I feel like I have a light bulb turned on inside my brain. Being a sloth might keep my brain away from explode. That is exactly what I was looking for, right ?

"Again!" I say, this time with full determination and positive attitude.

Still, it is not easy to convince my brain that I am a sloth. I lost count of how many I failed before I am now currently running side by side with the sloth. I can see the finish line right in front of me. It is only few steps away..

"Mr. Bennet.. Mr. Bennet," somebody calls my name while shaking my shoulder. Slowly, I open my eyes. Han's rounded face is in front of me.

"Why were you sleeping here ?" he asks.

"What.. Why.." I rub my eyes. "How long did I sleep ?"

"I don't know. I just found you here and woke you up," Han answers.

So that long training was only a dream ? I ask inwardly.

"Master Long told me to give you this," Han says, handing me a tiny paper.

I receive and read it. Congratulation. It is written on the paper. My mood is automatically boosted up. It was not a dream.

"Where is he now ?" I ask Han.

"Master Long left early in the morning to catch up plane to Mainland," Han answers.

It's too bad I can't say my gratitude to him personally.

"Are you okay ?" Han asks. I nod then get up off the floor. Fortunately Master Long didn't forget to set my body free before hr left.

"Please tell him my thank..."

I halt my words, seeing a knife, spear, and some kind of energy ball coming toward Han's back out of nowhere.

"Watch out!" I warn Han then in a split second whisper to my self, "fighter jet."

Those three weird things and Han suddenly stop moving. I change the directions of knife and spear to the floor. Since I can't touch the energy ball, I finally jump on Han to move him away from it

Less than a second after I said "Human", a loud explosion is heard and the wall near where Han was standing is crumbling a little bit.

"What.. What happened ?!" Han asks in total shock.

I'm about to answer him when suddenly I hear a giggling voice of Master Long in my ear, "Hehehe... Great reaction Mr. Bennet. You passed the test !"

I bulge my eyes in disbelief.